[ ALLTEL Arena ] Little Rock, Arkansas

TAPED: Jun. 28, 2009
AIRED: Jul. 09, 2009
(The black screen flickers to life. W… F … W … the New ERA comes on the screen before being displaced by the logo for the newly re-christened "WFW:NE RAUCOUS.")
(SIZZLE!~!SPLASH!~!BOOM!~! Fireworks light up the stage and begin to trail all the way down the rampway to the ring before a barrage of fireworks go off from inside the ring and around it … The crowd is on its feet as fireworks begin to go off from up in the rafters and a stream of sparkles come floating from the ceiling.)
JIVE (V/O): "It’s a goddamn circus in here!"
(The lights flash as "Who Said" by Planet Funk, which was blaring over the loud speakers, slowly dissipates. The fireworks begin to come to a halt and the arena lights are brought back up. The crowd pops as the big screen shows Tom Gheorghe and Nick Jive at the announce table. CUTTO: The logo for RAUCOUS, then the announce table.)
GHEORGHE: "Welcome to the ALLTEL Arena and welcome to Little Rock, Arkansas!"
JIVE: "You mean Hell."
GHEORGHE: "No matter what anyone says, Nick, the WFW:NE is bringing wrestling action across this country … and tonight .. after two years of darkness, a new light has come down from the Heavens!"
JIVE: "As long as it is followed by the nice hefty paycheck I was promised, then unicorns and yetis could wrestle in that ring tonight and I’d be as happy as can be."
GHEORGHE: "With me, again, is Nick Jive … I am Tom Gheorghe and I cannot even begin to convey how happy I am to be with you all tonight as a new chapter in both World’s Finest Wrestling and New ERA of Wrestling’s histories begins!"
JIVE: "I had heard the rumors, Gheorghe … I saw the announcement, but never did I actually believe that we would be here tonight … after the long layover we had after BANNED in the US …"
GHEORGHE: "A lot of things have been hanging in the balance since the last time you and I called the action .. for one, we still have TWO New ERA of Wrestling World Heavyweight champions … but no longer a New ERA of Wrestling! We have a WFW World Heavyweight champion …. But no longer a World’s Finest Wrestling!"
JIVE: "I assume that there will be a unification for all … three … World Heavyweight championships … but needless to say, we have the very first OFFICIAL WFW:NE champion wrestling here tonight …"
GHEORGHE: "That’s right, Nick! Mr. Entertainment became the first official WFW:NE champion when the New ERA Television championship officially became the WFW:NE Television championship … and here tonight he will be defending it against Cameron Cruise!"
JIVE: "Cruise has been on a roll since 2007 … and one can only assume that tonight he’ll take Mr. Entertainment to the limits."
GHEORGHE: "It should be a fantastic match … both of those men are incredible talents … and speaking of incredible talents … tonight’s main event … can we just say … what a way to come back from a hiatus!"
JIVE: "One of the World Heavyweight championships is on the line tonight … while the other champion is in the building? Call me crazy, but could we see perhaps Larry Tact make an appearance during Daymon’s match with Hart?"
GHEORGHE: "Unfortunately, the Phantom Republican, who won the single night tournament at BANNED in the US to challenge for the World Heavyweight championship at what would have been New ERA’s first LIVE from… series, was unable to re-sign with the WFW:NE due to prior contractual commitments … so Shawn Hart was offered a World Heavyweight championship shot as he was the runner up … AND OFFERED IT TONIGHT!"
JIVE: "Maybe WFW:NE management were thinking back to that first RAUCOUS after BattleBRAWL 2 when Hart tricked everyone into signing the impromptu World Heavyweight championship match against Marx …"
GHEORGHE: "Well, LIVE from… has fallen to the wayside as its been replaced with what should be an incredible opportunity for fans to follow WFW:NE action live … WFW:NE Unplugged! The first Unplugged will take place from Birmingham, Alabama … and will be tweeted LIVE by Jason Tripp … one of our former commentator friends."
JIVE: "I hope you’re using the term ‘friend’ loosely."
GHEORGHE: "You haven’t changed, Nick .. and for that I’m happy. Tonight we also will be seeing the debut of two new wrestlers … Black Dragon, the mysterious protégé to the even more mysterious GAMMA-O … as he takes on Otto Pearl."
JIVE: "Black Dragon is the finest of the fine, Gheorghe. I had a chance to watch him backstage as he was preparing … and I’d be lying if I didn’t say that Otto Pearl was in some serious trouble tonight."
GHEORGHE: "Otto Pearl has a stunning resume, Nick. He’s a bright young talent who has got the goods to run straight to the top."
JIVE: "And if by straight to the top you mean back flat on the mat tonight as Black Dragon utterly mauls him, then yea, I guess I agree with you."
GHEORGHE: "Also tonight we’ll be seeing familiar faces as "Yours Truly" Adam Benjamin squares off with "Total Carnage" Trevor Cane…"
JIVE: "Cane didn’t seem too worried about Benjamin coming into tonight … I’m not too sure what to expect out of either man… Benjamin looks to have changed a bit since the last time we saw him … and Cane looked like he took the time off to work even more on his impressive physique."
GHEORGHE: "Benjamin threatened to beat the living snot out of Cane here on RAUCOUS .. but after what we’ve seen from Cane in matches with both the former PRODIGY© Classic Xtreme champion Chaos and with Jared Wells at BANNED in the US … Benjamin just might have to literally paralyze Cane in order to keep him down."
JIVE: "It should be a good match to watch. Benjamin is known for working stiffly, and I’m not talking the Peter File kind of stiff, whereas Cane can take a beating and a half and still come back for more."
GHEORGHE: "And finally .. while the title won’t be on the line, BAD World Heavyweight champion Steve Johnson will, we hope, be taking on former WFW World Heavyweight champion Alex Wylde!"
JIVE: "Wylde hasn’t even signed a contract! I haven’t seen him in the building yet tonight. If anything, Johnson will be forced to wrestle one of his cronies instead."
GHEORGHE: "Wylde didn’t seem to be too thrilled by being booked here tonight … and it looks like he might have refused to play ball."
JIVE: "If that’s the case then Johnson has an angel on his shoulder. If I were Alex Wylde I would have gladly signed the contract to walk all over Steve Johnson. You beat the BAD World Heavyweight champion in a non-title match and you show that you haven’t lost one step… that could lead to bigger and better things, Gheorghe."
GHEORGHE: "Ladies and gentlemen… we are HERE… and we are…"
JIVE: "Don’t even finish that sentence, Gheorghe."
JIVE: "I finally got rid of that dirtbag Dean Julius, I don’t need you making jokes now, too."
GHEORGHE: "What are you talking about, Nick?"
JIVE: "Don’t play with me… I’m testy already!"
(Gheorghe raises an eyebrow as a puzzled look spreads over his face.)
GHEORGHE: "We are ready to get the show on the road … fans .. this is…"
Welcome to ... MY Show
(CUEUP: "Closer" by Nine Inch Nails. The fans pop as New ERA President Marcus LaRoque steps through the curtains.)
GHEORGHE: "There he is …. The WFW:NE President, Marcus LaRoque!"
JIVE: "Looking spiffy tonight, I might add."
GHEORGHE: "Stop sucking up, Nick, he can’t hear you."
(LaRoque brings his microphone to his mouth, nodding to acknowledge the fans.)
LaROQUE: "Thank you all for being here tonight … for the first RAUCOUS under the WFW:NE banner ….. I am so excited to be here with you all tonight as we start a New ERA of World’s Finest Wrestling …."
JIVE: "But you think he’ll watch this later right?"
GHEORGHE: "Oh stop."
LaROQUE: "As President of the WFW:NE … I wanted to come out here personally to extend the gratitude of the entire organization. It’s reassuring to know that the fa…"
(The lights go out.)
GHEORGHE: "What the hell?!"
LaROQUE: "What the hell?"
JIVE: "What the … oh forget it."
(The big screen begins to flicker. The fans begin to chatter…)
GHEORGHE: "Something is going on .. and I have no clue…."
(The big screen comes to life. Kind of. Sitting in darkness is a figure shrouded. His hands folded in front of him.)
MAN: "Welcome."
(LaRoque, whose figure is illuminated by the big screen’s lights, stares at the figure.)
LaROQUE: "What do you think you’re doing?"
(The man laughs. A smaller figure, a woman, shuffles into the picture and places what looks to be a bowl on his desk. She bows to him and walks off.)
MAN: "Welcome to MY show."
(The fans go silent.)
LaROQUE: "YOUR show? I don’t know who you think you are, but I am the President of WFW:NE … and I want to know just what gives you the right to come o…"
MAN: "You (pauses) are wrong. You (pauses) are nothing to this organization."
(The fans begin to buzz again.)
MAN: "You, Marcus LaRoque of Boston, Massachusetts, no longer own nor operate nor have anything to do with the WFW:NE."
MAN: "Where do you think the money came from? Your brothers’ coffers?"
JIVE: "I feel some pwnage coming."
MAN: "HA. No. I own this organization now. This Board runs the show. And YOU. YOU ARE FIRED."
(CROWD POPS! LaRoque turns to look at them, shocked!)
MAN: "As for New ERA and WFW. There will be only WFW:NE championships. Soon. Destrucity II. Las Vegas. BUT. First. New ERA of Wrestling’s two World Heavyweight championships must become ONE."
(LaRoque is beginning to get peeved.)
LaROQUE: "Wait just a min…"
MAN: "DO NOT INTERRUPT THE MASTER…… LARRY TACT … and the winner of tonight’s battle … will fight honorably for the SOLE World Heavyweight championship; at UNPLUGGED."
LaROQUE: "You ca…"
MAN: "Goodbye."
(As he says this security guards come from behind the curtain and grab LaRoque, quickly escorting him behind the curtain. The arena lights immediately come back on and the big screen dies out. CUTTO: Announce table.)
