FADEIN: Ringside. The fans are on their feet booing heavily as Karla Starr already stands in the ring with the Women’s Championship wrapped around her waist.)
GHEORGHE: "And while we were at commercial break Karla Starr has come to the ring … and she is soaking in the fans’ resentment here."
JIVE: "It doesn’t even seem to be phasing her. She loves it!"
GHEORGHE: "After last RAUCOUS, I don’t think Karla Starr can go anywhere and expect a positive reaction."
JIVE: "Well at least she doesn’t have to worry about Daymon interfering in the match tonight!"
GHEORGHE: "That’s true. Caitlyn Daymon has been told by Calgary officials not to come within 100 yards of McMahon Stadium, or else she’ll be taken back to a jail cell … and this time it won’t just be for the night!"
JIVE: "Starr has a mic, Tom! I think she’s going to kick Caitlyn while she’s down … figuratively, of course."
(Starr takes the microphone and holds it up to her mouth, cracking a smirk as she does.)
STARR: "MY GOD it's a wonderful day in Canada ain't it??"
(Crowd roars approval)
GHEORGHE: "Starr trying to work the crowd now .. how despicable."
STARR: "'Specially when there's plenty of hockey goin' on.... the All-Star game comin' up, what's a girl ta' do-- oh wait a minute.... that's right."
(The crowd now changes it's approval and gives out huge boos toward the New ERA's Women's Champion.)
STARR: "No one feels like playing in hockey rinks anymore do they?? I mean, not unless you're a handsome man tryin' to impress a gorgeous woman like me on roller blades, it's just not gonna happen these days is it??"
(Crowd continues to boo)
JIVE: "Ha, ha! Starr now mocking these hockey loving bozos!"
STARR: "I mean, by the looks of it game time for hockey is about as close to happening right now as is someone giving me a decent challenge around here."
(The crowd continues to boo but in some areas, Caitlyn Daymon chants can be heard.)
STARR: "G'head and chant your lilly butts off. As a matter of fact, you can let it ring out from the rooftops!! Caitlyn Daymon…."
(Crowd roars at the sound of Daymon's name.)
GHEORGHE: "And the fans definitely showing their support for Daymon.."
STARR: "Is going to not only NOT be here any second to brag about what it's like for lil' Effie to finally say that KARLA STARR is her AMERICAN IDOL.... Caitlyn's not even in THE BUILDING!!"
(SFX: Crowd jeers hardcore.)
STARR: "But now that I'm through with this week's edition of 'THE TRUTH'.... if Whisper and her lil' rugrat of a kid sister want to come out here and get this over with, yours truly has a facial that she has to rest up for, so if you're done shaking in your two dollar back-alley boots back there Whisper.... COOOOOOOOMMMMEEEE AN' GET IIIIIIIIIITTTTT!!!!!!!"
(Starr drops the mic and makes room for Whisper’s entrance.)
GHEORGHE: " Karla Starr mocking Caitlyn Daymon … and Daymon can’t even defend herself."
JIVE: "Caitlyn brought it upon herself."
(The lineup for the match flashes on the screen..)
JACOBS: "The following match is scheduled for one fall and has a thirty minute time limit… it is for the NEW ERA OF WRESTLING WOMEN’s CHAMPIONSHIP! Already in the ring …. She stands five foot ten and weighs 127 pounds … hailing from Boston , Massachusetts …. She is the CURRENT New ERA of Wrestling Women’s HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION ………….. KARLA STARR!"
(SFX: Immense crowd heat.)
JIVE: "Listen to those idiots. They won’t get inside Karla Starr ’s head … that is Starr’s game and she’s the best!"
JACOBS: "And her opponent.."
(CUEUP: ‘Scentless Apprentice’ by Nirvana. The fans pop huge as Whisper comes through the curtain followed by Madeline. Whisper keeps her eyes focused on Starr, who is hopping around in the ring, punching at the air.)
JACOBS: "Being led to the ring by Madeline …… standing five foot five and weighing 121 pounds … she is the #1 Contender to the Women’s title ……….. WHISPER!!!"
(SFX: Bell rings.)
GHEORGHE: "Whisper had to go through Krist Blue and Carlee Marx last RAUCOUS to get this title shot, and if I know Whisper, she’s going to make sure that she takes the title away from Starr. She seemed pretty peeved at Starr’s underhanded maneuvers."
