FATORA: "Cameron Cruise has been ELIMINATED!!!"
NEELY: "Hell with being eliminated! He may be DEAD!"
THOMAS: "Cruise just got wiped out by that double team from Anthology… Jason Payne gets to his feet, and he sees the grim news that New ERA is now down four on two… He’s unlacing his left boot… What is he doing?!"
NEELY: "He’s taking off his gear to get ready to hit the showers, this thing is done now!"
THOMAS: "Payne now back to his feet and he CRACKS First in the face, breaking that armbar he’d had on Hart for the last couple minutes…First looks like he might be out!"
NEELY: "Glass jaw on that kid, unreal!"
THOMAS: "Payne now charges over and DECKS Winters with a right hand… AND ONE FOR STEVENS… EPW guys dropping like they’ve been tasered from these punches… WELLS GETS CLOCKED!! WAIT A SECOND A BUNCH OF HALF DOLLARS JUST EXPLODES OUT OF PANYE’S HAND AND SPILL ONTO THE MAT!!"
NEELY: "That no good son of a –."
FATORA: "Jared Wells has been ELIMINATED!"
NEELY: "NO! That’s not right! Payne cheated! This is not fair!"
THOMAS: "Jason Payne saw the long odds against New ERA, down 4 men to 2 and he took drastic action to try to even the score and he’s just knocked out Jared Wells… HART NOW COVERS FIRST!!!
THOMAS: "First JUST gets the shoulder up… New ERA might be down a man, but after Payne’s assault of the whole Empire Pro team with that roll of half dollars, they have the advantage at the moment… Payne now grabs Stevens… SNAP SUPLEX! HART SLINGSHOTS BETWEEN RINGS AND LANDS A SPLASH ON TRIPLE X!! THE COVER!!
THOMAS: "STEVENS KICKS OUT!! That was so close!!
NEELY: "No it wasn’t, this is Sean Stevens you’re talking about, this man isn’t losing War Games, he’s got way to much pride on the line to let these chumps beat him!"
THOMAS: "Payne and Hart now give Winters a taste of the cage… Winters staggers back… DOUBLE SIDE RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! PAYNE WITH A COVER!!
THOMAS: "Winters kicks out!! You can see the frustration mounting on the faces of Payne and Hart… New ERA has been behind this whole match since Peter File went down in the first minutes, they’ve been fighting an uphill struggle the whole way, and they absolutely can’t afford to lose the next fall and go down 3 to 1, they have to even this match up…"
NEELY: "They have to, but they won’t… Hart might be in EPW, but this Payne fellow isn’t and he can’t hang with this talent level… Well maybe he can beat up the goth-tard… But even that’s close…"
THOMAS: "Hart takes a moment to wipe the blood out of his eyes and he pulls Winters up and now he and Payne prop Winters up on the top rope…. Hart climbs up the ropes and gives Winters a couple right hands… HART WITH A HURICANRANA OFF THE TOP!! WINTERS CRASHING TO THE MAT!! PAYNE WITH A COVER!!
THOMAS: "WINTERS KICKS OUT!! Payne with a look of horror and shock on his face as he stares at the ref, he can’t BELIEVE that wasn’t a pin!"
NEELY: "Believe it buddy boy! New ERA can’t hold a candle to Empire Pro!"
THOMAS: "Payne pulling Winters to his feet… Gets nailed from behind by a double axe handle from Stevens… Stevens now sends Payne INTO THE CAGE! Payne drops to his knees and then falls face first to the mat… Stevens off the ropes… DRIVES A KNEE INTO THE BACK OF PAYNE’S HEAD!"
MATTHEWS: "This is the problem of always being down a man or two, New ERA constantly has to fight off attacks from new directions, Hart and Payne thought they had Winters on the ropes, but now Stevens evens up the sides and now here comes The First to put them back at the disadvantage!"
THOMAS: "First pulls Hart into the opposite ring, away from Stevens, Winters and Payne and jams Hart’s face into the chain link... Hart’s been bleeding just about this whole match, and First’s seeking to make that even worse… Hart now driven into the STEEL RING POST! First throws Hart back into the ring… First now going up top… Hart sees it and he lunges at the top rope, FIRST LOSES HIS BALANCE AND CROTCHES HIMSELF ON THE TOP ROPE!"
