[ DCU Center ] Worcester, Massachusetts


TAPED: May 31, 2011
AIRED: Jun. 27, 2011
SEASON 2: PrimeTime

(The camera cuts back to the announce booth where Natalie Newman is still shaking her head.)

NEWMAN: "Absolutely ridiculous. Has the First no shame?"

JULIUS: "Jonathan Marx wanted to be the man to save New ERA from the First's reign of terror .. and look what it got him! Nothing. Absolutely nothing."

TRIPP: "Ladies and gentlemen, our next match should be a doozy. Three incredibly talented men battling it out in a single elimination …. Falls count ANYWHERE match!"

NEWMAN: "This thing could end up on the mean streets of Worcester!"

JULIUS: "The mean streets of Worcester? Really?"

NEWMAN: "Oh shut up, Dean."

TRIPP: "Suicide has made a splash since returning to New ERA this season … he's earned the ire of Larry Tact, no doubt. Tact came out of self-imposed retirement for this match in particular."

NEWMAN: "Pro Wrestling's SJH also getting involved in that weird triangle between Chaos, Suicide and Larry Tact… but with Chaos' surprising revelation and subsequent retirement, this match went from a fatal fourway to a triple threat."

JULIUS: "Can you imagine if Chaos was in this match? It would have been tailor-made for him."

NEWMAN: "I don't know about that, Dean. Anything can happen here tonight at PrimeTime!"

(The lights go down as "Still Alive" by GLaDOS blasts out of the speakers. The crowd pops huge as Pro Wrestling's SJH walks to the ring. The lineup for the match comes on screen.)

Falls Count Anywhere
Triple Threat Elimination Match

Larry Tact vs. Suicide vs. Pro Wrestling's SJH

LINKS: "The following match is a triple threat elimination match where FALLS COUNT ANYWHERE! Introducing first … from Orlando, Florida .. he is New ERA's ONLY three-time Champion …. PRO WRESTLING's … ESS … JAY … AYCH!"

(SFX: Huge crowd pop as Hart flips into the ring.)

NEWMAN: "Hart made history at BattleBRAWL 3 when he became New ERA's only three-time World Heavyweight champion .. and tonight he's got a huge task in front of him."

LINKS: "Introducing next … from Manhattan, New York…."

(CUEUP: "Pieces" by Hoobastank. The crowd pops as a burst of black and gold pyro goes off and Larry Tact steps through the entrance. Tact continues down the ramp and takes a moment to slap a couple fans' hands along the way. Tact smirks, then proceeds to the ring steps and ascends them.)

LINKS: "Making his way to the ring .. standing six foot six and weighing 260 pounds … he is a former TWO-TIME New ERA World Heavyweight champion …. LARRY ….. TACT!"

TRIPP: "After spending Season 1 preparing his younger brother for the New ERA Championship … Tact stepped back into the ring this season .. and boy has he made a statement."

(CUEUP: "Space Dementia" by Muse. The lights go out in the arena as the song starts playing. As this happens, the words "The Man," then "The Myth," then "The Legend" appear on the big screen. As the lyrics kick in, Suicide's "S" symbol appears as the lights come on. Suicide appears on stage, already heading to the ring.)

LINKS: "And finally … hailing from Bronx, New York … standing six foot two and weighing 232 pounds … he is a former Television champion …… THE MAN … THE MYTH … THE LEGEND …… SUICIDE!"

TRIPP: "Suicide made his triumphant return to New ERA after seven years, not only taking out Chaos, but also securing himself a shot at the New ERA Championship."

(SFX: Bell rings.)

NEWMAN: "There's the bell and this falls count anywhere match is underway!"

TRIPP: "I can see this thing heading all over the DCU Center … and with elimination rules, this should be a knockdown, dragout fight!"

JULIUS: "Three men … an entire arena at their disposal … anything can happen."

NEWMAN: "All three men stand in the middle of the ring … just staring at each other."

TRIPP: "After the night we've had so far… this match could be one of the most explosive matches in New ERA history."

JULUS: "I thought we'd seen it all tonight.."

