[ Worcester Centrum ] Worcester, Massachusetts


TAPED: Feb. 03, 2006
AIRED: Jun. 27, 2006
EPISODE: RAUCOUS 24, Chapter 6

(The lights being flickering.  'Unchain' by Shocking Lemon cues up as the crowd looks around.  The lights cut out before spotlights strafe the arena, one by one focusing on a different spot.  When all are in place, one by one the spotlights cut out.  The final one shines on a spot right by a corporate Skybox ... THE MASKED MAN leaning on the railing outside of it.)

"In a half year's time, I have made more of an impact than some of New ERAs finest ... have ever made."

(Mixed reaction from the crowd.)

"There's no need to be specific ... but the goal I had set before me has been accomplished.  I did what I said I would do ... and despite whatever propaganda you hear from the Phantom Republican ... Juliet Marceau ... DREDD ... or anyone else ... it cannot be denied that I did it by my own hand."

(Slightly more cheers than boos are heard.)

"I don't know whether or not Juliet Marceau actually believes she can find someone who will stand up to me.  It's clear she's tried taking from her home pool of resources, without success.  Now, she's looking to other promotions to find an opponent who will take me on.  If you can call Turk an opponent.

Some might call him something else.  A hired gun.  A man without a cause.  A man just looking to make ends meet, and not just financially ... Turk has trouble getting his mental ends to come together.  Looking at him ... he isn't the image of intelligence to begin with.  I know you must have been counting on that being the case, Juliet.

Don't think I fall under that same illusion.

I am fully aware of what Legacy of Champions is capable of producing.  But do you?  No.  You haven't fully grasped who you have brought to New ERA, Marceau.  You've brought in something much more than a deranged bruiser.  You've added one more to the mix of forces you cannot control.  Mark my words ... you've unleashed a MONSTER upon New ERA.  Right after I rid you of the last plague, you inject a DISEASE.  A disease of insatiable hunger ... for violence.  For destruction.  I'm sure that makes you happy.  But what happens when he doesn't stop with me?  What happens when he goes after YOU?

But fear not, Juliet.  It won't get that far.  Because tonight ... I'm going to flush him straight out of New ERA."

(Crowd POPS at this!)

"You are certainly one who has not learned from my stay here, Juliet.  You are the epitome of imbalance.  Aside from your penchant for throwing plans together, you don't know a thing about control.  You don't even know where I am half the time.  And now people are running around trying to take matters into their own hands.  Last week you saw John Doe of DREDD ... disguising himself with a mask just to get at me.  Perhaps it was clever, Doe ... but effective?  Well, I don't think I need remind you of the results.  But if you want to play the many Masked Men game ... I can play along."

(A second spotlight shines down in the dark arena, this time at the top of the stage.  A second Masked Man stands there.)

"It isn't difficult to put on plain looking attire.  But outer appearance shouldn't indicate what ability lies beneath.  As the match went on last RAUCOUS, it should not have been a question who the imposter was.  I showed John Doe the mistake many have made ... to assume there is no more to me than just a cheap trick.

The funny thing is ..."

(A third spotlight shines down on a ring turnbuckle.  A third Masked Man sits there.)

"There is no trick.  Only misconceptions.  I am a man in a mask, and yet I am the most dangerous threat to the World Champion ... to Juliet Marceau ... to anyone who judges with their eyes alone.  That is the misconception so many cannot seem to block.  There is more to me than that.  And my success shows there is more to wrestling than making such simple, swift judgments.  To succeed, one must possess ... balance ..."

(On the big screen, the white/blue double helix insignia of the Masked Man appears.)

"I possess that balance.  In and out of the ring, I have done this sport a service.  I have taken things back to the way they should be.  I have shown what wrestling is supposed to be in this ring ... and outside?  I planned a step ahead ... showed no mercy ... and came out on top.  And I am not finished ..."

(A pause.)

"But the Masked Man is."

(Crowd murmurs in confusion.  THE MASKED MAN slides off the turnbuckle, leaning against it.)

"With my original goal complete ... there is no need for this lesson to continue.  If you haven't taken advantage and been educated ... you will be passed over.  You will not be one of those who survives the New Era of 2006.