GHEORGHE: "MY GOD! LaROQUE IS OUT! Who is this so-called Board?! I am speechless!"
JIVE: "And the two New ERA World Heavyweight championships will be unified at Unplugged!!"
GHEORGHE: "What a way to start this New ERA off!! We’ll be back folks … welcome to WFW:NE RAUCOUS! After this quick commercial with Otto Pearl taking on Black Dragon!"
(FADEIN: Ringside.)
GHEORGHE: "Welcome back!"
JIVE: "What is that smell, Gheorghe?"
GHEORGHE: "Hmm … smells like … pot roast?"
(Gheorghe and Jive turn their heads behind them, and sure enough, in the crowd is a miniature grill with smoke coming out of it. A family of six stands around it, their eyes opening wide as the smell wafts by.)
GHEORGHE: "Ha, ha! Welcome to the South, Nick!"
JIVE: (mumbling to himself) "Come back, Nick .. sure, no … we’ll be in high class joints… God damned liar."
GHEORGHE: "Well, it’s not the Beverly Hills Hotel…. But the fans are here to see six fantastic match ups .. and we’re only moments away from the opening bout! Let’s take it up to Jamie Links for the introductions!"
JIVE: "What’s next, the mother from Texas Chainsaw Massacre breastfeeding Leatherface in the upperdeck?"
(CUTTO: In the ring. Jamie Links is dressed to the nines as she steps through the ropes to the hoots and hollers of the farmboys. She winks at them, a smile on her face after her promotion to the RAUCOUS ring announcer. The lineup comes on screen.)
Otto Pearl vs. Black Dragon
LINKS: "The following match … is scheduled for ONE FALL … and has a TWENTY MINUTE time limit! Introducing first… hailing from Akron, Ohio…"
(CUEUP: "Du Hast" by Rammstein. The arena goes black before strobe lights begin to illuminate the entranceway. The fans go crazy as "DU-DU HAST-DU HAST MECHE" is spoke over the PA system. The guitar riff leads to silver flares being shot from the stage. In the area lit by the flares we see Otto Pearl standing. He begins to walk down the rampway with a smile, the rest of his crew, led by Belle, follows him as he enters the ring.)
JIVE: "In this economy, he’s just bankrupted WFW:NE before we even started!"
LINKS: "Standing six foot six and weighing 328 pounds …. OTTO ….. PEARL!"
(The fans pop huge as the arena lights come back to full and Pearl lifts his arms.)
GHEORGHE: "The fans don’t know much about him, but they obviously enjoyed the spectacle!"
JIVE: "I think I hear some "DYKE IT OUT! DYKE IT OUT!" chants …. Maybe these fans aren’t too bad afterall."
GHEORGHE: "Oh Nick…"
(CUEUP: The "PRIDE FC" Opening Theme. Stepping through the curtains is Black Dragon, wearing a red body suit with Asian-style black dragons going down the legs. His cat-like eyes glare through the black mask he wears. He walks to the ring and ignores the fans as they taunt him.)
LINKS: "His opponent… hailing from Kyoto, Japan …. Standing six feet tall and weighing 215 pounds….. BLACK ….. DRAGON!"
GHEORGHE: "Black Dragon .. not fooling around here tonight."
JIVE: "He doesn’t need fancy music … he doesn’t need a bevy of beauties or flares … Black Dragon’s got the tutelage of GAMMA-O .. and that’s all he needs to ride to victory tonight."
GHEORGHE: "The referee is signaling for the bell… and we are ready to go!"
(SFX: Bell rings.)
BEGINNING: The two competitors were very wary of one another to start things off. Black Dragon circled around Pearl once the bell ring with Pearl being extremely careful not to keep his back to Black Dragon. Finally the two came face to face and locked up with the collar and elbow. Pearl got the upperhand and backed Black Dragon back into the ropes. The referee nudged his way in between the two and Pearl released cleanly… however Black Dragon took this opportunity to cheap shot Pearl with a left hook. Otto Pearl quickly grabbed Dragon’s arm and irish whipped him into the opposite ropes. Pearl used the near ropes to gain momentum and met Dragon in the middle of the ring off the rebound with a running lariat that nearly beheaded the masked man. Pearl scooped Dragon off the mat and locked on an armbar … Black Dragon attempted everything he could to get out of the maneuver, but being over 100 pounds lighter than his opponent was a giant disadvantage. Pearl eventually released the hold and sent Dragon back into the ropes … but this time Dragon used his speed to his advantage! As Dragon hit the ropes, cat-like he hopped onto the second rope and jumped back catching the fan-favorite with a hurricanrana!
2nd QUARTER: As the match wore on, both competitors gained and lost momentum. Black Dragon, using his speed and agility, ran circles around Otto Pearl; literally! Pearl finally grabbed onto the back of the black mask and yanked him down to the mat. As Black Dragon held his head, Otto Pearl bounced off the far ropes and came back with a running knee to the face that sent Dragon rolling into the corner. Pearl went in after him, but as Dragon was in the ropes, the referee stopped him. Black Dragon took his time getting to his feet and beckoned Pearl to come get him. Otto Pearl took two steps towards Black Dragon before being met with a spinning heel kick that took him down. Dragon tried to get a quick pinfall, but was thwarted at two. Pearl was getting to his feet, but Dragon quickly grabbed him by the head and took Pearl down with a snapmare .. Dragon then immediately followed it up with a dropkick to the back of the skull and another pinfall attempt. No luck this time either as Pearl got out before the ref could get to three. The fans were on their feet as Otto Pearl slammed a fist into Dragon’s gut as Dragon came in for another offensive assault. Pearl used the opportunity to get to his feet and grabbed the neck of Dragon before planting him with a swinging neckbreaker. Pearl grabbed Black Dragon and sent him into the ropes … Dragon was a sitting duck as Pearl wrapped his arms around him and sent him flying with the belly to belly suplex on the return.
3rd QUARTER: Black Dragon finally had a successful run during the third quarter of the match as he totally dominated Pearl. Pearl attempted to hit another belly to belly suplex a few minutes after the first, but Dragon almost seemed like he was expecting it. As he came off the ropes, Dragon slid between the legs of Pearl and popped up to his feet behind him. Pearl turned, stunned, and was met with a double knee lift to the jaw. Dragon used this opportunity to run to the corner, scale the turnbuckle pads and come flying off with a reverse crossbody block that almost won the match. As Pearl sat up, Dragon hit him repeatedly with Kesagiri chops to the side of the neck. The fans gave Black Dragon a piece of their mind as he stood over Pearl’s body, but Dragon didn’t even seem to hear them. He walked to the corner and waited patiently for Otto Pearl to get to his feet. Otto Pearl, unaware of Dragon stalking him from the corner, slowly got to his feet; his back to Black Dragon. Pearl looked around in front of himself, and not seeing his opponent, turned to the corner where Dragon was waiting. As soon as Pearl turned, Black Dragon darted from the corner, nailing Pearl with a leg lariat. Pearl went down like a ton of bricks and Dragon immediately began stomping on the lower back of his opponent. Pearl managed to swipe the legs out from underneath Black Dragon, stopping his attack momentarily. As both men got to their feet, the fans popped huge when Pearl caught Black Dragon’s leg after a failed boot to the gut … but Dragon quickly sat them down after nailing Pearl with an enziguiri.
END: Black Dragon’s assault came to a screeching halt after Otto Pearl speared Black Dragon through the second ropes to the arena floor. The fans exploded, but both men looked to be hurt. The referee was able to count to six before either man moved, and the fans popped again when it appeared Otto Pearl would be the first man to his feet. Pearl rolled into the ring and back out again, resetting the count, but just as he rolled back out, Dragon kipped up and drove the shoulder into the fan favorite driving him backwards into the ring steps. Black Dragon charged in and slammed all 215 pounds into the head of Pearl. Dragon grabbed Pearl by the head and rolled him back into the ring. Black Dragon ascended to the top rope and pointed to the sky before flying off with a frog splash. Make that he pointed to the sky being flying off and hitting the knees of Otto Pearl with the frog splash. Both men, obviously exhausted, were slow to move the ropes. Each competitor made it to the opposite side of the ring and got to their feet before turning and seeing the other. They charged one another, Pearl going for a running lariat, Black Dragon ducking and hitting the ropes. Black Dragon came back with a flying crossbody, but Otto Pearl caught him. With Black Dragon struggling to break free, Pearl hit a backbreaker. Otto Pearl then picked up Dragon, turned him around … and as he did, Black Dragon lifted up the front of his mask and sprayed him in the face with black mist. The referee saw this and immediately called for the bell as Dragon began to physically assault the fallen Pearl with vicious kicks. Officials had to run down to the ring to stop the attack, while Dragon ignored the fans as they jeered and tossed trash at him when he walked up the ramp to the back.
WINNER: Otto Pearl via disqualification at 14:43.
GHEORGHE: "Dragon just brushing off the trash as it hits him … he doesn’t seem to care that he cost himself the match!"
JIVE: "Who needs the ‘W’ in the column when you go out there and make your opponent look like some fragile child! Black Dragon doesn’t need the officials telling him he won the match … he got Pearl right where he wanted and beat him into the mat! Now THAT’s what I call victorious!"
GHEORGHE: "Pearl finally sitting up … AND HE DOES NOT LOOK HAPPY!! Otto Pearl rolls out of the ring … AND HE IS RACING UP THE RAMP! The fans here are on their feet .. and I think they want to see Pearl get some revenge on the Japanese star!"
JIVE: "Black Dragon is gone. As soon as he walked through those curtains he disappeared into the darkness …. Pearl can look all he wants, but he better beware… he won’t find Black Dragon … Black Dragon will find him!"
GHEORGHE: "What an intense match … and what a way to start of RAUCOUS. We still have FIVE more matches to go here tonight .. we’re going to take a quick commercial break, but when he come back … we’ll finally figure out if Alex Wylde will man up and take on the BAD World Heavyweight champion Steve Johnson in their scheduled non-title bout!"