TRIPP: "Suicide walking up to Shawn Hart .. and extends his hand."

NEWMAN: "But Hart turns and walks into the corner!"

TRIPP: "Suicide watching him as he goes … and now he turns and stares at Larry Tact."

JULIUS: "Tact will smack Suicide upside the head if he extends the hand."

NEWMAN: "Tact and Suicide lock up in the middle of the ring.. the former World Heavyweight champion powers Suicide into the corner, but Suicide gets his leg through the ropes and there's a clean break."

TRIPP: "Pro Wrestling's SJH watching from the far corner."

NEWMAN: "Tact backs up, and here comes Suicide.. the two men lock up again, and once more Tact powers Suicide into the corner. Suicide puts his leg through the ropes … but Tact responds with a huge reversed knife edged chop!"

JULIUS: "I told you Tact wouldn't play well for long."

NEWMAN: "The former two-time World Heavyweight champion grabs the arm of Suicide .. Irish whip … but Tact holds on and sends Suicide to the mat with a short arm clothesline! The Larry Tact drags Suicide back to his feet and tosses him into the corner."

TRIPP: "And Hart still watching from afar."

JULIUS: "Why waste the energy?!"

NEWMAN: "Tact laying into Suicide with a closed fists .. but Suicide grabs Tact!! Suicide with the European uppercut! Suicide turns the tables and drives the boots into Tact's midsection! Over and over again as Tact slides to the mat!"

TRIPP: "Suicide already has a victory over Fanatic .. and now he's going for the sweep on the TACT LEGACY."

JULIUS: "Hey now! They pinned each other! I wouldn't call that a victory."

TRIPP: "A win is a win, Dean."

JULIUS: "Like you know anything about winning."


JULIUS: "I think Tact's balls just popped out his mouth."

NEWMAN: "Suicide drags the champion out of the corner … and he drives the knee into the skull.. Suicide off the ropes … and comes back with a leg lariat and Tact drops to the mat!"

TRIPP: "Finally SJH makes his way out of the corner .. he's walking slowly behind Suicide."

NEWMAN: "Hart behind Suicide … and he locks on the sleeper!"

JULIUS: "Suicide caught completely off guard!"

TRIPP: "Suicide trying to get on his feet .. and he brings Hart off the mat!"

JULIUS: "Suicide wailing around trying to flip Hart off him .. but the former three-time champion has got the sleeper locked on tight!"

NEWMAN: "The forearm is notched underneath the jaw and Suicide slowing down!"

TRIPP: "The lack of air flow could spell doom for the man, the myth, the legend! Could Suicide be the first one eliminated?"

JULIUS: "I hope not! This is a falls count anywhere match .. and they haven't even left the ring yet!"

NEWMAN: "Suicide wobbling as he tries to make his way to the corner … but he makes it there safely .. AND DRIVES HART INTO THE TURNBUCKLE PADS! Hart not letting go of the sleeper …. So Suicide drives him into the corner again! Finally, SJH releases the hold … and SUICIDE SENDS HART FLIPPING OVER THE TOP ROPE TO THE ARENA FLOOR!"

TRIPP: "Hart landing on the arena floor .. and Suicide must be relieved."

NEWMAN: "Maybe not as Larry Tact is back up and fires a right hook into the gut of Suicide. But Suicide wraps his arms around Tact's waist .. and he tries to send Tact over the top rope! Tact blocking the belly to belly .. and both men go down to the mat! Tact on top .. and he drives the knee into abdomen of Suicide! Tact brings Suicide back up .. and he clotheslines him over the top rope to the arena floor!"

JULIUS: "Two out of three men on the outside .. make that three!"

TRIPP: "Larry Tact going to the outside … and charges off the apron connecting with a running elbow drop to the arena floor!"

NEWMAN: "Shawn Hart waiting for Tact.. and he clotheslines him to the floor!"

JULIUS: "Shawn Hart is the smartest man in the… well they're not in the ring, but you know what I mean. He's letting Tact and Suicide wear each other down and choosing his shots wisely."

TRIPP: "Hart is usually one step ahead of his opponents, Dean."

