[ Madison Square Garden ] New York, New York


TAPED: Sep. 19, 2006
AIRED: Dec. 09, 2006
PPV: BattleBRAWL 2

(CUTTO: Backstage w/ Jason Tripp.  He is standing next to New ERA of Wrestling President Marcus LaRoque.)

TRIPP: "I am backstage with Marcus LaRoque … and President LaRoque .. you just announced that Shawn Hart … who entered number one in the BattleBRAWL rumble, WON it…"

LaROQUE: "It was a tough decision … but it was one that had to be made.  The video evidence I had immediately played back to me was unclear .. up until I saw that final image.  It clearly showed that Shawn Hart’s foot was on top of Daymon’s foot .. and that Daymon’s feet had indeed touched the arena floor first."

TRIPP: "I know that there’s going to be a lot of people upset that this happened … Daymon came into the rumble and caused a stir right until the very end … both men lasted over an hour in the rumble … and I am thinking that there are those people out there who believe that BOTH men should receive championship shots."

LaROQUE: "Nothing against Daymon at all.  He did a damn good job out there tonight.  But the BattleBRAWL rumble rules specifically stated that the winner would get the championship shot at a show of his choosing.  Shawn Hart won it and he’ll get to choose when he’ll receive the championship shot.  But don’t dismiss Daymon’s chances quite so fast."

TRIPP: "Does this mean that Daymon will be getting a championship shot?"

LaROQUE: "Daymon has proved himself the past few months .. and tonight he really solidified himself in my eyes as a contender to the World championship.  He may not have technically won his championship shot tonight … but he did win one in the near future from my perspective."

TRIPP: "What about the match coming up.."

LaROQUE: "The main event should be another thrilling match here at BattleBRAWL 2 … and I know that Juliet Marceau has something to announce before the match that should be exciting ..  although, following the rumble … any match would be tough to follow."

TRIPP: "There you have it .. President Marcus LaRoque clarifying the decision he made .. as well as pretty much guaranteeing that we’ll be seeing Daymon in the World championship scene … back to you guys and tonight’s World Title defense!"

(CUTTO: Ringside.)

JULIUS: "What the hell is that?  Daymon lost tonight .. and he’s still going to get a shot?"

GHEORGHE: "Daymon was in there for almost an hour and 20 minutes … he went through guy after guy … and as President LaRoque said, he really showed how much he wanted it tonight.  You have to commend President LaRoque for rewarding hard work."

JIVE: "Hard work of LOSERS?  I don’t think that’s fair at all."

Pack Your Sunscreen

(CUEUP: ‘Violet’ by Hole as the fans begin to jeer.)

GHEORGHE: "And I guess we’re about to get that announcement from New ERA’s Vice President Juliet Marceau."

JULIUS: "Now here’s the REAL power behind the scenes, Gheorghe."

JIVE: "Yea .. maybe you should stop sucking up to LaRoque so much and focus more on Marceau."

GHEORGHE: "I think you do enough sucking for the three of us, Nick."

JULIUS: "Oohhh snap!"

(Marceau makes her way onto the ramp and pauses. The big screens behind her go black.)

MARCEAU: "Here we are … New York City … Madison Square Garden …"

(SFX: Cheap hometown pop.)

MARCEAU: "We are just seconds away from beginning tonight’s main event … and I can’t think of a better time to make this announcement."

GHEORGHE: "I wonder what Marceau is going to announce."

JULIUS: "Whatever it is, I’m sure it’s big.  Why else would she want to come out here?"

MARCEAU: "There’s nothing like New ERA pay per views .. and as you know, starting with RAPTURE we’ll be endeavoring on our BEAT the HEAT tour throughout the Caribbean…"

JIVE: "I cannot wait to get on some of those beaches."

JULIUS: "What, so you can send the natives screaming after they see you without a shirt on?"

JIVE: "Look whose talking Mr. Sasquatch Chest.."

MARCEAU: "So .. it gives me a great deal of satisfaction to announce that we’ve just finalized our deal …. And … coming to you LIVE aboard a cruise ship …. In the Harbor of Havana, Cuba … New ERA’s next pay per view … BANNED in the U.S.!"

(As she says this the big screens light up with the logo for the next pay per view.  The crowd goes crazy.)