(FADEIN: Backstage. Standing in front of the WFW:NE RAUCOUS backdrop is "Total Carnage" Trevor Cane. Next to him is backstage interviewer, Sam Baxter. The microphone that is usually in Baxter’s hands has somehow, while the camera was not on, been transferred to Cane’s. Cane stares straight into the camera, completely ignoring Baxter.)
CANE: "Benjamin. You are somewhere in the lockerrooms right now. You are standing in front of the mirror, staring at yourself and trying to detail your game plan. What good will it do you, Adam, when you are standing in the ring? You won’t be staring in the mirror anymore. No. You will be staring into my eyes. Every little step you may be planning out right now as you’re tightening up your laces is going to go to hell. (Exhale) You can try to pin me. You can gather every ounce of your being to make me tap out. It won’t be enough. Nothing you have will ever be enough."
(Baxter attempts to ask Trevor Cane a question, but Cane raises his finger shushing him without ever looking over.)
CANE: "I’ve watched your words over and over on my way here to the arena. Every detail I inspected, half hoping to see through the bull and catch a glimmer of what is to be expected when the bell rings. I studied. I parsed. Every time I reflected, though, I came to the same conclusion. There is nothing to expect from you, Adam. You’ve proven your lack of worth. I cannot pretend to comprehend what you will be thinking when you walk down the aisle to the ring. I do not attempt to understand, nor will I ever, why you find even the most remote possibility that you will come away from the match having pinned my shoulders to the mat. Adam, the whole façade will be uncovered and you will be funneled out of the arena, not by stretcher or wheelchair, but by the shame and contempt you will feel for yourself after being taught the lesson of a lifetime. Prepare yourself, Adam. Because the Downward Spiral begins (pauses) tonight."
(Cane tosses the microphone to the ground ending the scene with a thump. Baxter looks down at the microphone and then off camera at Cane.)
(CUTTO: Steve Johnson, the BAD World Heavyweight championship on his shoulder, stands in the ring.)
GHEORGHE: "We are back here in Little Rock at the ALLTEL Arena … and as you can see the BAD World Heavyweight champion has already entered the ring!"
JIVE: "Johnson is the type of guy who likes pain. He was standing out back just chomping at the bits to come out here so Alex Wylde, or one of his minion’s, could slap him around a bit!"
GHEORGHE: "Steve Johnson is a tremendous athlete… he defeated Jared Wells for the BAD World Heavyweight championship at WFW Superbowl of Wrestling III and ended Wells’ almost three-year run with the belt…"
JIVE: "That’s all old news, Gheorghe. Hell, we don’t even know if Wylde will be here! I haven’t heard anything from the boys in the truck that Wylde’s even step one foot in the arena."
GHEORGHE: "Well, if he doesn’t, then someone is going to be taking on Johnson tonight …. Let’s send this over to Jamie Links who is standing in the ring!"
(CUTTO: Inside the ring. Jamie Links stands there waiting for her cue. As she gets it the lineup for the match comes on screen.)
Alex Wylde vs. Steve Johnson (c)
LINKS: "The following match is scheduled for ONE FALL, has a TWENTY MINUTE TIME LIMIT and is a non-title BAD World Heavyweight championship match! Introducing first… already in the ring … he stands six foot three and weighs 230 pounds …. Hailing from Columbus, Ohio … he is the CURRENT BAD World Heavyweight champion ……. STEVE …… JOHNSON!"
(Huge pops from the crowd as Johnson lifts the championship in the air.)
JIVE: "Now’s the moment of truth, Gheorghe… who will walk through those curtains and face Johnson!"
GHEORGHE: "It has to be someone hand chosen by Wylde… he’s not even an official employee of WFW:NE!"
(CUEUP: "Diesel Power" by Prodigy. The fans begin to jeer. The lights dim … but nothing happens.)
GHEORGHE: "Is he coming???"
JIVE: "No one’s stepped through the curtains! Alex Wylde has stuck it to WFW:NE officials!"
GHEORGHE: "Any hopes of ever working in this industry have just disappeared for Wylde…. Steve Johnson is going to win this by def…."
(SFX: Fans jeering gets ten times louder as the curtain parts …)
GHEORGHE: "What the hell is in his hands? Alex Wylde is walking to the ring, shaking his head no … and he’s got a pen and paper in his hand!"
LINKS: "And his opponent…. Hailing from Atlantic City, New Jersey…. Standing six foot one and weighing 228 pounds…… ALEX ….. WYLDE!"
GHEORGHE: "Alex Wylde slides in underneath the ropes … and he breezes past Steve Johnson shoving him out of the way! Wylde is walking straight to the referee!"
JIVE: "Wylde is getting animated as he berates the referee for his being here…. Can we get anything he’s saying?"
(CUTTO: Closer shot from the outside of the ring. The referee is trying to talk some sense into Wylde, but Wylde keeps waving the paper in his face. We can barely pick up some of what Wylde is saying.)
WYLDE: (barely audible) "I don’t have to be here! I’m not on the roster …. (the buzz from the crowd drowns out what Wylde says for the next few moments…) You think I’m wrestling some two-bit jack-of … (more buzz, more missed statements)."
JIVE: "Wylde is really letting the referee have it!"
GHEORGHE: "Johnson getting a bit impatient, and he walks up to Alex Wylde!"
JIVE: "This is not a good thing to do…"
GHEORGHE: "Johnson taps Wylde on the shoulder.. and Wylde turns around and yells to give him a minute!"
WYLDE: (barely audible) "You want me to wrestle tonight you gotta sign this liability insurance paper… (more things missed) This is a one night contract drawn up by my attorneys. This is all you’re getting. (Crowd causes the mic to miss what he says next) And if you think that I’m going to sign my life away to this promotion, you are just as crazy as they are. This is it. You get me tonight, and afterwards we discuss things on MY terms."
(Wylde shoves the paper and the pen at the referee who looks as Jamie Links. She shrugs her shoulders and finally the referee signs. Wylde takes the pen and paper back and signs himself. He then hands the contract to a ring attendant.)
JIVE: "Alex Wylde is one smart cookie, Gheorghe! He just leveraged the referee to sign a liability insurance paper for WFW:NE! Not only that, but he wants any contract to be on his terms!"
GHEORGHE: "First he has to make it out of this match … and Steve Johnson has certainly got himself worked up over the delay!"
JIVE: "Fuck Johnson! Alex Wylde is in the house!"
(SFX: Bell rings.)
BEGINNING: Whatever misgivings Wylde had about being in the match withered away as soon as the bell rang. Wylde jumped at the opportunity to attack the BAD World Heavyweight champion from behind, clobbering him with clothesline. Wylde kept up the offensive with some swift closed fists to the back of the head before grabbing Johnson and planting him with a snap suplex. Steve Johnson managed to fight back and made it to his feet, blocking an incoming fist and returning one of his own. With Wylde stunned, Johnson tucked his head underneath Wylde’s jaw and dropped to the mat. Johnson hopped to his feet and drove knee after knee into the side of the former WFW World Heavyweight champion and finished off with a beautiful fisherman suplex. Johnson grabbed Wylde by the arm and yanked him into the corner and proceeded to drive the boots into Wylde’s chest. Alex Wylde finally drove a boot into the knee of Johnson, stopping the attack. Johnson again tried to assault Wylde in the corner, but Wylde rolled underneath the ropes to the outside. After tossing his hands up and turning to head to the back, Wylde was stopped midway up the rampway by the BAD World Heavyweight champion. Johnson spun Wylde around, booted him in the stomach, and nailed a double arm DDT into the ramp! The fans jumped to their feet and began a "BAD KICKS ASS!" chant as Johnson grabbed onto Wylde’s left leg and began to drag him towards the ring.
2nd QUARTER: Instead of taking Wylde into the ring, the action stayed on the outside. Steve Johnson brought Wylde to his feet and drove him back first into the side of the ring. Johnson then whipped the former World Heavyweight champion towards the far guardrail, but Wylde reversed sending Johnson crashing into it himself. With Johnson down, Wylde slowly got to his feet and pushed the time keeper off his chair. Wylde folded the chair up and began to walk over to Johnson. The BAD World Heavyweight champion saw him coming, and when Wylde brought the chair over his head, Johnson slammed a fist into his gut. The chair fell to the arena floor and Johnson got to his feet and pushed Wylde backwards causing him to hit the ringpost. Johnson picked the chair from the ground, wound up and swung out Wylde, but hit the metal ring post after Wylde dove out of the way. With Johnson holding his stinging hands, Alex Wylde grabbed him by the head from behind and hit a reverse DDT onto the chair! Wylde rolled the BAD World Heavyweight champion and slid in after him for the cover. The referee was thisclose to a three count, but Johnson got his shoulder up right before the three. Alex Wylde hopped to his feet to complain to the referee about the slow count, and gave him a piece of his mind, before turning and going to the corner! Wylde climbed the ropes and flew off nailing a Rocker Dropper for what surely would be the end of the match. However, somehow, Steve Johnson got his shoulder up.
3rd QUARTER: Johnson and Wylde fought back and forth in the third quarter of the match .. after Wylde missed a missile dropkick from the top rope, Steve Johnson began working over Wylde’s legs. Johnson grabbed Wylde, brought him in the air and slammed the former World Heavyweight champion’s shin against his knee. After doing this three times in a row, Johnson dropped Wylde onto the mat and began to wrap his legs up. Wylde was stuck in the center of the ring a victim of a figure four leglock. Wylde tried to get out of the move, but he wasn’t able to reach Wylde or pry the legs off. After what must have seemed like an eternity for Wylde, he finally began to rock back and forth, hoping perhaps that the momentum would reverse the hold on Johnson. Although Johnson tried to stop it, Wylde was eventually successful in reversing the hold, and after just a few moments, the figure four was released with both men holding their limbs. Steve Johnson got to his feet first and began to walk over to Wylde. Johnson made it within three steps of Wylde before the former World Heavyweight champion reached up and pulled the tights of Johnson sending him crashing to the outside. Johnson slowly got to his feet, and made it up just in time to watch as Alex Wylde came charging off the ring apron and flying towards him with a spinning heel kick from the apron! The fans began to chant "BAD KICKS ASS!" one more time as both men attempted to get up.