NEWMAN: "SJH grabbing a chair from the ring attendant … and he sets it up! Larry Tact on his feet and charges at the prime minister of getting sinister … but Hart with a drop toe hold and Tact's face crashes into the chair! Suicide on his feet and he climbs the steps to the ring apron …. AND SUICIDE DIVE ONTO SHAWN HART! Hart, Suicide and Tact all on piled up! Suicide flips Hart onto his back .. there's the cover! ONE ……….. TW—NO! Kickout by Hart!"

TRIPP: "Suicide back to his feet and he's got Shawn Hart by the hair … and they're heading around the ring to the ramp!"

JULIUS: "I have a feeling that this thing is about to leave the ringside area."

NEWMAN: "Tact finally back on his feet and he turns and follows Suicide up the ramp … Tact grabs Suicide from behind … and lets loose with a HUGE right hook! Tact with another … and a boot to the stomach doubles him over! Tact hooks the arms …. BUT SHAWN HART OUT OF NOWHERE WITH THE SUPERKICK! Tact goes rolling down the ramp and Hart takes Suicide up the rest of the ramp! Hart slamming the head of Suicide into those side railings … and he DDTs him!"

TRIPP: "Pro Wrestling's SJH placing a good amount of distance between he and Tact … If Hart goes for the pin there's no way that Tact can make it up in time for the break."

JULIUS: "I doubt Tact would even care! With Suicide out of the match, Larry Tact would be in a prime position."

NEWMAN: "Larry Tact storms up the ramp and drives his boot into the back of Hart's knee … Shawn Hart buckles, but Larry Tact catches him. Tact hooking the arms … and takes SJH up and over with the German suplex!"

JULIUS: "Hart's head just bounced off the top of the ramp … that HAD to hurt!"

NEWMAN: "Suicide up … and he stops Tact from rising .. knee to the face sends Tact back down .. and now Suicide rips off the curtain hanging from the entrance way!"

JULIUS: "This is a triple threat, Suicide, not Bravo's Interior Design!"

TRIPP: "Suicide wraps the curtain around the head of Larry Tact … and he's trying to choke him out!"

NEWMAN: "Suicide puling Tact to his feet … and he whips Tact into the hallway leading to the back!"

TRIPP: "Suicide kicking Hart upside the head .. and now he's following after New ERA's inaugural World Heavyweight champion!"

JULIUS: "The fans roaring with approval as the big screens light up to document all the action."

(CUTTO: An inside the backstage hallway shot.)

NEWMAN: "Larry Tact leaning against the wall … and Suicide with a standing dropkick takes him down! Suicide grabbing one of those chairs against the wall … and NAILS Tact with it! Larry Tact slumping to the floor, but Suicide not letting up! Larry Tact getting repeatedly smashed with chair shots … AND OUT OF NOWHERE SHAWN HART WITH A FLYING FOREARM! Suicide goes flying face-first into the concrete wall! Hart picks the chair up off the ground … and he nails Suicide across the back with it!"

TRIPP: "That's one of the pitfalls of leaving the third competitor behind. If you get too focused and drop your attention, it can come back to get you!"

JULIUS: "I'd say! Juggernaut, Suicide is not."

NEWMAN: "Tact getting to his feet, but Shawn Hart right there … hooks the arm and spins him to the ground with the swinging neckbreaker! Hart grabs onto the legs of Tact .. and drops the leg into the groin! Quick cover!!! ONE ……. TWO …. But Tact gets the shoulder up! SJH pops up, grabs the leg of Tact … now has the other leg … AND CATAPULTS HIM INTO THE WALL! Hart with yet another cover on Tact …. ONE …….. TWO ….. BUT SUICIDE PULLS HIM OFF!"

JULIUS: "Suicide not happy about Hart's sneak attack just a few moments ago!"

TRIPP: "Suicide and Hart scramble to their feet … Hart ducks underneath the closed fist, but can't escape the knee! The former Television champion hooks the tights … and sends Shawn Hart through those closed doors…"

JULIUS: "Oh God! They're in the bathroom!"