JIVE: " Karla Starr doesn’t cheat, she works efficiently. If Whisper can’t conform, then she’s going to continually come out on the short end of the stick."
GHEORGHE: "The referee takes the title away from Starr … and now both women are in the center of the ring. They lock up in a collar and elbow tie up … and Karla Starr using her height to her advantage as she easily knocks Whisper down to the mat!"
JIVE: " Karla Starr looking at the fans for appreciation of her fine work .. but they only boo her! No wonder Marceau never wants to come back here!"
GHEORGHE: "Whisper back to her feet as she eyes Karla Starr … they lock up again … and this time before Starr gets a chance, Whisper grabs her arm and rings it around behind her back! Whisper with the arm bar .. and Karla Starr trying to reach back and grab her hair …. but she can’t! Oh come on! Now Starr is complaining that Whisper has a hold of her hair!"
JIVE: "The referee checking with Whisper, and she seems caught off guard by the question!"
JIVE: " Karla Starr again showing that she’s much more adept than Whisper when it comes to using her brain!"
GHEORGHE: " Karla Starr trying to frustrate Whisper, I think, to begin the match off… but Whisper gets up and slides back into the ring!"
JIVE: "Give Starr a few minutes … before you know it, Whisper will be seeing red."
GHEORGHE: "Whisper gets back to her feet and they go for the loc.. no! Whisper with the go behind and locks Starr around the waist! Starr trying to look around to catch Whisper … BUT WHISPER HEAVES HER OVER WITH A RELEASE BELLY TO BACK SUPLEX! Whisper now back on her feet and she waits for Starr to get to her feet … AND SHE TAKES HER OVER WITH A FIREMAN’s CARRY AND LOCKS ON A SLEEPER!"
JIVE: "It seems that Karla Starr has temporarily spurred Whisper … and the key word there is temporarily."
GHEORGHE: "Whisper has the sleeper locked on … but Karla Starr grabs the ropes and the ref calls for Whisper to let go of the hold!"
JIVE: "Just wait until Starr gets back to her feet! She didn’t get to be the Women’s Champion by kissing babies, I can tell you that!"
GHEORGHE: "Whisper back to her feet as Karla Starr gets up …. and now Whisper dropkicks Karla Starr into the ropes! Starr almost goes flying over … but she holds on … Whisper off the other ropes ……………. AND WHISPER WITH A FLYING CROSS BODY BLOCK AND BOTH WOMEN GO FLYING OVER THE TOP ROPE TO THE ARENA FLOOR!"
JIVE: "Whisper is really coming on strong tonight! I hate to say it, but I think Karla Starr might have underestimated Whisper’s determination. She can’t afford to do that … especially with the title on the line."
GHEORGHE: "Whisper now slowly getting to her feet as that dive really seemed to take something out of her … she drags Karla Starr up and rolls her back in the ring… and Madeline is showing some support for Whisper as she comes over to make sure she’s ok."
JIVE: "I’d love to see Madeline in some wrestling tights…"
GHEORGHE: "She looks like she’s not even legal, Nick!"
JIVE: "But she is! That’s the best part!"
GHEORGHE: "Whisper gets into the ring and now both women are back up…. Karla Starr tries to grab onto Whisper’s outfit, but Whisper evades the grab… Whisper now irish whips Karla Starr into the ropes … Starr on the return … AND WHISPER WITH A CLOTHESLINE SENDS STARR FLYING INTO THE MAT!"
JIVE: " Karla Starr ’s head bounced off the mat!"
GHEORGHE: "Whisper now heading over to the corner … AND SHE’s GOING UP TOP! Whisper climbing the turnbuckles … BUT KARLA STARR IS GETTING TO HER FEET! Starr up and she turns around and sees Whisper on the top turnbuckle! Starr charges into the corner …. BUT WHISPER HOPS OVER HER AND STARR CRASHES INTO THE TURNBUCKLE! Whisper behind the Women’s Champion …. AND SHE BRINGS HER DOWN WITH A NECKBREAKER!"
JIVE: "Whisper in full control of the match.. I can already see Caitlyn Daymon sitting in a hotel smiling right now."