MATTHEWS: "Hart was in big trouble there and he just bailed himself out now he needs to capitalize to even this match up!"
THOMAS: "Unfortunately for Hart he can’t keep his attention on The First as he has to try to save Payne from the beating he’s taking from Stevens… Hart with a running start… FLYING TACKLE OVER BOTH TOP ROPES INTO STEVENS!!! Hart now hammering away on Stevens with a series of right hands! Winters is getting back to his feet and The Founder of the New School is CRACKED with a clothesline."
MATTHEWS: "Hart’s fighting a three on one unless Payne can shake off the damage he took earlier…"
NEELY: "Payne’s cooked as is New ERA… It’s going to be a party in the EPW locker room tonight baby!"
THOMAS: "Payne now back up… He and Hart double whip Winters into the corner… HART WITH A CLOTHESLINE… Gets out of the way… PAYNE WITH A FLYING SPLASH!! Winters crumples out of the corner, Payne with a cover!
THOMAS: "WINTERS WON’T STAY DOWN!!! Say what you will about this guy, but he is tough!"
NEELY: "Yeah, but can we please get control of this thing, we’re up a man and it feels like we’re losing… Get it together guys!"
THOMAS: "Payne gets up and catches Stevens coming in with a kick to the gut, Payne slams Stevens to the ground Hart jumps up and grabs the roof of the cage… Hart pulls himself up… AND DROPS A LEGDROP ONTTO STEVENS NECK FROM THE TOP OF THE CAGE!! HART COVERS!!
THOMAS: "STEVENS ESCAPES! Hart looks completely deflated…"
NEELY: "He’s spent the last 20 minutes bleeding in a cage fighting for his life, and he can’t win, you would be a bit upset to if you felt it slipping away from you… Hart’s in there with the EPW World Heavyweight Champion, Sean Stevens, the best wrestler on God’s Green’s Earth…"
THOMAS: "Payne getting to his feet… OH MY… MISSILE DROPKICK OFF THE TOP BY THE FIRST!!! Where the heck did he come from?! First pulls Payne to his feet and whips him the ropes… FIRST OFF THE OTHER SIDE RUNNING INTO PAYNE WITH A SPEAR!! FIRST WITH A COVER!!
THOMAS: "Hart breaks it up… Stevens grabs Hart and throws him into the other ring… Winters and First now with a double team on Payne… Payne sent into the ropes… FLAPJACK!! WINTERS WITH A COVER!!
THOMAS: "Payne kicks out again! First now stalking Payne… Waiting for The Dog Of War to get to his feet… Payne finally stands up… FIRST WITH A SOULBREAKER!! Payne pops up staggering into Winters… WINTERS HAS HIM UP… GREEN RIVER JUSTICE!! WINTERS WITH THE COVER!!
FATORA: "Jason Payne has been ELIMINATED!"
THOMAS: "And the fall New ERA could not afford to lose they have lost, Layne Winters with the Green River Justice has now put Empire Pro in the driver’s seat with a commanding 3 to 1 lead…"
NEELY: "Part of me wants them to end it quick, but the other part of me just wants Hart to suffer, to really pay for daring to be on the enemy team, the traitor pays!"
THOMAS: "Stevens kicking away at Hart, stomping him. Stevens savoring this, knowing the numbers and the overwhelming advantage EPW has… Hart sent into the cage now by Stevens… Hart crashes to the mat… I think that cut’s gotten even worse…"
MATTHEWS: "Yeah, it’s pretty gruesome, every time Hart’s laying on the mat the blood just pools around his head…."
THOMAS: "The refs may really have to think about stopping this. First and Winters now over and they too put the boots to The Phenom. Hart’s now being held up by First and Winters, they each have an arm… And Stevens kicks him in the gut… Measuring him… AND ANOTHER ONE… Stevens now grabs Hart and holds him up… Winters a running start… CLOTHESLINE!! HART DUCKS!! WINTERS DECKED STEVENS!! Hart with a clothesline to Winters… First charges him… HART CATCHES HIM WITH AN INSIDE CRADLE!!
THOMAS: "OH THAT WAS CLOSE!! First looks like turning back at the ref to make sure that was a two count! He nearly got caught there."
NEELY: "That was the last gasp, he almost got a cheap pin, but thankfully the goofball kicked out…"
THOMAS: "Hart being stomped down by Winters and Stevens… First calling for Hart to be pulled to his feet… Stevens holding him up… First grapping at his own throat…"
NEELY: "Man I normally hate this, but this time I love it… Time to eat some mist SJH!"