NEWMAN: "Suicide takes Shawn Hart … and slams his head into the sink! Hart drops to the floor and tries to crawl away – BUT SUICIDE CATCHES HIM! Suicide drags Hart … OH GOD! HE IS SLAMMING HART's HEAD WITH THE STALL DOOR!"

TRIPP: "Pro Wrestling's SJH having his head crushed between the stall door and the wall .. which I suppose is still better tha…."

JULIUS: "Speaking too soon are we?"

NEWMAN: "Suicide now dragging Hart to the toilet … AND HE IS PUSHING HART's HEAD INTO THE WATER!"

JULIUS: "I think I'm going to be sick."

TRIPP: "Suicide flushing the toilet for good measure."

NEWMAN: "Wait a minute! Larry Tact stumbling into the bathroom … and he grabs the mop from that cleaning cart! Tact walking behind Suicide … AND HE WALLOPS SUICIDE IN THE BACK OF THE HEAD! Tact spinning Suicide around and he tosses him into the sinks!"

(SFX: Crash! Fan pop!)

NEWMAN: "And Suicide's head just broke the mirror!"

JULIUS: "Looks only a mother could love."

TRIPP: "Larry Tact just opened up the baby changing station?!"

NEWMAN: "I have no clue what he has planned … Tact grabbing Suicide and slams his head into the baby changing board. Wait.. Larry Tact with the scoop … AND HE JUST SLAMMED SUICIDE ONTO THE BABY CHANGING STATION!"

JULIUS: "More like he slammed him through the station! It broke right off!"

NEWMAN: "Larry Tact with the cover … ONE ………. TWO …….. KICKOUT!"

TRIPP: "Meanwhile Shawn Hart crawling underneath the stall wall … he's trying to get out of the bathroom!"

JULIUS: "I don't think so, Tripp… Hart made his way to the cleaning cart … and he's got a spray bottle!"

(Hart looks down at the bottle .. "WINDEX" is scrawled across in magic marker.)

NEWMAN: "Oh lord. Hart getting to his feet and he walks up behind Tact.. Hart tapping the former World Heavyweight champion on the shoulder – AND SPRAYS THE WINDEX INTO HIS EYES! Tact clutching his face in his hands!"

JULIUS: "Tact will have streak-free vision at least!"

TRIPP: "SJH grabbing Tact by the head and their heading back into the hallway!"

NEWMAN: "Leaving Suicide behind, the two men are back in the hallway .. and HART JUST TOSSES LARRY TACT INTO TWO INTERNS!"

JULIUS: "New ERA is a hands-on learning experience."

TRIPP: "Hart picking Tact out of the pile … and they're heading past the guardrail.. where are they going?!"

NEWMAN: "I think they're heading into the concession area!"

TRIPP: "You're right!"

JULIUS: "First the interns … now the fans!"

NEWMAN: "Shawn Hart tossing Tact into the middle of the concession area … and here come the fans!"

(Heads immediately turn as Larry Tact goes flying into one of the pillars in front of merchandise booth. A large pop can be heard in the arena as fans start rushing from their seats to watch the action in person.)

NEWMAN: "Shawn Hart giving some high fives before reaching down to grab Tact … BUT LARRY TACT WITH A LOW BLOW!"

JULIUS: "Where the hell is Suicide?!"

NEWMAN: "As far as I know, he's still in the bathroom."

TRIPP: "Tact picking Hart off the floor .. and he whips the former three-time Champion past the growing crowd and right into the beer cart!"

JULIUS: "Bottles of Bud Light roll across the floor … but one lands in Larry Tact's hands!"

NEWMAN: "Tact grabbing the neck of the bottle …. AND HE JUST SMASHES THE BEER OVER THE HEAD OF SHAWN HART!"

(SFX: A loud buzzing noise.)

JULIUS: "Uh…."

NEWMAN: "What is that … oh no."

(Smashing through the barrier, Suicide rides into the area on a John Deere.)



NEWMAN: "My God! Larry Tact just got creamed by that John Deere .. and he flipped right over it! Security trying to step in between the three men and the crowd.. and Suicide hops off the vehicle and jumps on top of Tact! ONE ……… TWO ……… THREE—NOOOO! Shawn Hart with the save!"