GHEORGHE: "Whisper drags the body of Karla Starr out of the corner … AND SHE’s HEADING BACK UP TOP!"
JIVE: "If you don’t succeed at first, then try, try again! Starr ruined Whisper’s first attempt and caused her to bail .. so Whisper’s going back to the well!"
GHEORGHE: "Whisper climbs the turnbuckles again …. She gets to the top …. AND FLIES OFF WITH A MORNING STAR LEGDROP FROM THE TOP!"
JIVE: "Shouldn’t Karla Starr be using that?"
GHEORGHE: "Ha, ha, Nick …. WAIT! KARLA STARR ROLLS OUT OF THE WAY AND WHISPER HITS THE MAT!!! Whisper grasping her knee and Karla Starr avoided certain defeat there!"
JIVE: "Whisper with the high risk maneuver, and this time it didn’t pay off."
GHEORGHE: " Karla Starr slowly getting to her feet and she looks over and sees Whisper holding her knee!"
JIVE: "Like a wolf smelling its injured prey."
JIVE: "Don’t let up, Karla!"
GHEORGHE: " Karla Starr again stomping on the knee of Whisper … and now she drives her own knee into it! Karla Starr picking up the leg of Whisper … AND SHE WRAPS HER UP IN A FIGURE FOUR!!"
JIVE: "Keep on applying pressure to the knee and you’ll ground Whisper.."
GHEORGHE: "Whisper gripping her head in pain … and now she’s trying to grab the leg of Starr to break the hold …. But Starr swatting Whisper’s hand away and the hold remains! Whisper can’t afford to stay in this hold much longer or her aspirations of being the Women’s champion can be kissed goodbye!"
JIVE: "I can’t believe she even had those delusions anyway! No one can beat Karla Starr! She’s the smartest female wrestler in the game today!"
GHEORGHE: "The referee over to Whisper … and she’s starting to fade, Nick."
JIVE: " Karla Starr sitting upright… and she can sense victory, Tom. You can see it in her eyes!"
JIVE: "No! Stop her! Apply more pressure! GRAB THE GODDAMN ROPES IF YOU HAVE TO!"
GHEORGHE: "Whisper now trying to rock back and forth … and she is trying to flip this hold over! Whisper rocking …. Rocking …. AND WHISPER FINALLY REVERSES THE HOLD AND KARLA STARR REACHES INTO THE AIR FOR THE ROPES!!!"
JIVE: "She has them! She has them!"
GHEORGHE: "The referee breaks up the figure four … and Karla Starr grabs the ropes and gets to her feet …. AND SHE GOES RIGHT BACK TO STOMPING ON THE KNEE OF WHISPER! Starr now picks up Whisper … and … and … SHE TOSSES HER OVER THE TOP ROPE AND WHISPER GOES CRASHING TO THE ARENA FLOOR!"
JIVE: "Whisper might think that Karla Starr cheats her way to victories … and now she’s going to be proven right if Karla Starr starts using the surrounding area to her advantage!"
GHEORGHE: " Karla Starr climbs out of the ring and she walks over to Whisper …. Whisper though tries to nail Starr … but Starr with a rake of the eyes stops her … AND STARR WITH AN IRISH WHIP AND SHE SENDS WHISPER RIGHT OVER INTO THE CHAIRS THAT HOLD THE TIME KEEPER!"
JIVE: " Karla Starr has a chair!"
GHEORGHE: "Whisper now thrown against the side of the ring …. Starr now over there … and she connects with an elbow to the head …. STARR NOW RAISES THE CHAIR………… BUT THE REFEREE RIPS THE CHAIR OUT OF HER HAND AND THROWS IT ONTO THE MAT!"
JIVE: "And now he’s warning Starr against using the chair!"
GHEORGHE: "Starr turns back ……. AND WHISPER DRIVES STARR’s BACK INTO THE RING APRON!! Whisper picks up Starr and rolls her into the ring … Whisper brings Star… NO! KARLA STARR WITH A SHOULDER TO THE GUT …. AND SHE BACK BODY DROPS WHISPER TO THE MAT!"
GHEORGHE: "Starr on the far ropes … and she is stomping her foot! Karla Starr is going to nail Whisper with the sup…"
(CUEUP: ‘The End of Heartache’ by Killswitch Engage. The crowd pops huge!)
