[ MGM Grand Garden Arena ] Las Vegas, Nevada


TAPED: Feb. 10, 2010
AIRED: Mar. 24, 2010
PPV: Sin City Showdown

(The ring crew for Sin City Showdown quickly run down the rampway holding a makeshift table. Both the EPW and New ERA announce teams get walk up the steps and enter the ring.  New ERA ring announcer Jamie Links and Empire Pro ring announcer Tony Fatora stand in the middle of the ring.)

LINKS:  "Ladies and gentlemen.. up next … we will determine which announce team will call tonight’s … MAIN EVENT!"

FATORA:  "One man will be selected from each team to represent their partners … in … a poker game!"

LINKS:  "Each competitor will be given $100 in chips to bid.. and whichever representative wins it all … will take their place at the announce table .. to call the WAR GAMES MATCH!"

Place Your Bets

(SFX:  Huge pop.)

FATORA:  "Empire Pro .. please select your representative."

(Dean Matthews, Dave Thomas and Mike Neely huddle up.  After a few seconds of discussion, Dean Matthews steps forward.)

FATORA:  "Representing Empire Pro Wrestling … "The Show Stealer"Dean Matthews!"

LINKS:  "New ERA.. please select YOUR representative."

(Dean Julius and Tom Gheorghe turn to talk.. as they do, Nick Jive steps forward and takes a seat at the table, leaving them stunned.)

LINKS:  "….. Representing New ERA of Wrestling …. Nick … JIVE!"

(Gheorghe and Julius yell at Jive .. but he waves them off.)

LINKS:  "Dealer.. deal the first hand please!"

(The dealer takes cards from the machine and hands them to Jive and Matthews.)

MATTHEWS:  "I hope you’re ready, Jive."

JIVE:  "I’ve already packed your suitcase for the flight home."

(The cards are dealt and the dealer waits for Matthews to make his initial bid.)

MATTHEWS:  "What’s the minimum opening bid?"

DEALER:  "There are no blinds, minimum bids in $5 increments."

(Matthews takes a five dollar chip and tosses it in front of him.)

MATTHEWS:  "Five bucks."

(Jive looks down at his cards and then at Matthews.)

JIVE:  "Five bucks."

(The dealer deals the flop.  Five of hearts.  Two of Clubs.  Ace of Spades.)

MATTHEWS:  "Check."

(Jive breaks a smile.)

MATTHEWS:  "What?"

JIVE:  "Nothing.. Nothing."

(Jive takes a chip in his hand and plays with it.)

JIVE:  "10 bucks."

(Matthews looks down at his cards and at the flop.)


(Matthews throws his cards in.)

MATTHEWS:  "Fold."

(The dealer takes the cards and waits to deal more.)

FATORA:  "Nick Jive taking the first hand .. and now he’s up $105 to Matthews’ $95."

LINKS:  "From what I hear Dean Matthews is a pretty sharp player.. Might have been smart not to give too much away in the beginning."

(The dealer hands out the cards.  He looks at Jive.)

DEALER:  "Your bid, sir."

(Jive smiles.)

JIVE:  "10."

(Jive tosses the chip in front of him.)

FATORA:  "And Nick Jive taking the initiative in the beginning."

(Matthews looks at his cards and shakes his head in disgust.)

MATTHEWS:  "Fold."

(The dealer once more takes the cards.)

LINKS:  "And that’s two in a row for Jive, although without any blinds, the chip total stays the same."

(The dealer hands out a third set.)

DEALER:  "Mr. Matthews."

(Matthews looks down and taps the back of his cards.)

MATTHEWS:  "10."

(He tosses the chips in.)

DEALER:  "Mr. Jive?"

(Without hesitation, Jive tosses a $10 chip in.)

JIVE:  "Call."

(The flop.  Two of Hearts.  Two of Spades.  King of Diamonds.)

JIVE:  "20."

FATORA:  "And here we go!  The pot up to $40 at least."

(Matthews grabs a $20 and calls.)

MATTHEWS:  "You want to play hot shot?"