JULIUS: "He should just let Suicide get rid of Tact!"

TRIPP: "Force of habit, Dean."

NEWMAN: "SJH hooking the tights of Suicide … and he whips him into the merchandise stand!"

JULIUS: "Suicide just took out that life-sized cardboard cutout of the New ERA Champion!"

TRIPP: "With two Championship matches tonight, I guess Suicide wants in on the action, too."

NEWMAN: "Hart following Suicide into the chaos, and he grabs one of those foam Championship belts and smashes it over Suicide's head. Obviously that didn't get the job done … SO HART HOOKS THE ARMS AND CRASHES THROUGH THE TABLE WITH THE BUTTERFLY SUPLEX!"

JULIUS: "Look at the main area! It is now flooded with fans!"

NEWMAN: "The entire arena looks to be in the main concession area … and now Pro Wrestling's SJH grabs Suicide and is taking him to one of those concrete pillars … and he smashes him face-first into the pillar! Suicide takes a few steps backwards and falls to the floor!"

TRIPP: "Hart slapping the hands of some of the fans before turning .. AND LARRY TACT IS THERE WITH A SAM ADAMS!"

JULIUS: "Tact obviously trying to get Hart to sample Boston's finest."

TRIPP: "Well SJH certainly getting a wide variety of samples .. first the Bud Light and now Sam Adams!"

NEWMAN: "Larry Tact over to Suicide now.. he brings him to his feet … AND WHIPS HIM INTO THE ELEVATOR DOORS!"

JULIUS: "That couldn't feel good."

NEWMAN: "Larry Tact straddling Suicide and he drives the closed fists into the skull! Meanwhile Shawn Hart stumbling to his feet … and here he comes as well!"

TRIPP: "But Tact getting back on his feet! Tact meets Shawn Hart and pokes him in the eye!"


JULIUS: "And Larry Tact … Tact just pushed the elevator button! He has Suicide on his feet…. And he's waiting!"

TRIPP: "Shawn Hart trying to get back up … Hart is up!"

(SFX: Ding!)


JULIUS: "Hold the door! Here comes Shawn Hart!"

NEWMAN: "Hart rushing the elevator … BUT THE DOORS SHUT ON HIM!"

TRIPP: "Larry Tact and Suicide fighting in the elevator … well, I'm assuming they're fighting in the elevator … and now Shawn Hart is running up the stairs next to the elevator to meet them on the next level of the DCU Center!"

JULIUS: "Stairs are better for your health anyway."

NEWMAN: "The camera following Hart up the stairs …"

(The camera cuts to a shot on the 2nd level concourse. The elevator doors open and we see Larry Tact and Suicide duking it out. Hart is winded as he finally makes it to the top steps.)

NEWMAN: "Hart finally up there.. and he charges at Tact and Suicide!"

JULIUS: "BUT THE DOORS ARE SHUTTING AGAIN! Shawn Hart sighing … and he's running back down the stairs!"

NEWMAN: "Hart half-way down the stairs as the elevator doors open…"

(Hart makes it to the bottom steps …. Right as the doors close once more.)

HART: "You got to be fucking kidding me."

NEWMAN: "Shawn Hart misses them again! Hart turns … and now he takes his time as he walks back to the 2nd floor concourse!"

JULIUS: "Well look at this!"

TRIPP: "Larry Tact being booted out of the elevator by Suicide … and Shawn Hart finally meets back up with his opponents."

NEWMAN: "Hart walks up to Suicide .. and all he gets for his troubles is a boot to the gut! Suicide takes Hart by the arm .. AND WHIPS HIM INTO THE WALL! Hart fumbles backwards … RIGHT INTO THE BURNING KNUCKLE!! HART IS DOWN! Suicide with the cover …. ONE ………… TWO …….. THREE!!!"

JULIUS: "Hart's gone!"

TRIPP: "NO! Somehow he got the shoulder up!"