END: Johnson and Wylde made it to their feet on the outside at exactly the same time and began exchanging blows. Wylde ducked and popped Johnson in the torso with a fist, and then came at him with a European uppercut. As Johnson held his jaw, Wylde grabbed him by the waist hitting an inverted atomic drop. Johnson wasn’t able to express any emotion, however, because Wylde immediately followed it up with a clothesline sending Johnson to the arena floor. Alex Wylde proceeded to roll Johnson in the ring and follow in after him. Inside the ring Wylde wrapped the BAD World Heavyweight champion up in an abdominal stretch. Whenever the ref was out of sight, Wylde grabbed the top rope for the additional pressure … and release it every time the referee tried to catch him. Finally, after the fourth time, the referee scooted around the other side and caught Wylde red handed and called for the break. With Wylde distracted, Johnson managed to power out of the hold and hip toss Wylde to the mat. The former World Heavyweight champion hopped to his feet and came towards Johnson, but Johnson answered with a boot to the gut. As Wylde was bent over, Steven Johnson grabbed him and through him chest first into the corner. Wylde ducked underneath the ropes and the referee was forced to keep Johnson from coming after him. As the BAD World Heavyweight champion argued with the referee, Wylde managed to pry the pad off the turnbuckle revealing the exposed metal underneath. Alex Wylde then came flying out of the corner with a forearm shot taking Johnson down. The referee was none the wiser as Wylde picked Johnson off the mat and went to irish whip him into the corner. However, at the last moment, Johnson braced himself against the ropes avoiding the exposed turnbuckle. Wylde came in anyways for the Gatecrasher but Johnson ducked and grabbed the knee of Wylde. The former World Heavyweight champion stuck the thumb in Johnson’s eye, slammed his head into the exposed turnbuckle and dropped him to the mat, making the cover. The referee was in position for the count, but not in position to see Alex Wylde’s legs on the second rope during the pinfall for added leverage, and count to three giving Wylde the tainted victory.
WINNER: Alex Wylde via pinfall after placing his feet on the second rope at 17:55.
JIVE: "Wylde victorious! He just beat the BAD World Heavyweight champion … can you imagine what kind of perks he can get now!"
GHEORGHE: "What a travesty! Wylde cheated his way to victory, Nick, and you know it!"
JIVE: "What are you talking about!? It’s not cheating if the referee didn’t see it… it’s called strategic use of the environment!"
GHEORGHE: "Alex Wylde now walking up to the ring attendant and he rips the contract out of his hand before tucking it in his tights… what a despicable man…"
JIVE: "And to think, one day he might very well be the WFW:NE World Heavyweight champion!"
GHEORGHE: "I dread the day that ever becomes a possibility, Nick… here’s hoping that the powers that be reject any contract terms due to his actions here tonight!"
JIVE: "Wylde’s a mastermind …. And he’s going to be a hell of a champion one day!"
GHEORGHE: "Ladies and gentlemen, the WFW:NE Television championship match was supposed to be next on the scheduled lineup, but we’ve been told there has been a shift … and coming up next will be "Total Carnage" Trevor Cane … against "Yours Truly" Adam Benjamin … and then … immediately following we’ll see, as of tonight, New ERA World Heavyweight champion Larry Tact taking on Spectrum in a non-title bout!"
JIVE: "I still can’t believe that the World Heavyweight championships will finally be unified at Unplugged!"
GHEORGHE: "It’s amazing!"
JIVE: "I hope those watching at home took their xanax, because this next match might just push you over the edge."
JIVE: "The more I thought about it, the more I came to agree w/ Cane’s assessment. Adam Benjamin is a borejob. He must have went to the Jean Rabesque School of Wrestling.."
GHEORGHE: "Oh stop!"
JIVE: "Look! I’ve even made some adjustments to the announce table to protect ourselves…"
(CUTTO: Top of the announce table. On Jive’s side there is a pillow lying in front of him and one covering the television prompter. On Gheorghe’s side there is a whipped cream pie.)
GHEORGHE: "You’re a basket of laughs, Nick…"
JIVE: (innocently) "What?..."
GHEORGHE: "Let’s go to the ring and get this thing underway."
Trevor Cane vs. Adam Benjamin
(CUTTO: Inside the ring as the lineup comes on screen.)
LINKS: "The following match is scheduled for ONE FALL and has TWENTY MINUTE time limit! Introducing first…"
(CUEUP: "The Final Countdown" by Europe. The British flag comes on the big screen as the fans give Benjamin a muted reaction. Benjamin comes through the curtain and he walks to the ring. He rolls in and stands there, his hands on his hips.)
LINKS: "Hailing from the United Kingdom … he stands six foot four and weighs 243 pounds … he is "YOURS TRULY" ….. ADAM BENJAMIN!"
JIVE: "Can’t … control … this urge… to ….. zzzzzz."
(Jive’s head flops forward onto the pillow. He immediate sits straight up.)
JIVE: "Oh phew … thank God for my safety net!"
(Tom Gheorghe just stares at him, a blank look on his face. Gheorghe then turns his head, without saying a word.)
LINKS: "And his opponent…. Standing six foot five and weighing 283 pounds…."
(CUEUP: "Anthem for the Year 2000" by Silverchair. The crowd begins to jeer as Cane enters through the curtain, his muscles gleaming in the arena lights. He avoids making contact with the fans as he walks to the ring and flexes before entering.)
JIVE: "Cane sure has kept himself in shape during the down time .. let’s just hope he’s ready for action!"
GHEORGHE: "Trevor Cane has always been one to step in the ring … his last few matches may not have always went his way, but he’s left an impression…"
(SFX: Bell rings.)
BEGINNING: The animosity between these two men was evident right from the get go. As soon as Trevor Cane stepped into the ring Adam Benjamin attacked. Benjamin hit some stiff elbows to the face of Cane and sent him reeling into the corner. As Cane braced himself, Adam Benjamin drove the boots into the thigh. Trevor Cane grabbed onto Benjamin and tried to reverse the roles, but Benjamin grabbed onto the ropes and then drove a knee into the gut of "Total Carnage." Adam Benjamin grabbed the head of Cane and charged out of the corner nailing the running bulldog. A cover only yielded a one count for the Brit, but he wasn’t deterred. As Trevor Cane was getting to his feet, Benjamin hooked the head and brought him back down with the swinging neckbreaker. Cane managed to roll out of the way of the ensuing elbow drop and rolled to the outside to catch a breather. Benjamin came over to get Cane in the ring, and as soon as he got into range, Cane reached in and tripped Benjamin up, pulling him, instead, to the outside. Cane and Benjamin then brawled in the ringside area as the referee yelled at them to get back inside the ring. Benjamin sent Cane into the guardrail with an irish whip, but when Benjamin came charging in after him, Cane put the boot up and hit Benjamin smack dab in the face.
2nd QUARTER: Cane finally heeded the referee’s warning and brought Benjamin back into the ring, but not before smashing him head first into the ring apron. With both men back in the ring, the referee told them to continue .. and Cane struck first. "Total Carnage" sent Benjamin flying into the ropes with a clothesline causing "Yours Truly" to have his arms get tangled. With an open target, Cane went to town. Cane repeatedly nailed Benjamin in the chest with reverse knife edge chops causing the crowd to "WOO" after every one. After following those up with some knees, Cane grabbed the legs of Benjamin and tugged until his opponent became untangled and flopped to the mat. Cane, with Benjamin’s legs still in his grip, turned the Brit over and applied the Boston Crab. As Cane applied the pressure, Benjamin began reaching for the ropes. However, he was unsuccessful the first few attempts as they were just out of his reach. Benjamin wasn’t letting up, though, and after a few more tries, he finally grabbed the bottom rope causing the referee to call for the break. Cane released the Boston Crab and went to pull Benjamin into the center of the ring, but Benjamin caught Cane in the face with a boot. Cane stumbled back and Benjamin was able to get to his feet. As Cane came in for the axehandle, Benjamin drove a forearm into his stomach .. and followed it up with a DDT. Benjamin went for the cover but could only get the two count.
3rd QUARTER: Benjamin looked like he was setting up for the Tree of Woe, but instead nailed Cane with a running boot to the face taking him to them at. Benjamin stood over "Total Carnage" and then dropped a leg across his throat. Benjamin quickly got back to his feet and proceeded to use both feet to stomp the stomach of his opponent. Dropping down to the mat, Benjamin began to choke Cane with his shin … and the referee almost disqualified him before he stopped. Adam Benjamin grabbed the legs of Cane and catapulted him into the corner, causing Cane to hit his head on the top turnbuckle pad. Cane, lying in the corner, didn’t see Benjamin charge in behind him, and was met with a clothesline to the back of the head. As Cane turned to stumble out of the corner, Benjamin grabbed him by the throat, hoisted him into the air for the chokeslam, and finished the procession with a backbreaker. Benjamin covered Cane, but Cane was able to lift his shoulder just as the referee’s hand was coming down for the three. Both men eventually were back on their feet, and Benjamin sent Cane into the ropes with the irish whip. Benjamin put his head down for the back body drop, but Cane, perhaps out of desperation, hooked the head and planted Benjamin with a DDT. Both men began to move at almost the same time … Cane saw Benjamin getting to his feet, so he played opossum and was still. Benjamin came over and reached down to pick Cane up, but instead got a thumb to the eye.
