(CUEUP: "Did My Time" by Korn. The fans BOO unanimously as The Fallen's video package plays on the big screen. Blue lighting illuminates the fog spreading around the entry-way. Tony Fatora announces from within the adjoined ring set-up.)
FATORA: "Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is a CAREER VERSUS CAREER LAST MAN STANDING MATCH!! The winner of this match will be the man who renders his opponent UNABLE TO STAND before a ten count. Introducing first... hailing from Seattle, Washington... the LEADER of the FALLEN... JASON REEVES... STALKER!!
(Appearing alone on the stage is Jason "STALKER" Reeves, clad in black leather duster over a Fallen t-shirt and black denim cut-offs. He SNEERS at the crowd, mockingly posing for them as he makes his way down the ramp to the ring.)
MATTHEWS: "Ten years of this man's alleged "pain" and "suffering" have led him here tonight! That entire time, he's wanted his shot at Rocko Daymon... but has he bit off more than he can chew?"
THOMAS: "Stalker is a dangerous and psychotic man... and much of that is driven by his sheer hatred for Rocko Daymon! He's tried to ruin the career of his nemesis, but tonight... will he be able to put that final nail in the coffin? Can he beat Rocko Daymon in the match that his opponent has never lost?"
(Stalker rolls into the ring and sits in the corner, eyes trained on the stage for the arrival of his opponent. After a few moments, they cut his music.)
(CUEUP: "The Path" by High On Fire. The arena lights go to black, and the capacity crowd CHEERS LOUDLY!! Rocko Daymon's video package begins playing on the screen.)
FATORA: "And his opponent... hailing from Tacoma, Washington... he is the FORMER EPW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION... AND the FORMER NEW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION... "THE UNDYING"... ROCKO …. DAYMON!!!"
(SFX: *BOOM!! BOOM!! BOOOOM!!!* The introduction concludes with a display of gold fireworks shooting up from the stage. "The Path" ends into "Fire, Flood, and Plague" as ROCKO DAYMON steps out onto the stage and begins striding down the ramp.)
THOMAS: "Daymon is halfway down the ramp, and breaks right into a SPRINT FOR THE RING!!"
(SFX: Crowd pops!)
NEELY: "Whoa, buddy, he ain't messing around!"
MATTHEWS: "Daymon slides under the ropes, and Stalker quickly jumps on him with a KNEE!! Stalker, with some HARD closed-fisted punches to the back of Daymon's head, and the former World Champion just SHRUGS IT OFF!"
NEELY: "Ring the bell, cause HERE WE GO, baby!"
(SFX: Bell rings.)
THOMAS: "Rocko's on his feet, and both men are FIERCELY TRADING BLOWS!! Man, they are holding NOTHING back in there!! It's a two-man FLURRY of FISTS, and neither man is backing down!"
MATTHEWS: "OOH!! Big right hook thrown from Daymon clocks Stalker right in the temple and shakes him! Rocko with a FEW MORE big right hands, just BURYING those knuckles into Stalker's face! That "injury"in his shoulder must not be as bad as we expected, cause he's landing some HAYMAKERS!!"
NEELY: "Look at the VEINS popping out of his neck! That guy is just UNHINGED!!"
(SFX: Crowd pops!)
THOMAS: "Stalker trying to cover up... OH!! Daymon BLASTS HIM with a KNIFE EDGE CHOP to the CHEST!!"
MATTHEWS: "Stalker is STUNNED, and Daymon ANGRILY rips off his SHIRT to expose the chest! There's ANOTHER CHOP!!"
(SFX: *SMACK!!*)
NEELY: "Had some HEAT on that one!"
THOMAS: "Rocko Daymon is on FIRE in these opening moments... and now with a SHOULDER BLOCK to the mid-section, he just TACKLES Stalker through the ropes, and the brawl falls to the outside!!"
MATTHEWS: "Rocko Daymon is just a TEMPEST of RAGE right now!! Wailing away, he YANKS Stalker off the floor by the hair... and sets him up against the apron, mercilessly BLASTING AWAY at that maniac's exposed face!!"
THOMAS: "Look at that MURDEROUS GLINT in the eye of Rocko Daymon!! It's like he's trying to BLUDGEON STALKER TO DEATH with those wrecking-ball fists!"
NEELY: "Uh... should the ref step in and stop this, or something?"
MATTHEWS: "Wait... Stalker BLOCKS one -- DRIVES DAYMON face-first into the apron!"
THOMAS: "Rocko's stunned... and Stalker takes the opportunity to grab him by the NECK, and RUN HIM OVER TO –."
(SFX: *BAM!!*)
THOMAS: "RIGHT into the commentary table! Stalker STOMPING AWAY now!! These two men are like RABID PITBULLS!!"
MATTHEWS: "Expect these two men to show libERAl use of the no-DQ ruling of the Last Man Standing match-up. Stalker is an ESPECIALLY talented when it comes to using his environment... and here he is now, bringing Daymon off the floor, and leading him right over to the GUARDRAIL -- !!"
(SFX: *BONK!!*)
THOMAS: "GOD!! Did you SEE THE WAY Daymon's FACE bounced right off that STEEL BARRICADE?!"
NEELY: "Yeah, man... these guys are freakin' NUTS tonight!"