JIVE:  "I don’t play, Matthews."

(The dealer puts down another card… Ten of Diamonds.)

JIVE:  "Whatcha gonna do brother .. when Nick Jive runs wild over you?"

(Jive tosses in $50.)

FATORA:  "WOW.  Huge bid from Jive… I think we’re past bluffing now, Jamie."

LINKS:  "Dean Julius and Tom Gheorghe are standing in the corner with their heads in their hands .. they do not look pleased at all."

MATTHEWS:  "Call."

FATORA:  "Dean Matthews calls .. and he’s down to $10!"

(The dealer flips over the last card… and it’s the Jack of Diamonds. Nick Jive breaks into a HUGE smile.)

DEALER:  "Mr. Ji…"


(SFX:  The crowd pops!!!)

FATORA:  "Wow Jive just went all in!"

LINKS:  "Gheorghe and Julius just had their jaws hit the floor.  Jive could have bid $10 and kept some of his chips just in case.. but instead, he went for the killing blow!"

(Dean Matthews takes his last $10 chip and taps it on the table .. without taking his eyes off Nick Jive, he tosses it in the middle.)

MATTHEWS:  "Call."

(The dealer, seeing that all the money is in the middle, takes it to his side.  He then looks at both men.)

LINKS:  "I .. don’t even know what either man has right now.. but it has to be good."

DEALER:  "Please reveal your hands."

(Dean Matthews winks at Jive before tossing his hand in the middle of the table, faces up.)


(SFX:  The fans EXPLODE as the Two of Diamonds and Two of Clubs stares up at the camera.)


FATORA:  "Oh man.. look at the New ERA crew, Jamie .. they’re beside themselves!"

(Nick Jive smiles.)

JIVE:  "Nice hand."

(Jive reaches across the table and grabs the King, Ten and Queen of Diamonds.)

DEALER:  "You can’t touch.."

(Jive shoos him away.)

JIVE:  "Ten of Diamonds."

(He puts it down.  He then takes a card from his hand.)

JIVE:  "Jack of Diamonds."

(Jive puts down the Jack of Diamonds on top of the Ten.)

JIVE:  "Queen of Diamonds."

(Jive places the Queen on top of the Jack.)

JIVE:  "King of Diamonds."

(Jive places the King on top of the Queen.)

FATORA:  "No … there’s no way you can beat the four of a kind … except for a ROYAL FLUSH … and Nick Jive has it!! 10, J, Q, and K … and here comes the Ace!"

(Jive smiles as he tosses the final card down. The dealer, Dean Matthews, and the two announce crews stare in disbelief.)


(Matthews looks down … at the four of clubs.)



(The fans in the arena break out into laughter as Nick Jive stands with his arms in the air.)


(Dean Matthews cannot control himself as he falls out of the chair onto the mat howling.)

DEALER:  "…. The winner of this game …"

(Jive throws his hands in the air again and begins pacing around the ring pointing at the crowd.)

DEALER:  "With a four of a kind .. is Dean Matthews… therefore … the Empire Pro Wrestling announce team have won the right to call the main event here tonight at Sin City Showdown!"

(SFX:  Crowd pops!  Nick Jive spins around, his face full of rage.)


(Behind Jive we see Tom Gheorghe physically restraining Dean Julius.)


(Jive looks down at the cards and then at his team. His lip begins to quiver.)

JIVE:  "But … But … I have forty points… I went out…. I win… I WIN."

(Matthews continues to howl on the mat as Mike Neely and Dave Thomas use the ropes to hold themselves up.)

LINKS:  "Ladies and gentlemen... for Dean Julius .. Tom Gheorghe and ….. the Rummy Champion himself, Nick Jive … I am Jamie Links .. and everyone at New ERA of Wrestling wants to wish you a fine rest of the evening .. enjoy the main event!"

(Jive, still pouting and muttering "I had forty points,"is led from the ring by Links.  The ring crew take the makeshift poker table out as the Empire Pro announce team head to the booth.)