And, it's true, once the mask comes off ... the physical balance will be broken."

(A line slashes over the double helix on screen, similar to a 'not equal' sign.)

"But that will be the next lesson.  You see ... I already know how to keep perspective.  I tried to assist the rest of you, giving you a simple man in a mask ... something you can't lay prejudice upon ... someone with whom you have no preconceptions about.  When the mask comes off ... when I return to you the ability to assume, to freely conceive notions ... the challenge will not be for ME to keep the balance ...

That challenge will be for ALL OF YOU!

Whether you learn ..."

(The spotlight on the ring cuts out.)

"Or not ..."

(The spotlight on the stage cuts out.)

"Whether you are ready ..."

(The spotlight on the skybox cuts out, leaving the big screen the arena's sole illumination.)

"Or not ..."

(The big screen cuts out.)

"The mask comes off ..."

(Crowd pops!)


('Unchain' blares over the speakers again.  The arena lights come back on.  Lying in the ring is a giant black mask, with the double helix and slash prominently displayed on the front!  Crowd POPS huge!)

GHEORGHE: "He’s going to unmask himself tonight?!"

JULIUS: "Not if Turk doesn’t do it for him first!"

GHEORGHE: "The Masked Man, like so many others, were a thorn in the side of Jean Rabesque, and like so many others, have been left at the ball by the former World Champion since he decided to retire from New ERA after losing the title to the Phantom Republican … but tonight the Masked Man will face Turk in what should be a knock down, drag out fight."

JIVE: "Juliet Marceau already knows who the masked man is, and that is why she has gone out and found Turk … but let’s talk about what’s at hand .. the Television title match!"

GHEORGHE: "Mr. Entertainment won the three-way title shot match … and now he’s going to have the chance to unseat MWG as Television champion."

JULIUS: "No one’s done that .. legally .. before .. so Mr. Entertainment is going to have a pretty large task to do."

GHEORGHE: "MWG has spent the last few months (haha) fighting over the title with Jason Payne .. in a feud that has most likely ruined Payne’s mental state for life… but tonight he’s facing one of the brightest men in New ERA .. and I’d be shocked if MWG walked away with the title tonight."

JIVE: "MWG is a mastermind! MWG is THE Television champion.  Mr. Entertainment is a great guy and all .. but MWG … he’s a champion."

GHEORGHE: "Let’s go down to ringside for the introductions.."

(CUTTO: Carl Jacobs in the ring as the lineup flashes on screen.)

Television Championship
Mr. Entertainment vs. MWG (c)

JACOBS: "The following match is scheduled for one fall, has a thirty minute time limit .. and is for the New ERA of Wrestling TELEVISION TITLE! Introducing first …"

(CUEUP: ‘That’s Entertainment!’ by the Jam.  A lone spotlight falls on the top of the rampway and there stands Mr. Entertainment.  He walks down the aisle taunting the fans as he heads to the ring.)

JACOBS: "He stands six foot two and weighs 234 pounds … hailing from Ashland, Oregon… MISTER ENTERTAINMENT!!!"

GHEORGHE: "Mr. Entertainment is on top of his game right now …"

JIVE: "But he’s not the champion … and that gives MWG a leg up."

JACOBS: "And his opponent.."

(CUEUP: ‘Faggot’ by Mindless Self Indulgence.. MWG walks to the ring in a zebra print trench coat and acts all weird and crazy :P)

JACOBS: "He stands six foot three and weighs 232 pounds … he is the current New ERA of Wrestling TELEVISION CHAMPION ………. EM DUBBYA GEE!!"

(SFX: Bell rings.)

BEGINNING: MWG started off hot and heavy.  Literally.  The champ played mind games straight from the start grabbing Entertainment’s crotch whenever he had the chance.  Mr. Entertainment was thrown in the beginning and missed a couple of moves, such as a stunning Diamond Dust.  MWG capitalized by working over the shoulder of Entertainment with a shoulder breaker, followed by some arm wrenches and elbows to the shoulder.  MWG hit again with the flying headbutt to the shoulder, but on the second attempt Entertainment managed to roll out of the way.  Mr. Entertainment went on the offensive with various tae kwon do kicks to the face.  Entertainment had MWG down early with some near two counts, but the work on his shoulder showed when he tried to hit the Emerald Fusion but couldn’t hold the weight of the Television champion.