MATTHEWS: "I don’t think that was accidental at all!"
NEELY: "He’s blinded! He didn’t know who he was going after… And besides even if he DID know, the last couple minutes, Winter s and First have ‘accidentally’ hit Stevens… I think he sees the truth, this isn’t 3 on 1 EPW vs New ERA…This is 3 on 1 HOPE vs the EPW World Champion… This is a set up!"
THOMAS: "Winters now screaming at Stevens…STEVENS KICKS WINTERS LOW!! Winters doubles over…HART WITH A ROLL UP ON WINTERS!!!
FATORA: "Layne Winters has been ELIMINATED!!!"
THOMAS: "WINTER’S GOT PINNED!! He can’t believe it… Stevens over on Hart now… WAIT! WINTERS GRABS STEVENS AND BASHES HIM INTO THE CAGE!! Winters hooks Stevens… SINGLE ARM DDT!!! Winters now stomping on Stevens… He’s livid!"
MATTHEWS: "Nobody costs Layne Stevens a fall without paying a price… Hell half the EPW locker room suffered after Layne got pinned earlier tonight!"
THOMAS: "Winters storming out of the cage, and if I were in that locker room I think I might decide it’s time to leave…. In the ring all three men are down… Hart now crawling over toward The First who hasn’t moved since that X-Factor… Hart throws an arm over First’s chest!
THOMAS: "First rolls the left shoulder off the mat! Hart now crawling over and he covers Stevens!
THOMAS: "No luck there either for Hart! Hart pulling Stevens to his feet… Stevens grabs Hart and lifts him, drops back… DROPS HART THROAT FIRST OVER THE TOP ROPE! Hart hits the mat hard and now Stevens taking him to the ring opposite where First is laying… Stevens yelling at First to stay down…"
NEELY: "I don’t think "First" was the name he used for him…"
THOMAS: "Well I’m not going to get into all that…. Stevens wants to finish this on his own… Hart sent into the cage and he crashes back into the mat… Triple X now going to the outside… STEVENS OFF THE TOP WITH A FROG SPLASH!! With a smug look on his face he HOOKS THE LEG!! THE COVER!!!
THOMAS: "HART KICKED OUT!!! STEVENS IS IN DISBELIEF!! Stevens now grabs Hart and pulls him to the middle of that ring… Stevens slaps on a FIGURE FOUR!!!"
NEELY: "What better way to prove the domination of EPW and its World Champion then for a submission victory to be the final fall of the War Games, tap out Hart! Tap!"
THOMAS: "Hart thrashing in agony… He’s in a world of hurt, Stevens wrenching that hold for all it’s worth, between the pain and the blood loss, how much longer can he hold out?!"
MATTHEWS: "Hart’s been fighting this whole match against the odds, and now with this submission hold locked in by the EPW World Champion, it doesn’t seem like the deck could be stacked any more against him!"
THOMAS: "Stevens screaming for Hart to give up… Hart drops to his back… His shoulders are down… IS HE OUT?!
THOMAS: "Hart just pulls himself off the mat! Hart now trying to reverse the hold… Stevens fighting to stop him… HART REVERSES!! Stevens quickly breaks the hold… Stevens back on top of Hart… Hooks him for another figure four… NO! INSIDE CRADLE BY HART!!
THOMAS: "Yes it was, Hart almost pinned Triple X, the EPW World Champion… The First now back into the match, wait a second, Stevens grabs First and shoves him. Stevens pointing to the other ring and telling First to get back in there… First now in Stevens face… These two could be only a few seconds from going to blows here!"
NEELY: "Back off punk! This is Triple X’s match to finish… There is a reason he’s the champ and you’re just a sideshow attraction EPW trots out to sell T-Shirts to 16 year old girls arguing over Team Edward against Team Jacob!"
THOMAS: "Stevens… SLAPS THE FIRST! First turns back around… AND HE SLAPS STEVENS! Stevens shoves First… INTO HART… WHO CATCHES FIRST WITH A HART-ON! A lucky break for First that he rolled in between the rings where Hart can’t get at him for a pin! Stevens grabs Hart from behind… BACK SUPLEX! Hart planted in the middle of the ring… Stevens now looks up at the roof of that cage… He jumps up… Oh give me a break, he’s doing pull ups!"