War Games

Empire Pro Wrestling (Stevens, First, Winters, Wells & Fusenshoff)
New ERA of Wrestling (Hart, Cruise, Payne, File & Red)

THOMAS:  "What a … card game, eh, Dean?"

MATTHEWS:  "Man, what a loser!"

THOMAS:  "We are watching now as the steel cage descends from the rafters over these two rings .. and welcome to tonight’s main event!"

NEELY:  "Oh god.  I can’t stop.  The look on his face when he thought he won the .. RUMMY match!"

(The crew breaks out in laughter as a giant steel cage begins its slow descent.)

THOMAS:  "And here we are fans, the main event of this giant event, the Sin City Showdown, and now, the War Games between EPW and New ERA."

NEELY:  "I hope the drunk, the maniac who crippled half our locker room, and the emo failure understand how important this match is, Sean Stevens is NOT to be made a fool of by losing this match. The EPW World Champion doesn’t just represent this company, he IS this company, and he’s not going to tolerate any screw ups in this match tonight!"

MATTHEWS:  "I know you love to invoke the pride Stevens has in this company, but I’m going to tell you, tonight will not be an easy road to go down. The men on the other side of that ring are just as determined to send a message to EPW and the rest of the world that New ERA is ready for the big time."

(Bell rings, the crowd starts to buzz.)

FATORA:  "The following contest is the WAR GAMES… Both teams will be locked inside the double steel cage, with eliminations resulting in pinfall or submission, the match will continue until one team has been eliminated!"

(CUEUP:  "Fuck Away The Pain" by Peaches. Peter File comes crawling out towards the ring, a sick smile on his face and a creepy leer for the crowd.)

FATORA:  "On his way to the ring, from New Haven, Connecticut… Weighing in at 225 pounds…. PETER… FILE!!"

(The crowd gives a round of boos as File enters the ring, still with a sick gleam in his eyes. His music fades out. CUEUP:  "Dogs of War" by Pink Floyd. A quick burst of pyro goes off followed by a loud "BOOM" on the final explosion. Jason Payne rushes to the ring, looking determined. )

FATORA:  "Now making his way to the ring, from Payneville, Kentucky…Weighing in at 275 pounds… "THE DOG OF WAR" JASON… PAYNE!!

THOMAS:  "Jason Payne had a lot to say about this match tonight, and well, now he’s going to have to back up the talk."

NEELY:  "This kid is a punk, and tonight Empire Pro is gonna smack him in the mouth."

(Payne hits the cage and stands next to File, waiting for the rest of their team. After a beat Payne’s music fades out. CUEUP:  "Killing In The Name Of" by Rage Against The Machine, drawing a LOUD pop from the crowd.  Cameron Cruise comes through the curtain soaking in the reaction of the crowd, Cruise jogs to the ring.)

FATORA:  "Coming down the aisle, weighing in at 264 pounds, hailing from Jacksonville, North Carolina… CAMERON …. CRUISE!!"

THOMAS:  "Cruise made his shocking return at the end of Aggression 50 just a few hours ago, and laid out both the EPW World Champion Sean Stevens and his former best friend Jared Wells… You can be sure all of team EPW will be gunning for this man tonight."

MATTHEWS:  "You can say that again Dave, The First and Layne Winters have had a lot of choice words for Cruise, as have the two men he attacked earlier tonight. If anyone on team New ERA has a bull’s-eye on their chest, it’s Cameron Cruise."

NEELY:  "And he deserves it, you touch the King’s belt, you pay a terrible price."

(Cruise’s music fades out as he, File, and Payne now stand in the ring, Cruise looking very relaxed for the impending battle.  CUEUP: "Never Wanted To Dance" by Mindless Self Indulgence, The Birthday Massacre Remix. Felix Red walks out, rocking a black leather jacket with "You’ll Be Sorry" in white on the back, long tights with black/blue spirals on the legs. The crowd loud with cheers mixed with some boos as Felix makes his way to the ring, a smirk on his face.)

FATORA:  "Making his way to the ring, from Nowhere, Massachusetts, weighing in at 213 pounds… FELIX … RED!!!"

