[ Agganis Arena @ Boston University ] Boston, Massachusetts

TAPED: Feb. 08, 2011
AIRED: Feb. 09, 2011
EPISODE: Cyberstrike 02
[Webstream coming active in 10.
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NEWMAN: "The action was hot and heavy while the weather was cold and windy ... it's Boston, Massachusetts ... New ERA Cyberstrike 02 from the Agganis Arena at Boston University!"
(The video feed cuts in. The camera zooms in quickly onto the New ERA Cyberstrike banner before pulling back, flipping the shot, and cutting to Natalie Newman and Jason Tripp sitting behind a desk. Newman wears a smile as Jason Tripp fiddles with the microphone on his shirt.)
NEWMAN: "Ten days have passed since the first Cyberstrike of Season 1 - and while the weather is ravaging the city of Boston, the fans still came out in droves tonight, Jason!"
TRIPP: "....."
NEWMAN: "I don't think you've got that mic situation worked out too well!"
(Tripp throws his hands in the air before tapping on the microphone attached to his shirt.)
TRIPP: "Can you hear me now?"
NEWMAN: "Got a full signal!"
TRIPP: "Ha. Sometimes I miss that big budget, Natalie. But as I was trying to say just a few seconds ago, the fans came out for quite possibly one of the biggest matches of the year. The New ERA Championship was on the line between two men who know gold. Shawn Hart is a two-time New ERA Champion, whereas Chaos is the most decorated champion in New ERA history with four PRODIGY© Classic Xtreme championship reigns, in addition to a run with the Television championship."
NEWMAN: "If there is one match I would urge you not to miss, this was it. Those two battled it out tooth-and-nail ... and well, you just have to see what happened!"
TRIPP: "Cyberstrike 02 was chock-full of action .. six matches .. action, intrigue, suspense, and, yes, surprises."
NEWMAN: "It will be interesting to see what happens next, Jason. After tonight, the entire landscape could be changed."
TRIPP: "Only time will tell, Natalie. Only time will tell. Let's get on with the action!"
(There was a winter storm brewing inside the Agganis Arena as "Dogs In A Cage" by Angelfish finished playing over the loudspeakers and the fans gathered in their seats. The anticipation for the night's main event rippled throughout the evening as the fans popped at everything and nothing. Well almost everything. Daggers flew through the air as Michael Montgomery walked onto the rampway unexpectedly. He tucked his arms tightly as the fans lining the aisle reached for him and gave them an earful after he entered the ring. Montgomery further earned the fans' ire as he picked up a microphone and went on a long diatribe against the fan's favorite, The First. After predicting a victory at Cyberstrike 02, Montgomery incensed those in attendance as he held up two fingers and ran his hands across his waist - the New ERA Championship on his mind.)
Mr. Entertainment vs. Fanatic
As Montgomery left the ringside area, "That's Entertainment!" by the Jam rumbled through the PA system. It was apparent that the fans had plenty of vitrole left as Mr. Entertainment strolled to the ring. The crowd was raucous as Fanatic came to the ring trailed by Larry Tact. The two men were in top form and while the fans hated both, their in-ring exchanges earned the fans' respect - for now. There was no need for Entertainment to employ the ZSI tonight - Fanatic did not need to be found. He popped Entertainment repeatedly in the jaw, he sent Entertainment to the mat time after time. Larry Tact's protege, the man who will carry on the TACT LEGACY, flew through the air with a springboard plancha that knocked Entertainment out for a two count. You could sense that this match would be the talk of the wrestling world tomorrow. Fanatic intermingled his high risk = high reward style with his martial arts knowledge as he worked Entertainment over with palm strikes.