END: Cane had the advantage heading into the final leg of the match as he had begun to work over the back of Adam Benjamin. Benjamin reversed a suplex attempt and both men hit the mat. Adam Benjamin was first to his feet and took Cane in for a piledriver, but Cane powered out of it sending Benjamin up and over to the arena floor! Trevor Cane slowly rolled underneath the bottom rope and grabbed "Yours Truly" from the floor. Benjamin looked out of it as Cane slammed his head into the ring post. The referee tried to get the men back into the ring … but Cane was too busy lifting up the padding on the floor. After finally revealing the cement beneath, Cane positioned Benjamin for what looked to be a piledriver on the cement. But at the last moment Benjamin managed to push Cane off him … Cane’s boots caught the edge of the padding and he tripped, which allowed Benjamin to spear him on the outside. Adam Benjamin then picked up Cane and rolled him into the ring. Benjamin got to his feet and grabbed Cane, but Cane nailed Benjamin in the family jewels with a nutshot outside the view of the referee. With Benjamin unable to capitalize, Trevor Cane used the ropes to pull himself up and raked the eyes of his opponent. Cane scooped Benjamin … positioned him, and then drove "Yours Truly" into the mat with a Tombstone piledriver. Trevor Cane picked Benjamin up off the mat and brought him to the corner. With one swift kick to the gut, Cane placed Benjamin’s head in between his legs, brought him up for the powerbomb and ran out of the corner hitting the sitdown powerbomb, or as he calls it, the Downward Spiral. The referee dropped down and made the three count.
WINNER: Trevor Cane via pinfall after the Downward Spiral at 12:36.
JIVE: "Cane and Benjamin spent the match knocking each other silly … and that’s what we need more of .. none of that nonsense that one of our next competitors does … trying to be friendly with everyone and their mother!"
GHEORGHE: "Congratulations to Cane on a well fought victory against Adam Benjamin .. I’m sure both of those men will feel that match in the morning… Benjamin put up a good fight…"
(We hear Nick Jive in the background start to make the "zzzz" noise… and as his head is going for the pillow, Gheorghe quickly picks up the crème pie and places it on top of the pillow. Jive goes face first and shoots back up, the front of his face covered.)
GHEORGHE: "but as Nick eluded to, our next match will feature the New ERA World Heavyweight champion taking on fan-favorite Spectrum… when we return!"
A True Entertainer
(FADEIN: Sam Baxter standing in front of a WFW:NE RAUCOUS backdrop. Next to him, with the WFW:NE Television championship strapped around his waist, is the most entertaining wrestler in the business; Mr. Entertainment.)
BAXTER: "It's been a HUGE few days in WFW: the New ERA and we've had an astounding first RAUCOUS so far, but by far the most hotly talked-about match coming into tonight is the Television championship match between Cameron Cruise, and my guest at this time, Mr. Entertainment. Mr. Entertainment, you and Cruise have been going back and forth all week, so I've got to ask you - is this personal?"
ENTERTAINMENT: "Personal? How could it be personal when I'm goin' up against a curtain-jerker who can't even tie his own shoes together?"
BAXTER: "Well, Cruise has had a lot of comments directed at you and he seems to have gotten the edge according to a poll on our website, a lot of people think he's got the win tonight."
ENTERTAINMENT: "Wha', ya mean ol' hypocracy thy name is Cruise? He's lucky just ta have a title opportunity, it's the biggest thing he's gettin' here in WFW: the New ERA. Tha's not because of how good he ain't, but because of wha' he's been sayin' - his own words, his own actions've damned him from the start."
BAXTER: "How do you mean?"
ENTERTAINMENT: "Take his latest verbal diahorrea - how he starts talkin' 'bout Rocko an' how I didn't pin the guy. Was I braggin' 'bout tha'? No. I simply pointed ou' tha' despite wha' he said - I think his words were "you've never beaten men like Rocko Daymon and Joey Melton" - I actually have beaten Rocko. All Cruise is doin' is showin' just how mindless and stupid he really is. He thinks I've been turnin' down gigs an' I'm not a fightin' champ, but be serious. I turned down the gigs not because I didn't wanna defend the TV Championship, because I wasn't actually allowed ta put the belt on the line - I turned down the gigs because I'm not the kinda guy ta water down the market. I know the value o' my name, an' unlike Cameron, I respect the fans an' the wrestlin' business enough ta know tha' it ain't how many places ya wrestle, but how much ya can give the fans. More importantly fer the boys in the back, it's abou' how many fans ya bring in through the door who actually come back when yer not there. Cammy can't see tha' because he doesn't give a damn abou' people knowin' abou' WFW: the New ERA - he could be in any one of a dozen places, but the people know when they see ME
Mister Entertainment
Tha' they're watchin' RAUCOUS, an' the greatest show on EARTH."
BAXTER: "But doesn't that mean Cruise loves the business, staying in wrestling while we've been off the air?"
ENTERTAINMENT: "The reason he's stayed just wrestlin' is because he's like the Joey Meltons, Ric Flairs, an' Rocko Daymons of this world. Take him outside o' this business an' he's talentless. He's got nothin' marketable abou' him except he's a wrestler. ME?
Mister Entertainment?
I'm a man of many, many talents. Whuppin' talentless losers is just one of the things I do better than anyone else."
BAXTER: "Such as?"
ENTERTAINMENT: "Put up with whiney-voiced punks like you, fer one. Makin' millions of dollars a month from endorsements an' havin' a business o' my own fer another.
Look, Cammy. Ya can talk an' talk an' talk all ya want. Yer just makin' my point time an' time again.
Yer talentless. Ya can't get over without other people holdin' yer hand. Ya can't get over withou' people takin' pity in ya.
But tonight, in the middle o' the ring? Yer on yer own. An' as bad as ya think ya are?
Believe it when I say, yer a lot worse than even tha'.
Get yer ass down to the ring, Cammy, an' get ready fer a trip ta pain.
Oh, an' when ya get back to th'locker-room? Check yer jacket, there're some tickets ta Arima Onsen in Japan, it'll help get ya head straighted after it's bounced off the mat, an' I've retained MY Television championship.
Now THAT'S... Entertainment."
(The camera cuts to the ringside area.)
JIVE: "Come on, Gheorghe, admit it … The Television champion is the most ENTERTAINING athlete in *professional wrestling right now…"
GHEORGHE: "Mr. Entertainment has been very dismissive of Cameron Cruise all week … and it looks like his tune hasn’t changed a bit … he better be careful because Cruise might just bring Entertainment down a notch with a Reality Check."
JIVE: "Ugh, you, too, Gheorghe?"
JIVE: "Jumping on the Cameron Cruise Love Train? If Cameron Cruise wins the Television championship here tonight there’s going to be some heads are going to be rolling …."
GHEORGHE: "We are ready for our next match … for the first time since winning …. Well ONE of the two New ERA World Heavyweight championships at BANNED in the US, Larry Tact will step into the ring as a 2-time World Heavyweight champion … and even though this is a non-title bout, you have to think that he’s going to treat it as if the championship was on the line."
JIVE: "Tact was New ERA’s first World Heavyweight champion … and how sweet would it be if he walked into the unification match as New ERA’s last World Heavyweight champion before the creation of the WFW:NE World Heavyweight championship?"
GHEORGHE: "Spectrum has been very quiet about this match leading up to tonight… I think we were all expecting a little ray of sunshine from the lucha … but alas many fans were left wanting."
JIVE: "Larry Tact is the New ERA World Heavyweight champion … he’s been in the ring w/ Spectrum before. He’s been keeping himself active during the hiatus. There is no doubt in my mind that Larry Tact will walk away tonight with a victory."
GHEORGHE: "Perhaps Spectrum is just in over his head this time around."
JIVE: "Spectrum is in over his head whenever he walks into a fifth grade classroom. The guys like what, four foot two?"
GHEORGHE: "Oh stop it! Let’s go over to Jamie Links and get this bout underway!"
(CUTTO: Inside the ring. The lineup comes on screen.)
Spectrum vs. Larry Tact (c)
LINKS: "The following match is scheduled for ONE FALL, has a TWENTY MINUTE time limit… and is a non-title match featuring the New ERA of Wrestling World Heavyweight championship! Introducing first…. Hailing from the End of the Rainbow…"
(CUEUP: "Tunak Tunak Tun" by Daler Mehndi. The crowd explodes as Spectrum runs through the curtains, his hands outstretched to try to hit as many of the fans’ hands as possible. He hops onto the ring apron and flips over the top rope landing on his feet in the ring. He then walks up to Jamie Links and gives her a giant hug, prompting her to laugh.)
LINKS: "He stands five foot six ….. and weighs 207 pounds …. SPECTRUM!"
JIVE: "Look at that idiot… he is playing to the fans… I think I’m going to be sick."
GHEORGHE: "Spectrum … full of energy … and you can just sense the affection he has for the fans in the crowd … a true asset to the sport!"
JIVE: "He’d be a better asset for a psychiatric ward…"
LINKS: "And his opponent… hailing from Manhattan, New York…."
(CUEUP: "Karma Slave" by Splashdown. The fans begin to jeer as green and blue spotlights begin to shine onto the crowd from above. Tact walks out onto the rampway, and in his hands is the New ERA of Wrestling World Heavyweight championship belt.)
JIVE: "Tact … proudly holding the World Heavyweight belt.. Something he hasn’t held in his hands since the very first Destrucity in Chicago, Illinois 5 years ago!"
LINKS: "Standing six foot six and weighing in at 260 pounds… he is the New ERA of Wrestling WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION ….. LARRY …… TACT!"
(Tact makes his way to the ring and walks up the steps before stepping into the ring. Spectrum walks over to him and extends his hand, but Tact merely turns his back and places the championship belt in the corner. Spectrum turns and walks away dejected.)
JIVE: "I love it! Tact just spurned that bozo in there with him!"
GHEORGHE: "That’s not the way you treat someone who worked just as hard as you to get to the finals of the Battle Bowl Mania tournament…"
JIVE: "Well, Tact is about to treat Spectrum even worse as soon as that bell rings!"