THOMAS:  "The Boy Who Destroyed the World, he has quite the history with The First, and he’s crossed paths with Sean Stevens, it shall be interesting to see what happens tonight."

NEELY:  "I really have to root for the little idiot over this guy, ugh, my loyal to EPW knows no end… You two owe me dearly."

THOMAS:  "You are a hero to us all Neely."

(Felix’s music fades out, he hands his jacket to a ring attendant and enters the ring, keeping a bit of a distance from the rest of his team.)

THOMAS:  "And now we await the captain of the team the champion of New ERA…"

(CUEUP:  "Nobody Does It Better" by Carly Simon. The crowd LOUD for Shawn Hart as he makes his way to the ring. Hart rocking black leather pants over black ring boots, he high fives the fans on his way to the ring.)

FATORA:  "And finally for Team New ERA… From Orlando Florida, weighing at 223 pounds… The New ERA World Heavyweight Champion… SHAWN … JESSICA …  HART, PEE AYCH DEE!!!"

THOMAS:  "This place is buzzing as Hart gets inside the cage, the New ERA team being asked to step over into the second ring, away from the door of the cage."

NEELY:  "Yeah normally I’d think this was a good thing to have last entrance, show this nickel and dime company who’s the big shots, but I’m not so thrilled about it tonight , they might jump Stevens as he’s going through the cage door and maim him… It’s not fair!"

THOMAS:  "Is your every waking thought about things that could hurt or harm Sean Stevens?"

NEELY:  "If he goes down, this company goes with him, I ain’t going back to Fatburger! No way, no how!"

FATORA:  "And now introducing Team Empire Pro Wrestling!"

(CUEUP: "Wherever I May Roam" by Metallica. Fusenshoff makes his way towards the ring, drawing a good ovation from the crowd.)

FATORA:  "Introducing first, from Kamloops, Canada, weighing in at 263 pounds… FUSENSHOFF!!!"

(Fusenshoff shows no fear of the 5 on 1 odds and jumps into the cage, the refs holding back team New ERA, as Fusenshoff stares them down.)

NEELY:  "Great, this idiot is going to be a hero and get himself maimed… Wait till everyone’s out there before you charge into the cage, you nitwit."

(As Fusenshoff’s music fades out it is quickly replaced as "I Don’t Know Anything" by Mad Season hits the PA.  Layne Winters dashes to the ring, a steel chair in hand, looking to even the odds.)

FATORA:  "His partner from Seattle, Washington, weighing in at 251 pounds… NEW SCHOOL!!! LAYNE ….WINTERS!!"

THOMAS:  "Well Layne Winters didn’t exactly make himself any fans in EPW tonight, now oddly enough, he’s fighting for the company’s honor…"

MATTHEWS:  "Yes, he beat the daylights out of just about anyone he could get his hands on after his loss at the hands of the Heirs of Wrestling, and now well, he’s got to work with 4 other men to bring victory to EPW."

(Crowd gives Winters a chorus of boos, he waves the chair around, daring anyone from New ERA to challenge him. CUEUP: "It Was A Good Day" by Ice Cube. Jared Wells also doesn’t take his time getting to the ring to bolster EPW’s numbers.)

FATORA:  "Making his way to the ring from Baltimore, Maryland weighing in at 254 pounds… JARED ……WELLS!!"

(Wells hits the ring, he focuses in on Cruise right away, the two nearly start the fight early but officials keep Cruise back in his ring.)

THOMAS:  "You can feel the powder keg getting ready to explode… Wells and Cruise had a long partnership, they were more than just an alliance in Anthology, they were best friends, and that all ended when Wells and the rest of Anthology made their deal with Sean Stevens…"

NEELY:  "They made the right call, to hell with Cruise! He’s not even on our side in this match! Screw him!"

THOMAS:  "Well your new-found hatred of Cruise aside, I’d think he’s the one looking for a score to settle, we’ll see if he gets his revenge tonight."