NEWMAN: "Suicide slowly makes it back to his feet and he pulls Hart up with him .. and now Larry Tact joins in! All three men exchanging blows now!"

JULIUS: "Tact and Suicide really wailing away on each other … Hart looks like he's being propped up by a stick."

NEWMAN: "Tact grabs Suicide … and now they're heading around the outside of the hallway!"

TRIPP: "That's all we need … to break a SECOND luxury box!"

JULIUS: "With the way these three have been going at it, I'd be more concerned about breaking only one more!"

NEWMAN: "Tact whips Suicide right into a trash barrel!"

TRIPP: "Well that's not good."

JULIUS: "Tact has a handful of nachos!"

TRIPP: "That's so gross."

NEWMAN: "Tact with the handful of nachos … AND HE IS SMEARING THEM INTO THE EYES OF SUICIDE! Suicide trying to get Tact off of him, but he's having a hell of a time."

TRIPP: "Shawn Hart crawling to his feet.. and he … he … he's going the other way!"

JULIUS: "Where the hell is SJH going?!"

NEWMAN: "Shawn Hart walking out of view … and Larry Tact now shoving half-eaten hotdogs down the throat of Suicide!"

TRIPP: "I'm going to barf."

NEWMAN: "Suicide finally pushing Tact off him .. and now they're both on their knees exchanging blows!"

JULIUS: "I … am not even going to touch that one."

TRIPP: "Suicide exploding all over Tact."


NEWMAN: "Suicide driving those fists into the jaw of Tact… and he's drawn blood! WAIT A MINUTE!!! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!"

(CUTTO: Down the hall shot. Shawn Hart stands in the middle of the hall wearing a Worcester Sharks AHL hockey jersey. In his hand, a hockey stick. Next to him, a pile of hockey pucks.)

JULIUS: "The motherfucker is hitting pucks at his opponents!"

TRIPP: "And he's got hell of a good aim, too! He just nailed Suicide in the chest!"

NEWMAN: "Shawn Hart with slapshots … and he is pounding Suicide and Tact! Both men on the ground trying to roll away!"

(Hart starts walking down the hallway with the stick in his hand.)

NEWMAN: "The Sharks play here in the DCU Center .. and I think Shawn Hart got into the extra supply closet! He's made his way to Larry Tact.. AND SNAPS THE STICK OVER HIS BACK! Shawn Hart with the cover …. ONE ……. TWO …….. KICKOUT!"

JULIUS: "I thought the Prime Minister of Getting Sinister had him!"

NEWMAN: "Hart getting to his feet and he grabs the broken hockey stick… my god … I think he's going to stab him!"

JULIUS: "At least he doesn't have to worry about a penalty. Anything goes in this match!"


TRIPP: "Low blow with one of those hockey pucks!"

NEWMAN: "Hart's eyes roll back into his head! Suicide spins SJH around … AND HE PULLS THE JERSEY OVER HART's HEAD!"

JULIUS: "A good ole fashion hockey fist fight!"

NEWMAN: "Suicide with body blows on the three-time Champion… and Hart can't even defend himself."

TRIPP: "Suicide grabs Hart and brings him over to the fire extinguisher.. AND SMASHES HIS HEAD RIGHT THROUGH THE GLASS! The jersey falls down .. and Hart is busted open!"

NEWMAN: "Suicide with a swing of the arm knocks all the filled cups off that table … and now he's dragging the table over to SJH! Security trying to hold back the throng of fans standing in the tunnels to the seats … and now Suicide picks up SJH ……….. OH MY GOD!"



TRIPP: "Larry Tact rips Suicide off Hart … and he hits him with the European uppercut … RIGHT INTO THE TRASH BARREL!"

NEWMAN: "Suicide falls in … and he's stuck! He can't pull himself out!"

JULIUS: "And now he's going for a ride!"

NEWMAN: "Tact with a swift kick to the side of the barrel … and Suicide rolls down the hallway to the stairs!"

JULIUS: "Oh God … he's going to end up rolling right down them!"

TRIPP: "Suicide desperately trying to get himself out .. the barrel reaches the stairs … but Suicide able to brace himself on the sides! He dodged a bullet there!"