But you can never keep the business' most entertaining superstar down for long. Entertainment reached deep within his bag of tricks and stopped Fanatic in his tracks with a well-timed mule kick. While Fanatic was doubled over, Entertainment charged out of the corner, grabbed his head, and hit a particularly vicious running RKO. The lights in the arena bore down oppressively on Fanatic as Mr. Entertainment sent him flying over the top rope to the arena floor. Entertainment stood looking down at his opponent as Larry Tact slapped some sense into his younger brother. Fifteen minutes into the match and neither man could be said to have gained the upperhand. For every move, there was a counter. For every second-wind, there was a third-wind by the other. Mr. Entertainment and Fanatic pushed each other to the limit.
With only two minutes remaining before the match hit the time limit, Fanatic kicked it into overdrive. The Elite Enigma poured on the offense as Mr. Entertainment tried, unsuccessfully at first, to stop him. With Tact guiding on the outside, Fanatic brought the former WHADAHTT champion to the corner. Both men stood on the top rope for what seemed like an eternity. Fanatic grabbed Entertainment's head and jumped into the air for a top rope hurricanrana. With a minute left to go, Mr. Entertainment proved that no matter how bad the circumstance, he was never down and out. Entertainment locked onto the top turnbuckle with his foot - Fanatic flopped to the mat, alone. The crowd chanted. Entertainment gazed down at Tact, a sparkle in his eye, before bringing the crowd to their feet with the SHOOTING ENTERTAINMENT. Entertainment and Fanatic were both on the mat. Their bodies beaten, their energies waning. Thirty seconds remained. Neither man was moving. Twenty seconds remained. Nothing. Fifteen seconds remained. Out of nowhere, Mr. Entertainment kipped to his feet. Victory would be his - if he had time. With ten seconds left, Entertainment ripped Fanatic to his feet, set him up with the Stun Gun .... Game - Set - Match. With only two seconds remaining on the clock, Entertainment beat the time limit draw. Tact slammed the mat on the outside, but could do nothing more as he watched Mr. Entertainment strut up the rampway.
WINNER: Mr. Entertainment
Stacy Jones vs. Adrian Willard
Stacy Jones looked to get her New ERA career on track as she stepped into the ring with Adrian Willard. Apologizing for the mistake by an apparent advertising intern, the match was no longer billed as an "intergender bout," which undoubtedly pleased the woman who lives by her motto, "Perfection by Adaptation." Also pleasing Jones was the fact that Adrian Willard looked completely out of sync in the wrestling ring. For the second show in a row, Willard couldn't get into a groove. While Willard bumbled in the corner, Stacy Jones nailed a picture-perfect reverse hurricanrana. With Willard down on the mat, it was easy pickings for Jones as she followed up with a running senton splash. Jones yanked Willard off the mat by the hair and brought him to the corner. The fans at the Agganis Arena popped as Jones brought Willard to the top with her, and witnessed, for the first time, the top rope pedigree she calls Perfection. Jones grabbed the leg - the referee made the count - and Stacy Jones walked out victorious.
WINNER: Stacy Jones
Michael Montgomery vs. The First
It was deafening in the arena when the lights went down and "Happy Birthday" by the Birthday Massacre begun. The First stepped through the curtain with Muse and drove the fans into a frenzy. The First slapped as many of the fans' hands on the way to the ring as possible while he waited for his opponent. Michael Montgomery came to the ring to a chorus of "FUCK YOU" chants as the fans did everything in their power to distract the Portland, Maine native. The fans roared with approval when The First caught Montgomery on the top turnbuckle pad. Montgomery tried to jam the thumb in the eye and save himself, but the First grabbed the arm and sent the Magnificent one flying to the center of the ring with an armdrag off the top rope. The two men traded momentum, and the fans got whiplash after a particularly spine-tingling exchange that ended when Montgomery countered the handspring elbow into the corner, locked his arms around the neck of the First, and hit the Dragon suplex with a bridged pin.