(SFX: Bell rings.)
BEGINNING: Tact, perhaps sensing some empathy for the man who teamed with him through the Battle Bowl Mania tournament, started the match less aggressive than everyone would have thought. As Spectrum came at him, Tact merely took the onslaught of kicks to the side of the ribcage. Spectrum had the champion doubled over with an elbow to the gut, and followed it up by driving Tact’s head into the mat with a snap DDT. Spectrum kept the pace of the match to his liking as he avoided Tact’s grasps and came back with one move after another that had the champion on the defensive early. However, Spectrum went to the well one too many times after going for a handspring back elbow, as Tact caught him and used the momentum to drive Spectrum into the mat with a belly to back suplex. Spectrum’s head hit the mat hard, and it seemed to affect him the rest of the bout. Tact dragged Spectrum into the center of the ring and dropped the elbow into the knee of his former teammate, wrenching on it as Spectrum sat up in pain. As Spectrum tried to grab onto the face of Tact, the World Heavyweight champion kept driving the fists into his mask, sending him back down. Larry Tact eventually released the hold and stood back as Spectrum got to his feet and limped around the ring. Tact, sensing an opening, dove forward and took out Spectrum with a well placed shoulder to the back of the knee.
MIDDLE: Tact kept the pressure on Spectrum after Spectrum missed a perfect opportunity to regain momentum. Tact had attempted to go for a running powerslam, but Spectrum slid off the shoulder of the champion and landed behind him. When Tact turned, Spectrum was ready, and pounced.. but the work Tact had done on Spectrum’s knee earlier took its toll, and Spectrum was slightly slower than he usually was. Tact caught Spectrum by the tights as he a tried to duck underneath him to head to the ropes, and yanked him right into a forearm shot to the small of the back. Tact then locked the leg and the arm and took Spectrum to the mat with a Russian legsweep. Tact hooked Spectrum with the cobra clutch and locked the move on. Spectrum, even though it was obvious he was in immense pain, would not submit. Tact kept screaming at Spectrum to just give in, but his opponent wouldn’t. The referee kept checking on Spectrum to make sure he was still conscious, and the fans in the arena stomped and hollered at Spectrum to keep fighting. Eventually Tact released the hold and stood over his opponent as he shook his head. The World Heavyweight champion paced in a circle around Spectrum before picking him up off the mat, but just as he reached down to get him, Spectrum caught him with a small package. The fans burst into loud cheers as the referee counted, and were almost treated to an enormous upset. However Tact got out of the hold at two. Tact jumped to his feet and went to punt Spectrum all the way to Hope, Arkansas … but Spectrum took the momentum of Tact’s swing and tripped him up causing him to fall flat on his ass.
END: Tact had enough of Spectrum towards the end of the match. Every time the World Heavyweight champion had attempted to put the match away, the challenger would find some way to keep it going. Spectrum had one last run in him, though, and as Larry Tact brought him to his feet, Spectrum took the chance to show once and for all that he would not be waltzed over. Spectrum evaded Tact’s running elbow and jumped behind the champion … Spectrum then proceeded to run with Tact into the ropes and use the momentum to take him down and over with the roll up … Tact got out at two, and was greeted when he got to his feet with a hurricanrana by Spectrum. Well, almost. Tact telegraphed the hurricanrana and planted Spectrum to the mat with a sitdown powerbomb. Larry Tact grabbed Spectrum from off the mat and tossed him into the corner. With Spectrum in the corner, Tact drove the firsts into his torso repeatedly. The fans were literally covering their eyes as Tact drove each fist into the side of Spectrum. Tact, no longer the empathetic former friend of Spectrum, grabbed him by the waist and put him on the turnbuckle pads. As the World Heavyweight champion scaled the corner with Spectrum, the fans got to their feet, hoping, praying for some comeback from the lucha. They were disappointed, however, when Tact hooked the arm and the tights and came flying off the top turnbuckle with a picture perfect superplex. Tact got to his feet, made the call, and hit the Humbling. Three seconds later, the match was over.
WINNER: Larry Tact via pinfall after the Humbling at 7:22.
GHEORGHE: "The New ERA World Heavyweight champion is victorious!"
JIVE: "Was there any doubt, Gheorghe? Although I do have to give it to Spectrum…"
GHEORGHE: "What’s this? Are my ears deceiving me?"
JIVE: "Yea, he had the balls to step into the ring with Larry Tact.. something Rocko Damyon couldn’t do."
GHEORGHE: "You set me up for that one, Nick… and I fell for it."
JIVE: "Every time."
GHEORGHE: "The fans are rushing to the guardrail as Spectrum rolls out of the ring, and even though he lost here tonight to Larry Tact, they are doing their best to try to cheer him up!"
JIVE: "All he needs to do is go in the back and pop more of those happy pills and he’ll be as right as rain."
GHEORGHE: "We’re over halfway there now…. four matches down and two to go … and what two we have left… the WFW:NE Television championship match between Mr. Entertainment as he defends against Cameron Cruise … and the main event … New ERA World Heavyweight champion Rocko Daymon as he takes on Shawn Hart to determine who will face Larry Tact at the very first Unplugged event from Birmingham, Alabama in the New ERA World Heavyweight championship unification match… we’ll be back after these messages with Cruise … Mr. Entertainment… for the WFW:NE Television championship!"
(CUTTO: The announce table. Tom Gheorghe and Nick Jive are finishing cleaning up some papers as the camera cuts to them.)
GHEORGHE: "We are back .. and just moments away from the very first official WFW:NE Television championship defense!"
JIVE: "Mr. Entertainment has held the Television championship in some form, either as the New ERA Television championship or, now, the WFW:NE Television championship, since the July 6, 2006 edition of RAUCOUS."
GHEORGHE: "That’s right, Nick. Entertainment won, and I use that term begrudgingly, the Television championship in a Marco Polo match against MWG on the night that DREDD took over. Entertainment, of course, has held on to the championship since .. and has defeated some very formidable opponents."
JIVE: "He and HAL had a hellacious match all across the cruise ship at BANNED in the US … even having a high speed jet ski chase!"
GHEORGHE: "Tonight he’ll have to defend once again .. and perhaps this time, his greatest challenge. Cameron Cruise has been on fire in the *professional wrestling world … and he is looking to add the WFW:NE Television championship to his achievement list."
JIVE: "The Television championship is all about entertainment, Gheorghe … Mr. Entertainment wins that battle hands down."
GHEORGHE: "It’s also about who will come out on top in the wrestling match, and if Cruise continues his hot streak, we may just have a new champion crowned on this already surprising edition of RAUCOUS!"
JIVE: "I’m calling it right here, right now … when all is said and done, when the lights are turned off and the ring is packed up on its way to Birmingham for Unplugged …. The most entertaining man in all of wrestling will still be the WFW:NE Television champion."
GHEORGHE: "We’ll see… but enough talk … let’s go up to Jamie Links and start the fire!"
(CUTTO: Ringside. The lineup for the match comes on screen as Links brings the microphone to her mouth.)
Television Championship
Cameron Cruise vs. Mr. Entertainment (c)
LINKS: "The following match is scheduled for ONE FALL … and is for the WFW:NE TELEVISION CHAMPIONSHIP!!! Introducing first…. The challenger…."
(CUEUP: "Killing in the Name Of" by Rage Against the Machine. Cruise steps through the curtain as the fans begin to get warmed up. He walks to the ring, slips in and gets ready for action.)
LINKS: "He stands six foot four and weighs 264 pounds… hailing from Jacksonville, North Carolina……. CAMERON …… CRUISE!"
GHEORGHE: "Cruise looks like he is in the best shape of his career. He has that aura surrounding him… he looks ready to become Television champion!"
JIVE: "That’s what that is … for a second there I thought he had that "new mom" glow to him."
(CUEUP: "That’s Entertainment!" by the Jam. As the song starts a lone spotlight falls on the entrance way. As the song hits the lyrics, Mr. Entertainment walks to the ring, the arrogance flowing freely from his body. The spotlight follows him to the ring. He slides in and begins to climb to corner to taunt the crowd. He holds the WFW:NE Television championship above his head and shows it to the crowd eliciting their displeasure.)
LINKS: "His opponent… hailing from Ashland, Oregon … he stands six foot two and weighs 234 pounds ….. and is the CURRENT WFW:NE TELEVISION CHAMPION …… the most ENTERTAINING wrestler on the planet …. MISTER ….. ENTERTAINMENT!"
GHEORGHE: "One thing is for sure; Mr. Entertainment hasn’t lost a step in the arrogance department!"
JIVE: "When you’re a superstar like Mr. Entertainment, adored by millions, you can afford to be sure of yourself!"
(SFX: Bell rings.)
GHEORGHE: "The match for the Television championship has begun!"
JIVE: "Poor Cameron Cruise doesn’t know what he’s gotten himself into tonight."
GHEORGHE: "Both men standing in the center of the ring as Entertainment smirks at Cameron Cruise …. Cruise now walking right up to the Television champion….. AND ENTERTAINMENT SLAPS HIM!"
JIVE: "He slapped the taste right out of his mouth. You don’t step to Mr. Entertainment and expect to be welcomed with open arms!"
GHEORGHE: "Cruise brings his hand down from his face …. And he charges at Mr. Entertainment! Entertainment drops down and takes Cruise down with the drop toe hold! Entertainment floats over the top … and he is slapping the back of Cruise’s head while he’s down!"
JIVE: "Entertainment is toying with him, Gheorghe!"
GHEORGHE: "Mr. Entertainment backs off as Cruise jumps back to his feet …. And Cruise charges again! Entertainment drops …. BUT THIS TIME CRUISE STOPS! Cameron Cruise drops the elbow into the small of the back!"
JIVE: "Entertainment went to the well once too many .. even Cruise caught onto it early."