JIVE: "I can already sense the lawsuit being put into the mail right now by the government."

MARCEAU: "Get out your sunscreen … pack your passports .. and more importantly light up those Cuban cigars … because New ERA of Wrestling is cruisin’ for a bruisin’…."

(CUEUP: ‘Violet’ by Hole as Marceau tucks the microphone in her belt and walks behind the curtain.)

GHEORGHE: "On a cruise ship! New ERA’s next pay per view is going to be on a cruise ship .. in the Havana Harbor!"

JULIUS: "As Marceau said … the pay per view is going to be BANNED in the U.S.!"

(SFX: Bell rings three times. The lineup for the main event flashes on screen and the World Title around Marx’s waist in the graphic sparkles.)

World Heavyweight Championship

The Phantom Republican vs. Jonathan Marx (c)

JACOBS: "Ladies and gentlemen… the following match is scheduled for one fall … AND IS FOR THE NEW ERA OF WRESTLING WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP!"

(SFX: Crowd explodes.)

GHEORGHE: "Here we go … The Phantom Republican .. the man who put an end to the stranglehold that Jean Rabesque had on the championship … will be taking on Jonathan Marx … who won the championship on RAUCOUS … without GOP!"

JIVE: "Marx caused Beau Michaels to submit … and in the stipulations anyone could have been the victim of the fall to crown a new champion.. Phantom Republican was caught in the ropes and watched helplessly as Marx won the championship from him."

JULIUS: "And now payback is going to be a bitch!"

JACOBS: "Introducing first…"

(CUEUP: ‘Imperial March’ by John Williams.  Voice overs from prominent GOP leaders fade in and out as Jeffords opens the curtain and holds them open for the Phantom Republican who comes out in all his red, white and blue glory.)

JACOBS: "Hailing from Conservative Middle America … he stands six foot five and is the FORMER New ERA of Wrestling World Champion …… THE PHANTOM REPUBLICAN!"

JULIUS: "LOOK AT GOP!  He looks majestic … he looks stoic .. he looks like the LEADER that New ERA NEEDS!"

GHEORGHE: "But will he be able to take back the championship tonight?  Don’t forget, guys, this is the first World championship of Jonathan Marx’s career … and you know that he’s going to be fighting tooth and nail tonight to make sure he holds on to it!"

JACOBS: "And his opponent…"

(CUEUP: ‘The Touch’ by Stan Bush.  The curtain opens from both sides as Brandon Jacobs holds one end open and John Doe holds the other.  Carlee Marx is not present.)

JIVE: "And there’s the rest of DREDD with him…"

JACOBS: "Hailing from Princeton, New Jersey … standing six foot one … he is the CURRENT New ERA of Wrestling World Heavyweight Champion ……. ‘GENTLEMAN’ JONATHAN MARX!"

JULIUS: "Marx has that World championship strapped around his waist … and I don’t think I’ve ever seen that belt shine as it is right now under the bright lights here in Madison Square Garden!"

GHEORGHE: "I can’t think of a match in the past year that I have wanted to see more than Jonathan Marx and Phantom Republican …. Both these men are incredible athletes … and … GOP JUST ATTACKED MARX!"

JULIUS: "GOP wants this his championship back now … why wait for the match to begin?"


JIVE: "He hasn’t even had a chance to take the championship off his waist yet!"


(SFX: Bell rings.)

JIVE: "Finally the bell rings … and the referee is over there to take the championship away."

GHEORGHE: "But GOP won’t give it to him!  The Phantom Republican holding the championship high over his head … and listen to the fans!  The fans are showing their disapproval .. and they’re doing it loudly!"

JIVE: "New Yorkers just don’t appreciate the hard work of the Republicans…"


JULIUS: "Doe needs to keep himself out of this match.  Jeeves has been given the word to defend the fairness of this match at all costs."

GHEORGHE: "How is nailing Marx in the face with the championship fair?"

JULIUS: "The match hadn’t started yet, duh."

GHEORGHE: "Phantom Republican grabs Jonathan Marx and backs him into the corner … and Republican now driving his boots into the midsection … over and over .. Jonathan Marx now slumping to the mat … AND GOP STARTS DRIVING THE KNEES INTO THE FACE OF THE CHAMPION!"

JIVE: "The Phantom Republican never lost to Jonathan Marx … he should be the rightful champion."