NEELY: "Hey, the champ’s got a busy schedule, when you can train and beat the crap out of your opponents, you do it, haven’t you ever heard of multi-tasking?!"
THOMAS: "Well I guess Stevens just finishes his reps as he drops off the cage and CRUSHES HART’S CHEST WITH AN ELBOW RIGHT INTO THE STERNUM! STEVENS WITH THE COVER!!
THOMAS: "HART WILL NOT QUIT!!! This man is fighting on pure guts… On HEART… Stevens is just disgusted…"
NEELY: "He’s in control, he knows this punk is in over his head… Stevens isn’t sweating any of this…"
THOMAS: "Stevens backs off into a corner… He’s measuring Hart… Hart getting up… If he knew what was good for him he’s stay down… Hart to his feet… AND THERE IT IS!! X-FACTOR!!! STEVENS KNOCKS HART INTO NEXT WEEK! Stevens raising his arms in victory to this crowd who are letting him hear it… Stevens now walking over to First who’s laid out in the opposite ring… Stevens now letting First know who won this match for EPW… And I’m pretty sure reminding The First of who’s the EPW World Champion…"
NEELY: "Hey the kid needs to learn these lessons, it’s important for him to know and respect his betters…"
MATTHEWS: "Well Stevens might want to get around to making this win for EPW official since he still hasn’t pinned Hart yet…"
NEELY: "Hart hasn’t moved a muscle since that kick… Hart wouldn’t kick out before 3 or 3000."
THOMAS: "Stevens now back to Hart, and he goes for the cover… NO! He’s pulling Hart back up to his feet… Enough is enough Stevens…"
NEELY: "Enough is never enough!"
THOMAS: "Stevens, he’s got to be looking for the X-Terminator… Hart’s hooked… UP HE GOES!! WAIT! HE FLIPPED AND LANDS BEHIND STEVENS!!! HART-ON!!! HE NAILED STEVENS WITH IT!!! HART COVERS!!
FATORA: "Sean Stevens has been ELIMINATED!"
THOMAS: "Are you KIDDING ME?! Shawn Hart, down 3 to 1… Has pinned Layne Winters, and now he’s pinned the EPW World Heavyweight Champion!"
MATTHEWS: "Shawn Hart has somehow brought this match down to a one on one contest I’d never believed it possible if I didn’t see it with my own two eyes!"
THOMAS: "The Phenom has already pulled off the improbable just getting this to a one on one match, can he pull off the impossible and win this match for New ERA…"
NEELY: "How… HOW did that happen?! Sean Stevens hasn’t been pinned in over a year… That NEVER happens… That COULDN’T happen!"
THOMAS: "Well it did Neely… And now Shawn Hart and The First slowly rise to their feet and now they stare at each other… It’s one on one for all the marbles… War Games comes down to this… And this crowd is losing it here Las Vegas!"
MATTHEWS: "Normally The First enjoys the support of the crowd, but they are pulling for the underdog here and the chants of S-J-H are echoing…"
THOMAS: "First backing away from the where the two rings are connected, waving Hart over into his ring.. Hart now over… The two men circle… AND HERE WE GO!! The two men lock up… First manages to push Hart into the corner and nails him with a right hand… Another shot to the chin… First sends Hart to the opposite corner…… First sets up… HAND SPRING ELBOW INTO THE CORNER… Hart staggers out and First quickly to the second rope… Hart turns around… INTO A FLYING SHOULDER BLOCK!! FIRST WITH THE COVER!!
THOMAS: "It’s not over yet! Hart still finding a way to keep fighting… First pops to his feet and stomps away on Hart repeatedly… First now picks Hart up… Suplex… No… First has Hart now set up on the top rope… First gives him a couple right hands… First now climbing up top… Hart meets him with a right hand of his own... Both men trading punches now… First rocked as Hart throwing shot into First’s head… FIRST FALLS OFF THE TOP!! First crashing to the mat! Hart looking down at First…. And now he looks up at the cage… Hart jumps up… Grabs the cage… FALLS DOWN ON FIRST WITH A CRUSHING SENTON!!! FIRST TWITCHING LIKE HE’S BEEN SHOT!! HART COVERS!!!