GHEORGHE: "Cameron Cruise is up and he brings the Television champion to his feet … Cruise back Entertainment into the ropes … and he drives those knees right into the left side of the champion! Entertainment is doubled over and Cruise hooks the waist and brings him crashing to the mat with a gutwrench suplex!"
JIVE: "Mr. Entertainment is wrestling his first match as the official WFW:NE Television champion … you bet your life he is going to pull out all the stops tonight to retain. Cruise is just passing the time before the inevitable."
GHEORGHE: "Cameron Cruise is a superb talent …. He’s shown it time and again …. And tonight he just might take the championship belt off of Mr. Entertainment!"
JIVE: "No way, no how, Gheorghe."
GHEORGHE: "Cruise dragging Entertainment by the leg into the center of the ring … and he drops the elbow across the knee! Cruise now wrapping the leg up …. And Entertainment is caught! Cruise trying to hyperextend the knee of the Television champion."
JIVE: "If there’s one thing that could put a kink into the well oiled Entertainment machine it would be a bum knee. But let’s not get too ahead of ourselves."
GHEORGHE: "Cruise applying a LOT of pressure …. But Mr. Entertainment reaching forward now and grabbing at Cruise’s face!"
JIVE: "Come on, ref, make Cruise break the hold."
GHEORGHE: "Cruise shaking off Entertainment ….. BUT ENTERTAINMENT JAMS THE ELBOW INTO THE TOP OF CRUISE’s HEAD! Cruise immediately lets go and rolls to the side!"
JIVE: "That’s the spirit!"
GHEORGHE: "Entertainment trying to get to the ropes … but Cruise has gotten himself back to his feet! Cameron Cruise on his way over to Mr. Entertainment, but the Television champion rolls to the outside!"
JIVE: "Entertainment stopping the momentum of Cruise at every possible interval. Entertainment is going to wrestle this match on his own terms."
GHEORGHE: "Cruise yelling at Entertainment to get back into the ring .. but Mr. Entertainment waves him off and takes his time walking around the outside of the ring!"
JIVE: "The longer Mr. Entertainment is out there, the less chance Cruise has to keep up his attacks …. Not only is the Television champion the most entertaining superstar on the roster, but he could just be the smartest, too!"
GHEORGHE: "Entertainment now stops to jaw at some fans …. AND CAMERON CRUISE SLIDES TO THE OUTSIDE! Entertainment has no idea!"
JIVE: "This isn’t fair! He should have given Mr. Entertainment a 24 hour notice of this beforehand!"
GHEORGHE: "The fans pointing at Cruise … but Entertainment not paying attention as he continues on his tirade….. Cameron Cruise taps Mr. Entertainment on the shoulder….. Entertainment turning …. AND GETS POPPED RIGHT IN THE FACE! Entertainment back on the guardrail…. AND CAMERON CRUISE CLOTHESLINES HIM OVER THE TOP AND INTO THE CROWD!"
GHEORGHE: "Mr. Entertainment struggling to get to his feet as he pushes chairs over …. Cruise reaches over the guardrail and grabs him by the head… AND DROPS TO THE ARENA FLOOR RAMMING THE GUARDRAIL INTO THE TELEVISION CHAMPION’s THROAT!"
JIVE: "No, no, no! Cruise can’t do that! Where the hell is the referee!"
GHEORGHE: "Cameron Cruise now reaching over the guardrail … and he pulls Entertainment back into the ringside area! The fans here in Little Rock are on their feet!"
JIVE: "You mean those fans whose asses aren’t so huge that they’re stuck in their chairs!"
GHEORGHE: "Oh, Nick! ….. Cameron Cruise now with Entertainment ….. AND HE IRISH WHIPS ENTERTAINMENT INTO THE STEEL RING POST! Entertainment slumps to the floor."
JIVE: "The referee isn’t even at four… is he a Arkansas native or something? Does he need help with the rest of the numbers?!"
GHEORGHE: "Cruise walking over to Mr. Entertainment … and he picks him up and rolls him into the ring! Cameron Cruise now rolls in afterwards, but the damage has already been done!"
JIVE: "If Mr. Entertainment loses the Television championship because these fans were being rude, inconsiderate bastards then that’s just wrong!"
GHEORGHE: "Entertainment was the one arguing with them! …. Cruise makes the cover! ONE …………………….. TWO …………….. KICKOUT!"
JIVE: "THANK GOD. I don’t care how hot Cameron Cruise has been … WFW:NE needs Mr. Entertainment to put asses in the seats!"
GHEORGHE: "Cruise grabbing the head of Entertainment and he places him in the corner … Cruise now with a back elbow to the jaw …. AND HE IS PLACING THE TELEVISION CHAMPION ON THE TOP TURNBUCKLE!"
JIVE: "I can’t watch!"
GHEORGHE: "Cruise steadies him … and now he’s going up as well! My god! Cameron Cruise and Mr. Entertainment are both standing on th….. WAIT!"
JIVE: "What!"
GHEORGHE: "ENTERTAINMENT IS FIGHTING IT! Mr. Entertainment with a fist! Cruise returns the favor! Entertainment with another! Cruise! Entertainment!"
JIVE: "They’re trading blows on the top turnbuckle!"
GHEORGHE: "Cruise with a second! A third! NOOO!! Mr. Entertainment with a rake of the eyes! Entertainment. ………."
JIVE: "That’s Entertainment right there, Gheorghe! Forget Cruise …. There’s a reason why Mr. Entertainment is the WFW:NE Television champion!"
GHEORGHE: "What a maneuver!"
JIVE: "What a champ!"
GHEORGHE: "Entertainment … he rolls over and places the arm across the chest of Cruise! ONE ………………. TWO …………….. KICKOUT!!! Cruise with the kickout!"
JIVE: "Are you sure?! I didn’t see his shoulder go up!"
GHEORGHE: "Of course it did, Nick! Both men lying on the mat …. And the Television champion sits up!"
JIVE: "Mr. Entertainment may not have defended the Television championship since BANNED in the US was taped …. But he doesn’t look like he’s lost a single step!"
GHEORGHE: "Cameron Cruise now moving! Mr. Entertainment’s on his feet, though, and he stomps on the fingers of Cruise! Cruise now moving again … and AGAIN Entertainment stomps on his fingers!"
JIVE: "Entertainment getting a handle on this match …. He’s slowly wearing Cruise down… one finger at a time."
GHEORGHE: "What a night we’re having, Nick. The Television Championship match between two fantastic superstars …. And then next we have a New ERA World Heavyweight championship bout between Shawn Hart and Rocko Daymon … what a start for World’s Finest Wrestling: the New ERA!"
JIVE: "Mr. Entertainment should be wrestling in the main event … but he’s not going to let that stop him from entertaining the millions upon millions of his fans!"
GHEORGHE: "The Television champion grabbing Cruise by the back of the tights … and he hoists him up."
JIVE: "Cruise with sore fingers and now a wedgie …"
GHEORGHE: "Mr. Entertainment picks Cruise up … draping him over his shoulder…… EMERALD FUSION! The cover …. ONE ………… TWO …………… THREE---NOOOOOO! Cruise got out!"
JIVE: "No way! No how! This referee is making it up!"
GHEORGHE: "Entertainment made that over the shoulder cradle neckbreaker look effortless … and now he’s positioned himself over the challenger … and he locks on the Cobra clutch!"
JIVE: "Cruise’s body taking tons of wear and tear ..."
GHEORGHE: "Mr. Entertainment sitting low as he pulls the chin back … and he’s STILL yapping about being the most entertaining wrestler in the business!"
JIVE: "It’s all about marketing, Gheorghe … even in the middle of the match you have to keep everyone on the same page!"
GHEORGHE: "Cruise is trying to reach out for the ropes … but I’m not sure he’s close enough!"
JIVE: "Look at the execution on this hold, Gheorghe… it’s perfect."
GHEORGHE: "The referee is checking on Cruise to see if he wants to end the match … but Cruise screams no …. AND CRUISE MAKES A LAST DITCH EFFORT TO GRABS THE ROPES AND GETS THEM!"
JIVE: "But the damage is already done!"
GHEORGHE: "The referee telling Mr. Entertainment to release the hold … and now he’s counting him! Two! Three… And the Television champion finally releases!"
JIVE: "Mr. Entertainment showing why he’s a true champion!"
JIVE: "He could have taken the disqualification and kept the championship .. but he’s too good to do that! He’s going to pin Cruise in the center of the ring!"
GHEORGHE: "Oh please. Mr. Entertainment now in the middle of the ring … and he is wiping his hands clean! … Entertainment turns back and BOOTS Cruise in the gut! Cruise was trying to get to his feet and Entertainment just took him back down."
JVIE: "If I were Cameron Cruise I would just lay there and play opossum."
GHEORGHE: "I dread to even think about what sad state Cruise’s liver would be in if you were him."
JIVE: "Couldn’t be much worse than it is right now after that shot."
GHEORGHE: "The Television champion grabbing Cruise by the hair .. and he props him against the ropes … Entertainment runs to the opposite ropes … rebounds off them and comes charging in with the knee….. BUT CRUISE PULLS DOWN THE TOP ROPE AND MR. ENTERTAINMENT GOES CRASHING TO THE ARENA FLOOR!"
JIVE: "Oh come on! You can’t treat Mr. Entertainment like that!"
GHEORGHE: "Entertainment lying flat on the arena floor … and Cameron Cruise is using the ropes to get to his feet!"
JIVE: "Get up, Entertainment! Get up!"
GHEORGHE: "Mr. Entertainment groggily getting to his feet … and Cruise is up! Cruise reaches through the ropes …. And he pulls the Television champion back in!"
JIVE: "Everything will be ok! Mr. Entertainment can take a beating and still come out on top!"
GHEORGHE: "Cameron Cruise now locking the arms of the Television champion…. Swinging neckbreaker! Cruise now grabbing the head of Mr. Entertainment … AND REPEATEDLY SLAMS IT INTO THE MAT!"