(CUEUP:  "Happy Birthday" by The Birthday Massacre. The crowd pops HUGE as The First, now in Kefka black/white face paint and his normal ring gear, storms towards the ring. He dives into the cage beside his fellow EPW team mates, all of whom keep their gaze upon team New ERA.)

FATORA:  "From Salem, Massachusetts, weighing in at 210 pounds… THE FIRST!!!"

THOMAS:  "The man that I believe should be the EPW World Heavyweight Champion has made his way to the ring, bringing this crowd to its feet!"

NEELY:  "Should be?! He didn’t do anything but make Sean Stevens worry he wouldn’t be fresh enough to properly represent EPW in this match… You don’t get it Dave, Stevens was fighting that match with one arm tied behind his back, EPW means more to him than anything in this world, and he knew this little moron doesn’t care about this company, all he cares about is his personal glory. Stevens ended that match so we’d have a fighting chance in this War Games, and for that I salute him."

THOMAS:  "You are just beyond loathsome Neely…"

(CUEUP:  "King Back" by TI. Sean Stevens, in his black long tights with blue X’s on the legs and seat, makes his way to the ring, slower than the rest of his team, he seems to be sizing up the War Games as he makes his way down the aisle, drawing a LOUD chorus of boos.)

FATORA:  "And the CAPTAIN of Team Empire Pro… He is the EPW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION!  Hailing from Orlando, Florida…. Weighing in at 242 pounds… TRIPLE X!!!! SEAN ….. STEVENS!!!"

THOMAS:  "The EPW World Champion enters the cage… The door shuts…"

(Bell rings, and suddenly New ERA charges into the EPW ring, and the fight is on!)

THOMAS:  "We have a War Games going on and it is truly a war! All ten men in the ring originally where everyone entered from, First and Felix Red paired off in a corner, Felix hammering away with right hands… Shawn Hart and Jared Wells spill into the second ring, they are trading blows. Meanwhile Sean Stevens and Layne Winters have Cameron Cruise trapped in a double team in a corner and now THROW HIM HARD INTO THE CAGE!"

MATTHEWS:  "Cruise the first of what will be many men who taste the steel tonight."

THOMAS:  "Meanwhile Fusenshoff trapped by himself and being beaten down by Peter File and Jason Payne… They now throw Fuse into the second ring and follow after him… Payne and File now whip Fuse into the ropes… Wait! Wells freed himself of Hart and just clipped Payne from behind! File turns to see what happened… GETS A CLOTHESLINE TO THE BACK OF HIS NECK FOR HIS TROUBLES! File trys to get to his feet… Fuse with a kick to the gut… WHISKEY BOMB!!! A QUICK COVER!!






FATORA:  "Peter File has been ELIMINATED!!!"

THOMAS:  "Wow! I don’t believe it, we’re under a minute in and EPW has taken an early lead, Fusenshoff with a lightning like elimination of Peter File!"

NEELY:  "I knew these guys couldn’t hang with us! No mercy boys, we need a clean sweep!"

THOMAS:  "File being helped out of the cage as now Fuse and Wells double teaming Hart, and Hart now sent HARD into the cage… And now having his face ground into the mesh of the fence!"

MATTHEWS:  "Normally Wells and Fusenshoff would be at each other’s throats, but now they are working together to turn Shawn Hart into a bloody mess, Hart now bleeding from being raked across that cage. Felix Red with a shot to the back of Wells gets him off Hart."

THOMAS:  "Stevens in the other ring now taking a series of right hands from Cameron Cruise, Cruise now drives Stevens into the turnbuckle… Now Cruise has that chair Winters brought with him into the cage! CRUISE BLASTS STEVENS WITH THE CHAIR! He covers!







THOMAS:  "Winters with the save, and now Winters stomping away on Cruise. Wells over, and you know he wants to kick Cruise while he’s down… Winters sends Cruise into the ropes… Drop Toe  Hold by Winters… BIG KNEE TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD BY WELLS!"

MATTHEWS:  "For all the hatred and internal conflicts in team EPW, they seem to working as a well-oiled machine for this match."