JULIUS: "Phantom Republican will use the full force of the Republican Party to win back his championship."

GHEORGHE: "It’s Marx’s championship."

JIVE: "We’ll see if that remains true after tonight."

GHEORGHE: "Well whoever walks out champion tonight will have a big task ahead of them in Shawn Hart.. and you’ve got to imagine that after watching Hart’s performance in the rumble tonight if the Champion will just be keeping the championship warm for ‘the Phenom.’"

JULIUS: "If GOP’s actions so far are any indication, then Hart better pray that Marx walks out with the championship."

GHEORGHE: "Phantom Republican grabs Marx as he was getting to his feet … BUT MARX GRABS THE ARM! Marx brings GOP up and over with a fireman’s carry and now he locks the arm of GOP in between his legs … and applies pressure to the shoulder."

JIVE: "Jonathan Marx is the best technical wrestler on the roster .. GOP has got to make sure he keeps Marx off that part of his game."

GHEORGHE: "Marx takes his leg … and slams it down across the chest of GOP … and now GOP is trying to roll Marx onto his back.  GOP HAS MARX’s SHOULDERS DOWN .. ONE …. But Marx easily gets GOP on his back.  Marx slams his leg across the chest of Phantom Republican again… and AGAIN GOP tries to pin Marx…. ONE …. But Marx releases the hold!"

JULIUS: "Smart move by Marx .. he wasn’t getting anywhere."

GHEORGHE: "GOP getting back to his feet while he tests his shoulder … but Marx is already up … and Marx takes him down with a drop toe hold… and now Marx at the feet of GOP .. AND HE LOCKS HIS LEGS… Marx now reaches down and grabs the arms of GOP …. AND HE’s ROCKING HIM BACK!  Marx … Marx locks on the surfboard!"

JIVE: "The World Champion trying to wear GOP down early.  Unfortunately you can’t break the Republican’s will that easily."

GHEORGHE: "Marx has the surfboard on and the referee checking with GOP … GOP looks to be in a lot of pain, but he doesn’t look like he’s ready to throw in the towel quiet yet."

JULIUS: "This is going to be a landslide victory for the Phantom Republican… Marx and his communists might have the early lead … but as we already know from 2004, exit polling can be awfully faulty."

GHEORGHE: "Marx is trying to do as much damage to the joints of GOP as he can … that surfboard is perfectly executed.."

JIVE: "Marx has the added benefit of John Doe and Brandon Jacobs on the outside.. so even if the Champion were to get in a lot of trouble … he at least has DREDD to back him up."

GHEORGHE: "The referee continuing to ask GOP if he wants to submit .. but the former World Champion isn’t responding to the question …. AND GOP IS TRYING TO ROLL OUT OF THE HOLD!"

JIVE: "Well, you mean he’s trying to roll Marx over to break the hold.."

GHEORGHE: "You know what I meant.."

JIVE: "Did I, Gheorghe? Did I?"

GHEORGHE: "Marx starting to give a little … and you can only imagine the strain that Marx is feeling holding GOP up as long as he has… and FINALLY Marx releases the surfboard!"

JULIUS: "I think GOP is going to be double jointed after that hold."

GHEORGHE: "Phantom Republican lying on his stomach … and he’s trying to get on his feet … but Jonathan Marx is right on top of him … Marx straddling above GOP .. AND HE JUMPS UP AND COMES DOWN HARD ON THE BACK OF GOP!  AND NOW HE’s LOCKING ON A CAMEL CLUTCH!"

JULIUS: "Jonathan Marx has taken this match to the mat … with one submission hold after another."

JIVE: "He’s wearing Phantom Republican down early in this match …"

GHEORGHE: "Marx doing exactly what needs to be done… Phantom Republican didn’t just walk into the World Title .. he beat one of the most gifted wrestlers of his time … Jonathan Marx has done his homework. And John Doe is on the outside giving his support."

JULIUS: "Doe’s just pissy because he lasted about as long as Jive does in bed with a woman."

JIVE: "HEY! I last at LEAST three times as long!"

GHEORGHE: "Doe might not have been successful in getting a championship shot, although if he had and Jonathan Marx retained tonight, that would have been interesting … but Doe did cause quite a commotion when he took out all those people with the flying crossbody from the top."