THOMAS: "ONLY TWO!! So close for Hart to pulling off this incredible comeback… Hart is just a bloody mess…. And the beating he’s taken, I have no idea how he’s even still in this match, much less this close to winning."
NEELY: "Get up you freak! We need this win!"
MATTHEWS: "You hate The First Neely, did you bet on this match?!"
NEELY: "Not that you’ll ever know! I just have pride in this company, and I can overlook my burning hatred of this disgrace in the ring due to my love of EPW!"
THOMAS: " Hart dragging himself to his feet… SJH looks just completely spent at this point and the look in his eyes tells you he’s just trying to find the energy, the will needed to find a way to put The First down and complete this comeback attempt… Hart pulls First to his feet… Hart with a right hand, and another on staggers First… Hart with a double hand strike to First’s throat… First staggers away from Hart while clutching at his neck… FIRST TURNS AND BLASTS HART WITH GREEN MIST!! HART’S BLINDED… FIRST WITH A ROLL UP… NO! HART ROLLS THROUGH!!! HART HAS HIM PINNED!!!
THOMAS: "First escapes at the last second! That was so close for Hart…"
MATTHEWS: "Even with him fighting for New ERA, really I’m pulling for Shawn Hart here, what a fight he’s put up, what a struggle it’s been for him."
NEELY: "To hell with all that, I want us to win dammit!"
THOMAS: "First gets up and Hart plows through him with a CLOTHESLINE… Hart off the ropes… ANOTHER CLOTHESLINE!! First gets up and gets caught ONE MORE TIME!!!... SJH gives a shout to the crowd and now it’s time for one final Hart-On, one final move to complete this storybook comeback… Can he get it?! First to his feet… HART WITH THE HART-ON! NO FIRST SHOVES HIM OFF… FIRST WITH A SOULBREAKER! NO! HART HELD THE TOP ROPE… FIRST CRASHES TO THE MAT!!"
NEELY: "Can he do nothing right?!"
THOMAS: "Hart waits on First… First to his feet… HART ON!! NO!! FIRST DUCKED OUT OF IT… Hart got some BIG air there and CRASHED to the mat! He may have hit the back of his head on the canvas… The Phenom trying to get to his feet… He’s on one knee… FIRST CHARGES OFF THE ROPES… SHINING WIZARD!!! HE NAILED HART RIGHT IN THE SIDE OF THE HEAD!! Hart down in the center of the ring, The First going to the outside… He’s up to the top rope… CUT THE THREAD… YES!! HE HIT IT!! FIRST WITH THE COVER!! LEG IS HOOKED!!
(SFX: Bell rings. CUEUP: "Happy Birthday" by The Birthday Massacre as the crowd orgasms.)
(The First kneeling the ring, hands on hips. His face paint all but gone, he reaches down to Hart who appears to be moving a bit… After a moment First pulls Hart to his feet, getting a loud cheer from the crowd.)
THOMAS: "What a battle, what a fight, but in the end, the odds were just too long for Shawn Hart… And The First has won War Games for EPW…"
(The cage lifts into the air as EMT’s and trainers rush into the ring to look at Hart and tend to his cut… Hart is gingerly led out of the ring, an EMT under each arm, with a gauze pad already being applied to the cut on his forehead… The crowd giving a loud ovation… "S-J-H!"chants start. The First waving his arms, egging on the crowd in its support of Hart.)
THOMAS: "The First showing Shawn Hart all the respect in the world and honestly, how can you not…"
NEELY: "Easy, he lost, to hell with him! EPW wins! Wooo!"
THOMAS: "You’re a class act Neely…"
(A series of fireworks go off above the ring, drawing a cheer from the crowd, after a moment, First climbs to the second rope and raises his arms in victory, letting out a yell to the crowd, who cheer in response.)
THOMAS: "But for all of Hart’s efforts… This night ends in victory for Empire Pro Wrestling, and it ends in victory for The First, who came so close earlier tonight to being the EPW World Champion, and now he stands in that ring, the sole survivor… Congrats to The First in his War Games victory… What a night it has been… Sin City Showdown has been everything we could have imagined and more… For Dean Matthews, Mike Neely, and all the New ERA Staff, this is Dave Thomas saying thanks for watching and have a good night!"
(The hard camera shows The First, standing in the ring soaking in the noise of the crowd… He rips off his wife beater and throws it into the crowd as we FADE TO BLACK.)