NEELY:  "Hey, we can’t get shown up by New ERA, are you kidding me?! These guys understand what’s on the line here, they’ll get it done."

THOMAS:  "In the other ring Jason Payne has The First up and SLAMS him to the mat... Payne drops a series of elbows into the chest of First… Payne gets First to his feet and elevates him… GUTWRENCH SUPLEX! Payne with a cover!







THOMAS:  "First kicks out at two!"

NEELY:  "Dammit! As much as I want the sweep, we’re up one, we can afford to shed some dead weight like this idiot!"

THOMAS:  "Winters now whips Hart HARD into the corner…. Hart staggers out, and gets BLASTED by a Clothesline from Winters… Payne from behind with a knee to Winters back, sends him INTO THE CAGE!"

MATTHEWS:  "The Steel doesn’t care if you’re New ERA or Empire Pro, it’s going to hurt you all the same!"

THOMAS:  "Fusenshoff and Sean Stevens now have Felix Red and they place The Boy Who Destroyed The World on the top rope. Both men to the second rope… THEY ELEVATE FELIX… DOUBLE SUPERPLEX!"

MATTHEWS:  "This is why that early elimination of Peter File was so key, EPW has a free man to double team someone on New ERA whenever they want. New ERA is in a bad way, they have to get an elimination to even the odds, or they may well be on the path to defeat."

THOMAS:  "Hart stumbles to his feet Wells grabs him and smashes him into a turnbuckle… Wells now bashes Hart into the cage… NO!! Hart blocks! WELLS HITS THE STEEL!! Wells staggers… INTO A ROLL UP BY HART!







NEELY:  "That sneaky bastard! Trying to steal a pin like that!"

THOMAS:  "I’d say it’s a good plan, New ERA needs a fall in the worst way to even this match up… In the ring where Hart and Wells are Cruise and First just spilled into it… Cruise puts First into the corner… BIG CHOP! (Woo!) and another! First ducked! The Painted Up Freak spins Cruise into the corner and hammers him with a series of right hands. First sends Cruise to the other corner… NO! REVERSED! First jumps to the second rope… CROSS BODY ONTO CRUISE! He Caught FIRST! Wait! Stevens over with a DROPKICK INTO FIRST SENDING HIM DOWN ON TOP OF CRUISE! HE’S GOT THE PIN!







THOMAS:  "Cameron Cruise will not be so easy to defeat, escaping that pin. Stevens now over stomping away on Cruise, Jason Payne blindsides Stevens with a forearm to the back of the head, sending the EPW World Champion staggering."

MATTHEWS:  "In the other ring Felix Red has just caught Fusenshoff with a chair shot! Felix has that chair and he’s just beating the daylights out of Fuse!"

THOMAS:  "That weapon that Winters brought into the ring has now been turned against EPW… Stevens tastes the chair, and now First gets a shot… Winters dropped by the rampage of Felix Red!"

NEELY:  "Damn you Winters, we had this thing all our way till your stupid chair had to get everyone laid out! We lose this it’s on you!"

THOMAS:  "Stevens now being beaten silly by Payne while Cruise now puts the boots to First, and Hart and wells trading shots as Felix throws Fusenshoff into the other ring and sets him up… Felix with a spinning heel kick to the head knocks Fuse down… Felix going to the top… A SHATTERED HORIZON!! NO! Fusenshoff moved! Felix and Fuse now slowly getting to their feet, Stevens with a thumb to the eye on Payne gets himself free, he sets up behind Felix… Felix turns… INTO AN X-FACTOR!! FELIX FALLS INTO FUSE… WHO GRABS HIM… FELIX UP! DOMINATION!!! FUSE WITH A COVER!!







FATORA:  "Felix Red has been ELIMINATED!"

THOMAS:  "Wow! Are you KIDDING me?! Felix Red has just been taken out by Fusenshoff! EPW now with a 5 on 3 edge in this War Games!"

NEELY:  "We’re rolling these chumps, this thing is in the bag!"