MIDDLE: MWG managed to pull the tights of Mr. Entertainment around his lower waist almost exposing, and entertaining the lady fans, but Entertainment elbowed him in the face.  While MWG was holding his lip Mr. Entertainment pulled up his tights and spun around locking the jaw of MWG and dropping down to the mat jamming it on the top of his head.  Entertainment then grabbed MWG’s tights and yanked them down … and all looked on in horror as his jockstrap was exposed …. With a picture of Mr. Entertainment’s face on the front pouch!  As MWG struggled to get his tights up Entertainment clocked him with one of the most vicious clotheslines seen in years spinning him 360 to the mat.  Entertainment hopped on top and started nailing him with a barrage of fists … until MWG start bucking up into his behind … realizing that MWG’s tights were still down, Entertainment hopped off quickly and yanked his tights back up.  MWG took the opportunity to small package Entertainment for a near three count.  Entertainment was quick to his feet and on a second attempt at a clothesline, missed as MWG ducked.  MWG grabbed the #1 contender from behind and nailed a picture perfect German suplex with the bridge and hit another close three.

END: The two men kept trading blows towards the end of the match.  In one of the most entertaining sequences, Mr. Entertainment went for an irish whip, to be reversed by MWG, got sent into the ropes, came back and was tossed into the air with a backdrop by MWG … however he landed on his feet … MWG turned around just in time to see Mr. Entertainment fly off the middle ropes with a moonsault … BUT CAUGHT HIM AND TOMBSTONED HIM TO THE MAT!  MWG got a 2.7 count .. and then he dragged Entertainment to the ropes and rested him on the second rope .. bounced off the opposite ropes and came back and swung his body around to nail Mr. Entertainment in the face with a 619.  Mr. Entertainment swung out of a swinging neckbreaker attempt and kicked the Television champion in the gut and drove him down with an Implant DDT .. MWG’s own finishing maneuver!  Mr. Entertainment brought MWG to his feet and dropped him onto the ropes with a Stun Gun … and got to his feet to hit the That’s Entertainment!  However as he waited for MWG to come backwards, Krist Blue grabbed his foot and drug him out from underneath the ring ropes … AND CLOCKED HIM IN THE FACE WITH A VIBRATOR!  The referee saw this and quickly called for the bell.

WINNER: Mr. Entertainment via disqualification at 12:21.  MWG retains the Television title.

(POSTMATCH:  CUTTO: Ringside.)

GHEORGHE: "And MWG retains the title after Krist Blue got him disqualified .. with the use of a vibrator!"

JIVE: "I just want to know where she was hiding it all that time!"

JULIUS: "She was smiling most of the match…"

GHEORGHE: "Ladies and gentlemen, I have just received word that something has happened backstage … and .. it involved Trevor Cane!"

JIVE: "Not Again."

Just Not Your Day

(CUTTO: Backstage.  Trevor Cane is lying on the ground, broken shards of glass from a florescent light bulb all around him.  Jason Tripp is on the scene.)

TRIPP: "Ladies and gentlemen I am here backstage, right outside the medical care area where Trevor Cane was just coming out of after that attack earlier in the show .. and he’s been attacked again!"

GHEORGHE (V/O): "Did anyone see anything, Jason?"

TRIPP: "As far as I know, no..  All we know is that Cane was hit right across the face with this florescent lighting tube."


JULIUS (V/O): "Oh don’t go on a witch hunt .. you don’t know that."

TRIPP: "All we know for sure is that Cane is heading back into the medical area and I don’t think he’ll be able to make it out for his match tonight."

GHEORGHE (V/O): "Thanks for the update, Jason .. ladies and gentlemen, when we come back .. it’s the MASKED MAN taking on TURK …"

JULIUS (V/O): "I’ll be back .. I just got a message to meet LaRoque backstage.."

JIVE (V/O): "Sleeping your way to the top, Dean?"

JULIUS (V/O): "Fuck off."

( continued... )