NEWMAN: "Suicide trying to pull himself out .. but Larry Tact has already moved back to Shawn Hart! Tact grabbing Hart out of the wreckage … and he brings him towards a restricted area …. AND TACT WITH A RAGDOLL SENDS HART CRASHING THROUGH THE DOORS!"

JULIUS: "Now where are they going?!"

TRIPP: "I don't know .. but if Suicide doesn't hurry up he won't be able to find them!"

NEWMAN: "Tact dragging Hart down that hallway …. And now he's heading to those steps to the right!"

JULIUS: "He's heading up to the ballrooms on the top floor!"

NEWMAN: "Tact with a hold of Hart's leg … and he is DRAGGING HIM UP THE STEPS!"

JULIUS: "Hart's head hitting each and every step on the way up.."

TRIPP: "Well luckily for Hart he already was out of it thanks to that Burning Hammer through the table… actually … I guess that's not much consolation."

NEWMAN: "Tact and Hart up those back steps … and they're in the main ballroom!"

JULIUS: "And it looks like they're about to wreak havoc on someone's function.. those tables are all set up and looking mighty pretty."

TRIPP: "Pretty, huh?"

JULIUS: "Yes, pretty."

NEWMAN: "Tact with a scoop .. and he places Hart on top of one of the tables … Tact up with him now … AND LARRY TACT WITH A PILEDRIVER!"

JULIUS: "I didn't know you could order Shawn Hart centerpieces!"

NEWMAN: "Tact with a cover on top of that table … ONE …… TWO ………… HART GETS THE SHOULDER UP!"

TRIPP: "Barely! Tact rolls off the table and brings SJH with him.. the two now heading to through the ballroom … and into the upstairs kitchen!"

NEWMAN: "Tact with a whip … BUT SJH WITH A REVERSAL AND TACT CRASHES INTO THE INDUSTRIAL REFRIDGERATOR! Tact stumbles back into the pan rack … but Hart is too disoriented to follow up."

JULIUS: "After the beating all three men have taken, I'm not surprised."

NEWMAN: "Hart straddling the counter as he makes his way to the two-time Champion."

(The screen splits as we see Suicide storming down the hallway. He walks right past the "Restricted Area" doors.)

JULIUS: "Suicide getting colder!"

(The fans behind security yell at Suicide to come back… and he stops.)

JULIUS: "Or maybe not!"

TRIPP: "The fans trying to help Suicide get back to Larry Tact and Pro Wrestling's SJH … but can he make it in time?"

NEWMAN: "Hart grabs a frying pan from the ground … but Larry Tact with a boot to the knee and Hart flops to the ground! Larry Tact trying to get up … and he grabs the pepper shaker! Tact rips it open and pours it into his hand ….. AND TOSSES IT INTO HART's FACE!"

TRIPP: "Hart rolling on the ground .. and now Larry Tact hoists him up … AND THEY'RE HEADING TOWARDS THE FREEZER!"

(Meanwhile the fans on the 2nd floor are rabidly pointing towards the restricted area door. Suicide nods at them before pushing through!)

JULIUS: "Getting warmer!"


TRIPP: "Jesus Christ! Look at that slab of meat hanging from hooks!"

JULIUS: "I will never eat at another function again."


JULIUS: "That's almost as bad as a concrete wall, Newman!"

NEWMAN: "Hart hits the carcass … and he stumbles right back into the running knee to the ribs! Tact hooking SJH …………… STARBREAKER! LARRY TACT HITS THE STARBREAKER!"

(Meanwhile Suicide walks past the stairs … until he notices the blood from Hart trailing up the steps.)

NEWMAN: "TACT WITH THE COVER …………… ONE …………….. TWO ………………….. THREE!!!!!"


LINKS: "Pro Wrestling's SJH has been eliminated!"


(Suicide eyes the carnage in the kitchen from across the room and storms into it. The shot merges into one as Suicide stops and stares at SJH's body lying in the freezer.)

JULIUS: "Suicide doesn't realize Hart's been eliminated .. and I think he's wondering if this is a setup."