You would have thought that the Terriers had won the NCAA Championship after the First got the shoulder off the mat before the three. Montgomery looked to be at a loss for words as the foot-stomping Boston crowd revitalized their hero. He sent the First careening into the corner chest-first, but the First braced himself. It was too late for Montgomery to put on the brakes, and the First catapulted over his charging opponent. As Montgomery grabbed at his chest, the First hooked the waist and slammed the Magnficent one to the mat with a wheelbarrow suplex. The First laid in wait as Montgomery groggily got to his knees, and knocked him square in the head with the shining wizard. For all the talk, Montgomery couldn't follow through as the First hit the Cut the Thread and got the victory.
WINNER: The First
Cameron Cruise vs. Jason Payne
He may not have the best time-management skills in New ERA, but Cameron Cruise did his research on Jason Payne. The Dog of War, who had a hellacious battle against The Druid at Cyberstrike 01, looked as if he had some lingering effects from his match ten days prior. Cruise, the wily veteran he is, took advantage of Payne's missteps. Jason Payne had the opportunity to put the match away after he drove Cruise into the mat with a powerslam, but he hesitated for one second too long and the former Television champion got his shoulder up after a two-count. Payne, losing patience with the referee after what he thought was a deliberately slow count, failed to notice "the Crippler" climbing the ropes. When he finally turned, he was met by a diving Cameron Cruise and the accompanying flying clothesline. Cruise, not making the same mistake that kept him in the match only minutes before, grabbed the Dog of War and brought him to his feet. It was time for Jason Payne to get a Reality Check, and time for Cruise to get a hefty Pay Check three seconds later.
WINNER: Cameron Cruise
Alexander Roslov vs. Jonathan Marx
The spirit of Ronald Reagan must have appreciated Jonathan Marx's bipartisan gesture as he took on Alexander Roslov. Marx looked to be in top-form as he schooled Roslov from the start of the match. Roslov never mounted an offense as the scholarly Marx telegraphed his every move. The former World Heavyweight champion picked the Russian apart limb by limb. An irish whip by Roslov was reversed by Marx, who then planted the Russian with a spinebuster in the center of the ring. While Roslov laid on the mat, Marx locked on the non-Reagan approved Marxism, and the Shining City upon the Hill was now one match closer for the "Gentleman."
WINNER: Jonathan Marx
New ERA Championship
Chaos vs. Pro Wrestling's SJH (c)
A storm built up inside Chaos all week and it showed as the main event kicked off. This was Chaos' shot at the New ERA Championship. All that stand in his way was the current Champion, Pro Wrestling's SJH. Shawn Hart used his speed and agility to keep the big man off balance. Chaos couldn't keep up with the minister of getting sinister, so he did the next best thing - pummel him into submission. Hart rocked the big man with double axehandles off the top rope, but the champion went to the well one too many times and was caught in a massive bear hug. We're not talking any bear hug here people, we're talking a bear hug from a seven foot tall, 305 pound monster. When Hart wouldn't submit, Chaos hoisted him in the air for the standing guillotine choke! Hart dangled in the air as the challenger choked him into unconsciousness.
Feeling the championship slip from his grasp, Pro Wrestling's SJH did the next best thing. He swung his legs back. He swung a second time. Finally getting enough momentum, Hart swung a third time and drove both feet into the crotch of Chaos. The former PRODIGY© Classic Xtreme champion dropped Hart to the mat. Chaos walked gingerly to the corner and this gave Hart enough time to recover. Hart charged into the corner with a spinning heel kick that nearly took Chaos over the top rope. Chaos stumbled into the center of the ring as the New ERA Champion climbed to the top rope. When Chaos turned he was met with a missile dropkick that finally sent him crashing to the mat. Hart got the two count before he was tossed into the air. The fans see-sawed between massive pops and massive jeers as the two men continued to battle for New ERA's top prize. The writing was on the wall, however, and the fans did not like what it said. Chaos sent Hart into the corner and followed in for the High Roller. Hart slid underneath the ropes, though, and Chaos ran chest-first into the pads. Hart was cat-like to the top and flew off with a beautiful moonsault - that is until the challenger caught him - and then nailed him with the Turnbuckle Bomb. The fans went silent. They knew what came next.