GHEORGHE: " Karla Starr turns around in horror and stares at the entranceway ….."
(The music stops all of a sudden…)
JIVE: "Now the music has stopped!"
GHEORGHE: " Karla Starr waiting … but Caitlyn Daymon isn’t even in the arena! Starr shakes her head and turns around ……. AND WHISPER WITH A CLOTHESLINE SENDS KARLA STARR OVER THE TOP ROPE AND TO THE ARENA FLOOR!"
JIVE: " Karla Starr had her fun on the outside … but Whisper is more of a puss when it comes to those types of things …"
GHEORGHE: "Madeline comes over and rolls Starr back in the ring … and now Whisper picks up Karla Starr … PILEDRIVER! Whisper with the cover… ONE ………. TWO ………….. THREE!! NO!! Karla Starr kicked out!"
JIVE: "The Women’s champion isn’t going to let a faux Daymon sighting throw her off!"
GHEORGHE: "It kept her occupied enough for Whisper to get to her feet."
JIVE: "Daymon should be suspended!"
GHEORGHE: "But she didn’t do anything!"
JIVE: "SO WHAT! She almost indirectly caused Starr to lose the title!"
GHEORGHE: "Whisper now picks the Women’s champion off the mat … and takes her over with a snapmare …. And she drives the knee into the back of the neck … BUT WHISPER BACKS OFF AND IS HOLDING HER KNEE!"
JIVE: "That’s the same knee Starr worked over earlier."
GHEORGHE: "Starr getting to her feet … and Whisper greets her … Whisper with an irish whip sends Karla Starr into the ropes … Starr on the return …. Whisper ducks .. AND STARR HOPS OVER HER! Starr off the ropes again … and this time Whisper hops over Karla Starr as she goes into the ropes again …. Whisper turns around … AND KARLA STARR RUNS RIGHT INTO WHISPER AND BOTH WOMEN GO DOWN!"
JIVE: "They clunked heads, Tom! But Karla Starr fell right next to the chair that the referee took away from her earlier!"
GHEORGHE: "Apparently he hasn’t had any time to get rid of it … and Karla Starr’s eyes are shut, so she doesn’t even know that the chair is there!"
JIVE: "The referee making the count .. and how great would it be if Starr could retain the title on a double knockout! Then she wouldn’t even have to lift another finger!"
JIVE: "Starr hasn’t moved! She might be knocked out!"
GHEORGHE: "Whisper comes over and drags Karla Starr to her feet … she winds up ……. AND KARLA STARR FALLS BACK TO THE MAT!"
JIVE: "As soon as Whisper let go she slumped to the mat … Karla Starr is knocked out! This is Whisper’s big break!"
GHEORGHE: "Whisper looks over at Madeline … and Madeline is cheering her on … and now WHISPER IS CALLING FOR THE ILLUMINATION!! If Whisper nails this reverse neckbreaker she will be the new Women’s champion!"
(SFX: Fans pop and are on their feet as Whisper bends down to pick up Starr.)
JIVE: "And these idiots want to see Starr lose!"
(SFX: CRACK!!! followed by immense heat!)
(SFX: Bell rings!)
GHEORGHE: "This can’t happen! That’s not fair!"
JACOBS: "The winner of this match by disqualification …….. WHISPER!"
(SFX: Crowd pops HUGE!)
JACOBS: "However, the Women’s Championship can only change hands by pinfall or submission ….. so STIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLL New ERA of Wrestling Women’s Heavyweight champion ……… KARLA STARR!"
(SFX: Crowd jeers EVEN HUGER!!)
JIVE: "So she’s still champion!!! THANK GOD!"
GHEORGHE: "After everything Whisper did … after proving to Karla Starr that she was the better WRESTLER … Karla Starr takes the low road to retain her title!"
JIVE: "Who cares who was the better wrestler, Tom?! Karla Starr retained the Women’s Title by SMARTS! She didn’t HAVE to beat Whisper … but Whisper had to beat her by pinfall or submission …"
GHEORGHE: "I can’t believe it… Whisper will get her revenge … and I doubt next time Karla Starr will be as lucky… we’ve got to take a commercial break … but when we come back …. It’s the finals of the Television Title tournament to crown a new #1 contender …. ‘the Dog of War’ Jason Payne takes on Cameron Cruise!!!!"