TRIPP: "But Suicide spins around and nails the Phantom Kick! Tact drops the bottle of wine and it shatters on the ground!"

NEWMAN: "Suicide with a rolling pin … AND HE CRACKS IT OVER THE SKULL OF THE FORMER TWO-TIME CHAMPION! Suicide grabbing the head of Tact … and smashes it into the counter!"

JULIUS: "These guys are going to kill themselves."

TRIPP: "Well if you're going to go all out .. might as well do it on PrimeTime!"

NEWMAN: "Suicide with a fistful of tights … and he sends Tact flying into the hallway!"

JULIUS: "And poor Shawn Hart is left out in the cold."

TRIPP: "The three-time Champion put up a hell of a fight .. but we're down to Suicide and Tact … one of these men will walk out of PrimeTime with a huge win under their belts."

NEWMAN: "Suicide stomping Larry Tact … and he drops the leg across his throat!"

JULIUS: "Jesus .. after all this, Suicide pulls out ….. a wrestling move?!"

NEWMAN: "Suicide ripping Tact off the floor and he sends him into that metal step ladder!"

TRIPP: "Tact braces himself though! Suicide coming in after him .. BUT TACT WITH A THUMB TO THE EYE!"

NEWMAN: "Tact rams Suicide's head into the ladder!"

JULIUS: "Where's he going now!?"

NEWMAN: "I have no clue! Larry Tact making his way up that step ladder … and he pushes open the hatch and disappears!"

TRIPP: "Where else is there to go?!"

NEWMAN: "Suicide following up after him!"

JULIUS: "The referee now following .. I don't think the cameraman will be able to follow though.."




(The camera cuts to the arena and a spotlight shines on Larry Tact and Suicide as they exchange blows in the rafters!)

JULIUS: "I hope we have insurance!"

NEWMAN: "Tact with a boot to the stomach doubles over Suicide … OH …… MY ……. GOD!"

(Larry Tact tip toes over a very small metal walkway … leading to the top of the jumbo scoreboard!!)



JULIUS: "I have never seen anything like this in my life!"

NEWMAN: "Larry Tact with a lockup … but Suicide with a quick go behind … SPINS HIM AROUND … AND PLANTS TACT WITH THE ENFORCER DDT!!"

TRIPP: "And Larry Tact almost rolled off the damn scoreboard!"



NEWMAN: "SUICIDE WITH A KNEE TO THE FACE! He picks Larry Tact up off the top of the scoreboard… AND HOOKS THE TIGHTS ……… GUT-WRENCH SUPLEX!"

(SFX: "N! E! W! N! E! W! chants.)

TRIPP: "The referee FINALLY makes his way to join Tact and Suicide on the scoreboard… where the hell is LaRoque when you need him?! He needs to get those three OFF the scoreboard and back into safety."

NEWMAN: "I don't know, Jason … but I think the fans are certainly enjoying this match as it is!"

JULIUS: "They're fans at the Coliseum … yearning for blood, destruction … and death."

NEWMAN: "I wouldn't go that far, Dean."

JULIUS: "Really? Look at them!"

NEWMAN: "The fans are on their feet as Suicide brings Tact to his feet …. BUT TACT ROCKS SUICIDE WITH A LEFT HOOK! SUICIDE RESPONDS IN KIND!"

TRIPP: "I can't watch anymore.."


(SFX: Bell rings as the crowd explodes!)

JULIUS: "What a match!"

LINKS: "Ladies and gentlemen … the winner of this match ….. via pinfall ………. SUICIDE!!!!"

TRIPP: "I can't believe it! Congratulations to Suicide … outstanding."

NEWMAN: "Outstanding is an understatement. Larry Tact, Shawn Hart, Suicide … those three men have just given one of the best performances I have seen in my career. From the ring to the scoreboard hanging over the rafters! PrimeTime has been a helluva show … and we're not even finished!"

JULIUS: "The New ERA Championship is on the line for the THIRD time tonight!"

NEWMAN: "And if their first two matches tonight are any indication .. we're in for a potential match of the year candidate!"

( continued... )