Right when one thought things couldn't get any worse for the New ERA Champion, the screens around the Agganis Arena turned on and the crowd jeered as the ugly mug of The Druid could not be avoided. Chaos throttled Hart with a running boot to the head and flared his nostrils as he glared at the screen above the entrance way. The Druid, his eyes redder than the Japanese sun, called forth to the audience to heed his calling. As the Druid's words bounced off the walls of the arena, ten of the hooded acolytes came marching down the ramp towards the ring. To everyone's surprise, six fans hopped over the guardrail, avoided the security, and were met with open arms, and robes, from the acolytes. Chaos fumed and turned right as Hart made it to his feet.
Pro Wrestling's SJH reached back and drove a fist into Chaos' jaw, but the big man from Sin City cracked his elbow into the Champion's head as if he felt no pain. Chaos grabbed Hart and brought him to the corner. The now-enraged Chaos brought the Champion to the top turnbuckle, pointed at the Druid on the big screen, and came flying off the top rope with the Chaosbomb. Just like that, Chaos became the New ERA Champion.
WINNER: Chaos (won New ERA Championship)
Or... Not
But he wasn't done. Chaos grabbed Hart off the mat and brought him back to the corner. Chaos climbed to the top rope a second time. CHAOSBOMB. The Druid's laugh permeated through Chaos' skin. He picked Shawn Hart off the mat and headed for the corner a third time. The referee stood in the corner and screamed for Chaos to leave. Chaos sent Shawn Hart flying into the corner instead. The referee, squashed behind Hart's body, slithered to the mat. The Druid egged Chaos on with more laughter. The hooded acolytes began walking around the wrestling ring, their eyes fixated on the new champion. Chaos grabbed Hart by the throat and pulled him to the top rope once more. CHAOSBOMB. It wasn't over.
Chaos continued his assault on Hart. He dragged the now-motionless carcass to the ring ropes and slumped Hart's neck over the top. The seven foot tall monster had snapped. He screamed "Come get me! Come get me!" at the image of the Druid on the big screen. Until -- the screens went off. The Druid disappeared. The hooded acolytes, including those converted this very evening, pivoted and made their way back up the rampway. Chaos steamed. He rode the neck of Hart into the top rope. The referee, now sitting groggily in the corner, powerless to help.
The arena exploded as The First bolted through the curtains with a chair in hand. Nobody was going to treat Pro Wrestling's SJH like a ragdoll while he was here. Chaos tossed Hart to the mat and waited, wanted, the First to get into the ring. The First slid underneath the bottom rope and Chaos immediately drove the boots into his head. The First would not be stopped. He fought to his feet. He traded blows with the new champion. Until --
LINKS: "The referee has informed me that he has REVERSED his decision. The winner of this match, via disqualification, and STILL NEW ERA CHAMPION ..... PRO WRESTLING's .... ESS ... JAY ... AYCH!"
WINNER: Pro Wrestling's SJH (retained New ERA Championship via reversed decision)
(Chaos jerked around, his mouth wide open. The referee held his back as Chaos reached his monstruous arm forward and grabbed him by the head. Had the First not been right there, there may have been two New ERA funerals in Boston tomorrow. The First grabbed the chair off the mat and walloped Chaos in the back. Chaos was stunned. Another chair shot sent him reeling towards the ropes. A third chair shot sent him over the top rope where he landed on his feet. Chaos, or more accurately the Druid, had just cost himself the championship. Chaos trashed the equipment around ringside. He ripped a piece of the guardrail right off its hinges. The First watched as the almost-champion tore down the curtains hanging from the entrance way. Shawn Hart was motionless on the mat. A hush fell over the arena as paramedics rushed to the ring. Hart retained the belt, but still may have lost.)
( the end )