THOMAS:  "Cruise from behind on Stevens with a LOW BLOW! Stevens crumples, Fusenshoff charges at Cameron with a clothesline… Cruise ducks, he spins Fusenshoff around… REALITY CHECK OUT OF NOWHERE!!! CRUISE WITH A COVER!!







FATORA:  "Fusenshoff has been ELIMINATED!!"

THOMAS:  "Wow! Just like that Cameron Cruise has REALLY saved New ERA’s bacon! New ERA now only down 4 to 3 here after that lightning like Reality Check and pin on Fusenshoff!"

NEELY:  "Damn that big goofy drunk, I knew he’d screw this up for us... To hell with you Fuse!"

THOMAS:  "He eliminated two people Neely, how can you be mad at him?"

NEELY:  "I wanted the sweep dammit! This is a bunch of crap!"

THOMAS:  "Felix Red and Fusenshoff led out of the cage by the officials and we’re now at a 4 on 3… Wells, First, Winters, and Stevens for EPW, against Cruise, Payne and Hart for New ERA… Cruise stomping away on Stevens… Stevens thrown into the corner…. Wells from behind drops Cruise to his knees with a double ae handle… Now the new leader, and the right hand man of Anthology beating the daylights out of the man who they kicked out of Anthology, stomping Cruise into the mat…"

NEELY:  "Don’t ease up on him, hell I don’t even want him to be pinned, make the ref call it off or tap him out, Cruise needs to pay dearly for the stunt he pulled after ruining Sean Stevens successful championship defense earlier tonight!"

THOMAS:  "Wells and Stevens send Cruise HARD into the cage… Cruise hit one of those metal cross beams right on… Cruise staggers back into Wells who scoops him up… POWERSLAM by Wells… He covers!







THOMAS:  "Payne breaks it up! Stevens quickly on Payne who fires back, rocking the Blue Eyed Bad Ass with a series of right hands."

MATTHEWS:  "Winters in the other ring has Hart rocked after catching Hart setting early for a backdrop… Winters hooks him… HE’S GOT HIM UP… GREEN RIVER JUSTICE!! NO!! HART FIGHTS OUT!! HART WITH A ROLL UP ON WINTERS!!







MATTHEWS:  "First broke up the pin just in time!"

NEELY:  "Man thank goodness… Wait a second, I’m thanking this guy?! Ugh…"

THOMAS:  "Payne and Wells going at it… Wells staggering backwards from a series of rights from Payne… Payne sends Wells into the ropes… SPINEBUSTER! Payne back up… DUCKS AN X-FACTOR FROM STEVENS… EXPLODER SUPLEX ON STEVENS!!  Winters rushes into the ring… Gets kicked in the gut… DOUBLE ARM DDT BY PAYNE!!"

NEELY:  "What the hell got into this guy?! Now he’s a world beater all of a sudden!"

THOMAS:  "Jason Payne laying waste to the Empire Pro Team… Payne now hammering away on The First. Hart now back into things and he and Payne have First trapped in the corner and are stomping him into the ground! ("Put him up on your shoulders," Hart tells Payne.) Hart giving orders and now Payne has First up on his shoulders… Hart to the top… DOOMSDAY DEVICE!!! FIRST DID A 360 IN MID AIR!! PAYNE WITH THE COVER!!








MATTHEWS:  "Winters keeping EPW with the man advantage, a brutal double team move left The First all but out of it. EPW needs to do something to get things back going their way."

NEELY:  "Just let the shrimp go, he’s not good for anything anyhow!"

THOMAS:  "Hart catches Winters with a Superkick! Winters crashes to the mat…In the other ring, Cruise now has Stevens set up… SWINGING NECKBREAKER! Wells back to his feet…. Cruise and Wells now throwing rights and lefts at each other! Cruise off the ropes… CLOTHESLINE… Wells staggers… Cruise back off the ropes… Clothesline… DUCKED! Cruise back the other way… BOTH MEN WITH A CLOTHESLINE AND THEY GO CRASHING DOWN!"

NEELY:  "We’re still up one… Just need to settle this down and press the advantage… Come on guys, don’t let Stevens down!"