JIVE: "Was that a tooth?! I could have sworn I just saw one of Entertainment’s pearly whites fly through the ropes!"
GHEORGHE: "No, no. Cameron Cruise getting to his feet …. And he is dragging Mr. Entertainment to the middle of the ring … Cruise now … he grabs the legs of Entertainment… AND FLIPS OVER THE TOP WITH A PINNING COMBINATION! ONE ……………… TWO ……………………. THREE!! HE GOT HIM!"
JIVE: "NO! The referee is saying it was only a two count!"
GHEORGHE: "A very close two … and Cameron Cruise is just a hop, skip and a jump away from becoming the WFW:NE Television champion!"
JIVE: "A very LONG hop away!"
GHEORGHE: "Cruise …. He’s looking to the corner! CAMERON CRUISE IS GOING TO THE TOP!"
JIVE: "Come on, champ! Get up! Stop him!"
GHEORGHE: "Cruise is perched atop the turnbuckle pad … and he’s waiting … Mr. Entertainment still lying on the mat … but he’s starting to stir!"
JIVE: "What is Cruise waiting for? An invitation?!"
GHEORGHE: "Entertainment sits up … and he’s shaking the cobwebs out …. And he’s finally getting to his feet!"
JIVE: "Turn around! Wait … DON’T turn around! Just run!"
GHEORGHE: "Entertainment looking for Cruise … he turns ……………… AND CRUISE COMES FLYING OFF THE TOP ROPE AND NAILS THE TELEVISION CHAMPION WITH A MISSILE DROPKICK! Entertainment just flipped head over heels from the impact!"
JIVE: "God damn, Entertainment is going to feel that tomorrow!"
JIVE: "Where’s some outside interference when you need it most!"
GHEORGHE: "The crowd here is making some noise as Cruise attempts to lock on the STF….. BUT ENTERTAINMENT! ENTERTAINMENT ROLLS OUT OF IT!"
JIVE: "And he’s in the corner! Save him ref!"
GHEORGHE: "Cruise tried to follow in but the referee keeping him at bay!"
JIVE: "Finally the ref does his job!"
GHEORGHE: "Cameron Cruise standing behind the referee as Mr. Entertainment slowly gets to his feet …. And now the referee steps away and the two men lock up! Cruise and Entertainment vying for control … and Cruise with a knee to the gut gets it! Cruise backing Mr. Entertainment into the corner …. And repeatedly chopping the chest of the Television champion!"
JIVE: "Entertainment reverses!"
GHEORGHE: "Cruise re-reverses! Cameron Cruise with a shot to the jaw …. And he grabs the head of Mr. Entertainment and slams it into the top turnbuckle pad! Entertainment turns and walks out of the corner ….. but Cruise behind him! Cameron Cruise grabs Mr. Entertainment …. And nails the German Suplex!"
JIVE: "Entertainment’s head just hit the turnbuckle on the way down! He might be unconscious!"
GHEORGHE: "Cruise with the cover …. ONE ……………… TWO ……………….. AND ENTERTAINMENT GETS A FOOT ON THE ROPES!"
JIVE: "The Television champion might be down, but he’s not out!"
GHEORGHE: "Cruise back to his feet …. And he’s pacing around …"
JIVE: "He’s wondering what he has to do to put this match away … but pacing isn’t going to complete the job!"
GHEORGHE: "Cruise now grabs Mr. Entertainment as he was getting to his feet … and sends him into the ropes! Entertainment on his way back … and Cruise NAILS the belly to belly suplex! Cover! ONE …………… TWO …………… THR—NOOOOO!"
JIVE: "Pinfalls are getting closer and closer now .. Mr. Entertainment needs to get a breather!"
GHEORGHE: "How many does he need?"
JIVE: "As many as it takes to win this match!"
GHEORGHE: "Cruise grabbing Entertainment again … and he hoists him up …. And drops him with the shoulderbreaker! Cruise now …. CRUISE IS CALLING FOR THE REALITY CHECK!"
JIVE: "It can’t end like this!"
GHEORGHE: "Cruise waiting for Mr. Entertainment to get to his feet …. Entertainment’s almost there…… Cruise with a boot to the gu…. NO! Entertainment catches the foot … AND TAKES CRUISE DOWN WITH A CLOTHESLINE!"
JIVE: "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"
GHEORGHE: "Both men are on the mat … and whoever can get to their feet first will have a huge advantage!"
JIVE: "The Television champion and Cameron Cruise have both been in knockdown, drag out fights before … the only difference is that Entertainment has been in these high stakes matches time and time again!"
GHEORGHE: "And Cruise hasn’t?"
JIVE: "Not for the WFW:NE Television championship he hasn’t!"
GHEORGHE: "BOTH MEN! Both men are starting to get to their feet!"
JIVE: "They’re getting up …. But their backs are to one another!"
JIVE: "They’re going to bump into each other!"
GHEORGHE: "Both men backing up … and they do! Cruise, Entertainment both swing around ….. AND THEY TAKE EACH OTHER BACK DOWN WITH THE DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE!"
JIVE: "They had the right idea …. Just at the wrong time!"
GHEORGHE: "Now they’re lying flat on their backs next to one another!"
JIVE: "Entertainment just tossed his arm over Cruise!"
GHEORGHE: "The referee is down! ONE ………………… TWO ……………………… KICKOUT BY THE CHALLENGER!"
JIVE: "Too long a period passed for the cover…. Cruise was able to regain some sense, if you could call it that."
GHEORGHE: "Well he has regained it! Cruise is getting up!"
JIVE: "God damn, won’t he stay down!"
JIVE: "Just don’t knock each other senseless again!"
GHEORGHE: "WAIT!! CRUISE DUCKED… The Television champion just went flying through the ropes to the outside!!"
JIVE: "He hit the god damn guardrail with force!"
GHEORGHE: "Cameron Cruise rubbing his eye still … and he’s making his way to the outside!"
JIVE: "Has he no heart!?"
GHEORGHE: "If that were Cruise on the outside you would be pleading with Mr. Entertainment to go out there after him.."
JIVE: "That’s different, Gheorghe! Cruise isn’t the Television champion!"
GHEORGHE: "Not yet at least!"
JIVE: "Don’t you even DARE joke about that!"
GHEORGHE: "Cameron Cruise on the outside … and Mr. Entertainment is still on the arena floor!"
JIVE: "What a dirty scoundrel!"
GHEORGHE: "Cruise grabbing the Television champion …. And he slams his head into the guardrail! Entertainment swings wildly … but misses…. AND CRUISE WITH A BOOT TO THE GUT …… IMPACT DDT ON THE ARENA FLOOR!"
JIVE: "Is he … noo … he’s not going to….. he can’t!"
JIVE: "It can’t end … not like this!"
GHEORGHE: "Cameron Cruise is on his feet … and he looks like a man renewed!"
JIVE: "Someone! Someone get down here now! Stop this!"
GHEORGHE: "Cameron Cruise grabbing the Television champion’s limp body….. and he rolls him into the ring! Cruise now sliding in after him … and he makes the cover! ONE ……………………… TWO ………………………… THREE!!! WE HAVE A NEW…."
GHEORGHE: "My God! He did! Cameron Cruise looking at the ref incredulously! AND NOW HE BEGINS WAILING AWAY ON THE HEAD OF THE CHAMPION!"
JIVE: "I thought Entertainment was done for! But somehow he had enough awareness to place the foot on the ropes!"
GHEORGHE: "Cruise might have both helped and hurt himself by nailing the Reality Check to the floor … he knocked Entertainment down the ladder …. But had to spend precious time getting him back in the ring!"
JIVE: "Cruise not relenting on Mr. Entertainment… and the referee is now trying to get him off as Entertainment’s foot is still on the ropes!"
GHEORGHE: "Cameron Cruise can feel the Television championship… I would be mad as well!"
JIVE: "He’s not there yet, Gheorghe … and Mr. Entertainment is proving to the world that he’s not some chump!"
GHEORGHE: "Cruise backs off finally … and the referee goes over to Mr. Entertainment to check on him…"
GHEORGHE: "MR. ENTERTAINMENT HAS THE REFEREE IN A SMALL PACKAGE!!!! The referee bent down to check on him but Entertainment thought it was Cruise!"
JIVE: "Cruise is standing there in disbelief!"
GHEORGHE: "Cruise now … Cruise breaks up the small package!"
JIVE: "NO NO NO… Entertainment thinks he’s won!! He’s getting to his feet with his arms in the air!"
GHEORGHE: "The referee back to his feet … and he gets in the face of the Television champion!"
JIVE: "Mr. Entertainment finally realizing what happened! He’s turning to Cruise…."
JIVE: "NO!! Stop him!! The referee caused this! This isn’t fair!"
GHEORGHE: "CRUISE IS ON HIS FEET …. He picks up the Television champion ……………………."
(SFX: Bell rings.)
JIVE: "A TRAVESTY!!! A god damn travesty!!"
LINKS: "The winner of this match …. And NEW WFW:NE Television champion …………. CAMERON ……………. CRUISE!"
(CUEUP: "Killing in the Name Of" by Rage Against the Machine. Cruise pops to his feet and shoots his arms in the air as the referee hands him the WFW:NE Television championship.)
GHEORGHE: "What a match!!"
JIVE: "A match!? That was a bank robbery!"
GHEORGHE: "Cameron Cruise defeating Mr. Entertainment for the WFW:NE Television championship in a high thrills match … you better believe that there will be a rematch between those two!"
JIVE: "Oh you bet your damn life that things aren’t over between them! Mr. Entertainment got robbed by the referee!"
GHEORGHE: "Ladies and gentlemen …. When RAUCOUS returns ….. it’s the MAIN EVENT! Shawn Hart will take on Rocko Daymon for the New ERA World Heavyweight championship to see which man will face Larry Tact at Unplugged in the Unification match! Stay tuned!"
JIVE: "A god damned robbery…"
( continued... )