JULIUS: "And what good did that do him?  He was on the floor within minutes… hell, less than that."

GHEORGHE: "Phantom Republican really starting to look worn … but surprisingly Marx hasn’t hooked his hands yet.."

JIVE: "Fingers locked or not, GOP is in a world of pain right now."

GHEORGHE: "The referee trying unsuccessfully again to get an answer from GOP .. it’s as if GOP refuses to acknowledge his presence…. AND GOP IS STARTING TO MOVE!  GOP … BREAKS THE CLUTCH!"

JIVE: "I bet Marx wishes he had locked the fingers … although the damage to GOP from the multiple submission holds is already done."

GHEORGHE: "GOP started off hot in this match .. but Marx has cooled him down and has taken control.  GOP finally manages to crawl the rest of the way to the ropes and rests in between them.  The referee keeps the World Champion back … and now Marx against the far ropes … AND HE COMES IN AND HOPS ON THE BACK OF GOP! Phantom Republican’s throat gets slammed on the middle rope and Marx bouncing up and down for good measure."

JULIUS: "The referee now warning him .. but apparently neither man gives a shit what the referee says because Marx is going back against those far ropes…"

GHEORGHE: "Marx coming back … AND HE JAMS GOP’s THROAT AGAINST THE MIDDLE ROPE AGAIN!  GOP finally falls completely to the mat … AND MARX IS DRAGGING HIM TO THE CENTER OF THE RING!  Marx down with the cover … ONE … TW—NO!  Kickout by The Phantom Republican."

JIVE: "GOP isn’t even safe in the ropes…"

GHEORGHE: "Marx now coming up and drops the elbow on the sternum of GOP.  The nonchalant cover … ONE … kickout though by the former champion."

JULIUS: "That was a weak attempt, but Marx was probably hoping that maybe Phantom Republican lost his sense of self and wouldn’t break the pinfall."

GHEORGHE: "Marx getting to his feet again …. And now he’s dragging GOP over to the other side of the ring … and he’s placing GOP’s left leg on the second rope!  Marx now stands on the second rope … AND HOPS OFF AND DUMPS ALL HIS WEIGHT ONTO THE LEG OF GOP!"

JIVE: "He can break the knee or something by doing that."

JULIUS: "You know, Nick, you get a gold star for broadcasting…."

JIVE: "Shutup."

GHEORGHE: "Marx resting on the leg of GOP .. and he gets back up .. AND HE’s DOING IT AGAIN!  Marx on the second rope … he jumps up …. BUT PHANTOM REPUBLICAN USES HIS OTHER LEG AND KICKS MARX OVER THE TOP ROPE!! THE WORLD CHAMPION GETS DUMPED TO THE FLOOR!"

JULIUS: "WOW.  Call him the Republican Pelè! Marx went flying!"

GHEORGHE: "Phantom Republican brings his leg down .. and he starts crawling to the center of the ring!  And now John Doe and Brandon Jacobs are over to Jonathan Marx .. and Marx is sitting straight up wondering what just happened?"

JULIUS: "He got his ass booted clear across the bridge."

GHEORGHE: "Phantom Republican at the far ropes now as he uses them to get to his feet .. and he is limping heavily as he starts walking back to the side of the ring where Marx is … Jonathan Marx now getting to his feet as he assures Jacobs and Doe he’s okay… AND MARX TURNS RIGHT AS THE PHANTOM REPUBLICAN USES THE TOP ROPE AS A SLINGSHOT ONTO ALL THREE MEN!"

JIVE: "GOP just took out DREDD in one fell swoop!"

GHEORGHE: "But he hurt his knee!"

JULIUS: "GOP took a chance there .. and the risk outweighed the reward."

GHEORGHE: "GOP on the ground next to DREDD as he holds that knee … and now Marx is up … As is Doe … AND NOW DOE IS BRINGING GOP TO HIS FEET!! John Doe is HOLDING GOP IN PLACE FOR THE WORLD CHAMPION!"


JULIUS: "Payback is a motherfucking bitch."

GHEORGHE: "GOP standing very gingerly on that leg as Doe holds him up.. Marx comes forward .. AND HE WALLOPS GOP IN THE HE…. NO!! GOP DUCKED! MARX NAILED DOE WITH THE CHAMPIONSHIP!"