THOMAS:  "Payne back to his feet and he grabs The First... and now he’s tying him up in the ropes! First stuck with his arms caught in between the first and second ropes… Payne now with a kick to the gut of Wells and a right hand staggers him… Wells SMASHED INTO THE CAGE… Payne with an INVERTED DDT!! HE COVERS!!







THOMAS:  "The Dog of War is fighting with every fiber of his being to even this match up for New ERA. Payne gives the cut throat sign and now he’s got Wells... PAYNE KILLER!!! NO! STEVENS BREAKS IT UP! Payne took a big shot to the back of the head… He staggers and now turns towards Stevens… X-FACTOR RIGHT ON THE JAW!! PAYNE’S OUT!! THE COVER!!







THOMAS:  "HART WITH THE SAVE!!! At the LAST moment Hart keeps Payne in this match…"

NEELY:  "Hart’s supposed to be on our side, like a double agent or something, what the hell is he doing bailing out Payne like that?!"

THOMAS:  "He’s fighting for his team, like everyone is Neely… Hart still bleeding from that cut he suffered early on in this match… He nails The First with a dropkick right as First freed himself from the ropes. The Phenom now sends The Outcast Hero into the ropes… HART WITH A SPINNING HEEL KICK! First sent crashing to the mat!"

MATTHEWS:  "Hart not sparing his fellow HOPE members, he’s going all out in this match trying to bring a win home to New ERA."

NEELY:  "To hell with that, somebody give him a check, Ryan’s got deep pockets, let’s buy this thing like the Yankees buy World Series!"

THOMAS:  "Hart gets plowed over by Stevens who’s back into the mix here… Cruise follows him and now Hart and Cruise have Stevens hooked… DOUBLE SUPLEX!! AND THEY LANDED HIM ON THE FIRST! CRUISE WITH A COVER ON FIRST!







THOMAS:  "First kicks out! In the other ring, Winters just BASHED Payne’s skull into the cage… Seattle’s  Finest Wrestler gets a waist lock on Payne… GERMAN SUPLEX!! Winters holds on and rolls through… ANOTHER GERMAN SUPLEX!!  WINTERS STILL HOLDS ON… A THIRD GERMAN SUPLEX… HE BRIDGES!!














THOMAS:  "CRUISE DIVING IN BREAKS IT UP!! What a close call there… Hart might still be out of it… Cruise and Wells now trading shots… Cruise staggers Wells lines him up… RUNNING KNEE STRIKE!! NO! Cruise gets his head out of the way… REALITY CHECK!! NO! Wells shoves him off… Cruise charges back in and lands a hard knee to the gut of Wells… Cruise pulls Wells out of the corner… BULLDOGS HIM INTO THE MAT!  Cruise now takes Winters HARD into the cage! Winters dumped out onto the apron as Cruise goes back to Wells."

MATTHEWS:  "In the other ring Stevens and Payne just crashed into each other… Payne was going off the ropes and just clashed heads coming back at Stevens, sending them both down!"

NEELY:  "These guys aren’t even trying to win. New ERA is just trying to tear down EPW via suicide attacks on our World Champion! We never should have agreed to this match in the first place!"

THOMAS:  "First whips Hart into the corner. Hart catches First coming in with boot to the face… Hart quickly scales the ropes and throws his legs over First’s shoulders… VICTORY ROLL BY HART! NO! FIRST DROPS DOWN AND HAS HART ROLLED UP!!!







THOMAS:  "Hart kicked out again! First shakes his head in disgust and he grabs Hart and pulls him to the mat with a FUJIWARA ARMBAR! First trying to submit his fellow HOPE member!"

MATTHEWS:  "He might want to let go of that hold and help out Wells, as he’s being beaten silly by Cruise…. Cruise measures Wells… DROPKICK RIGHT ON THE CHIN! (Cruise yells "That’s it!") Cruise now waiting on Wells to get up… I think Wells is about to get a Reality Check!"

NEELY:  "Or maybe he won’t!"








( continued... )