JIVE: "If Doe didn’t have a headache from being dumped on his head in the rumble, he sure as hell will have one when he wakes up from that shot!"

GHEORGHE: "Doe went down like a sack of potatoes … and now Marx turns AND BOOTS GOP IN THE SIDE!  Marx picks up GOP … and he sends him flying with an irish whip .. BUT GOP REVERSES .. AND MARX GOES FACE FIRST INTO THE STEEL POST and RINGSTEPS!"

JULIUS: "Marx might be the best technical wrestler in NEW …. But that doesn’t, and obviously hasn’t so far, help him on the outside of the ring."

GHEORGHE: "GOP, though, is too injured to follow up on it as he fell to one knee. BUT NOW HE’s UP!  The Phantom Republican coming over to where Marx is .. AND HE RIPS THE TOP PART OF THE STEEL STEPS UP …. AND SLAMS IT DOWN ON MARX!"

JIVE: "They need to get back in the ring… the referee is starting to get impatient."

JULIUS: "Although that hasn’t fazed them so far, has it?"

GHEORGHE: "The Phantom Republican grabs a handful of Marx’s hair .. and he DRAGS HIS FACE ACROSS THE APRON!  Jonathan Marx takes a few steps … AND GOP COMES AT HIM AND TAKES HIM TO THE ARENA FLOOR WITH A VICIOUS CLOTHESLINE!"

JIVE: "I think I heard Marx’s skull just hit the floor!  He could have a concussion after that clothesline!"

GHEORGHE: "GOP finally picking up the World Champion and rolling him back into the ring."

JULIUS: "It’s a good thing, too… I think the referee was about to count out .. or hell, disqualify, both men."

GHEORGHE: "GOP rolls in after him and now Brandon Jacobs is trying to revive John Doe on the outside.  Phantom Republican waiting as Marx gets back to his feet …. AND SENDS HIM FLYING WITH A DROPKICK!  GOP on the offensive now as he grabs the arm of Marx … and jams it into the turnbuckle pad!  GOP using the ropes for leverage as he wraps Marx’s arm around it … and Phantom Republican hops up and crashes down on the arm!"

JIVE: "If you take out the arms of the Champion it makes it that much harder to execute most of his repertoire."

GHEORGHE: "Marx trying to crawl away, but GOP is right on him.  Republican grabs the back of the tights and hoists Marx to his feet.  The World Champion with a quick back elbow … but GOP ducks and counters it with a back suplex!  GOP back on his feet and he locks on the arm bar!"

JULIUS: "Now we’re seeing the Phantom Republican work over Marx .."

GHEORGHE: "This is a good strategy, if you ask me … earlier Marx had worked over GOP to wear him down … and now GOP is trying to put them back on equal footing."

JULIUS: "If GOP is successful, then that means that both men will have to be extremely careful .. one miscalculation and this match, and the World Title, will be gone."

GHEORGHE: "GOP really wrenching on the arm of Marx .. but Marx is trying to get on his feet! Marx is struggling back up … AND MARX WITH A SERIES OF MOVES FLIPS OUT OF THE ARM BAR……… BUT GOP WITH A KNEE TO THE GUT STOPS MARX’s MOMENTUM!"

JIVE: "The World Champion was almost able to get out of the situation .. but GOP telegraphed the situation well and was able to stop Marx short."

GHEORGHE: "GOP now grabs the other arm of Jonathan Marx … and he swings him around .. and drops to his knees!  GOP with the backslide… ONE … TW—NO!  Marx was able to kick out!"

JIVE: "Both men going for some pinfalls early in the match … which I think is a good idea because it causes your opponent to exert more energy to kick out.  In a match like this it is all about outlasting your opponent."

GHEORGHE: "GOP up to his feet and he catches Marx as he was trying to get up … AND BRINGS HIM TO THE MAT AND LOCKS THE ARM AGAIN!"

JULIUS: "GOP is pigheaded.  He’s determined.  He won’t let anything get in the way of victory."

GHEORGHE: "And then he’ll get voted out of office like he was the first time."


GHEORGHE: "GOP wrapping his legs around the arm of Marx.. and he’s got the juji-gatame armbar locked!  Marx is slamming the mat with his free arm as he looks to be in a lot of pain!"

JIVE: "He’s tapping!"

( continued... )