MATTHEWS: "Stalker was holding nothing back there... and he's not giving Rocko a SECOND to breath, stripping him up off the floor once again! Stalker hooks him around the face -- RUSSIAN LEGSWEEP --."
(SFX: *CLANK!!*)
NEELY: "Well, THAT was quick!"
THOMAS: "Stalker is back up, and ORDERS the referee to begin the ten count!"
MATTHEWS: "It CAN'T be over this quickly!"
THOMAS: "Daymon shakes out the cobwebs... now he scrambles to his feet, and he's back up before the ref can reach the count of three! Stalker is ALREADY on top of him... NO!! Daymon SHOVES HIM OFF!"
MATTHEWS: "Rocko steps forward -- WHOA, MAN!! BIG JUMPING KNEE STRIKE catches Stalker RIGHT IN THE MUSH!! What a COMEBACK for Rocko Daymon!!"
(SFX: Crowd pops!)
NEELY: "Has Rocko been brushing up on his Muay Thai, or what?!"
THOMAS: "Stalker rolls to his hands and knees, but Daymon STRADDLES HIS BACK before he can get up!! Daymon POUNDING AWAY with HARD rights and lefts at the exposed head of Stalker!!"
MATTHEWS: "Stalker can do little more than cover up right now as Daymon RELENTLESSLY pounds away at his head! Rocko is like a man POSSESSED tonight... and given everything he's put up with this past month, I'm not in the least bit surprised!"
THOMAS: "This Last Man Standing contest has been nothing short of a high-octane all-out BRAWL so far in these opening minutes, and both men are still fuming with energy! Daymon in control now, yanking Stalker off the floor by the hair and walking him over to the corner!"
NEELY: "More specifically, the STEEL STEPS!!"
(SFX: *BANG!!*)
MATTHEWS: "AND DAYMON THROWS STALKER RIGHT INTO THOSE STEEL STEPS AS HARD AS HE CAN!! These guys are going to turn the ringside area into a WARZONE!!"
NEELY: "Are these guys even going to make it back in the RING?!"
THOMAS: "Stalker is lying stunned up against the steps, and now Daymon uses the opportunity to PUT SOME LEGS INTO HIS FACE AND CHEST while he's pressed up against the steel! Stalker's got nowhere to go!!"
MATTHEWS: "Stuck between Rocko and a hard place... Daymon going for distance now... he comes CHARGING FORWARD -- ."
(SFX: *BANG!!!*)
CROWD: "OOOOooohhh..."
THOMAS: "OH, NO, NOBODY HOME!! Rocko Daymon's shoulder went RECKLESSLY CRASHING right into those steel steps as Stalker despERAtely got out of the way at the last second!"
MATTHEWS: "Daymon is writhing on the floor now, clutching that right arm! That mistake could have cost him EVERYTHING if he's agitated that injury!"
THOMAS: "That could be it right there! The referee is checking to see if Daymon isn't legitimately hurt... but Stalker SHOVES HIM ASIDE!! Stalker STOMPS AWAY at that hurt right arm of Rocko Daymon with CONTEMPT!!"
MATTHEWS: "Doesn't look like Stalker wants this match to END any way other than Rocko Daymon lying unconscious on the ground for ten seconds! The question is... what condition is Rocko Daymon in to continue this match?!"
NEELY: "Maybe he'll luck out and pass out from the pain..."
THOMAS: "Stalker seems to notice the arm... now he's taking ahold of it by the wrist! Stalker, DROPS THE KNEE across the bicep! That could NOT have been good for that shoulder!"
MATTHEWS: "Stalker sees the Achilles Heel, and naturally, he's jumping all over it! Without that arm, Daymon is without ANY offense!"
THOMAS: "And he isn't finished YET!! Stalker YANKS Daymon to his feet using that right arm, and gives it a SHARP TWIST!! Daymon drops to his KNEES, and you can just SEE the pain in his face!!"
NEELY: "I couldn't make a face like that if you drove a CAR over my foot!"
MATTHEWS: "Stalker knows exactly where to go from here! He shoves those steps aside, and now he's bringing Daymon's arm around the steel ringpost!! He pulls back... AND RAMS THAT ARM RIGHT INTO THE POST!!"
THOMAS: "Daymon sprawls to the floor in AGONY!! Man, if Stalker has his way, then he's going to mangle that arm beyond all recognition!"
MATTHEWS: "Rocko Daymon is incapacitated on the floor... and now Stalker approaches the timekeeper! OH JESUS, he just KICKED the poor bastard RIGHT OUT OF HIS CHAIR!!"
NEELY: "Well, hey, he needed the chair!"
THOMAS: "Daymon is struggling to get to his feet, using the good left arm to grip onto the apron... but Stalker BOOTS him back to the floor before he can even get footing! Stalker isn't even giving him a chance to BREATH! Here he brings Daymon up again, and he's setting that arm around the steel post... oh, no, what's he got in mind with that CHAIR?!"
(SFX: *CLANK!!*)
(SFX: Crowd pops huge!)
MATTHEWS: "Stalker just CRACKED that chair across the steel post! Man, if Daymon's arm had still been hung up there, that would have been GAME OVER for the former champion!"
THOMAS: "Rocko's on his feet and on the move, and Stalker SWINGS WILDLY into the air with that steel chair in hot pursuit!! Daymon, DEFTLY backpedaling to keep out of reach... and he rolls back into the ring!"
MATTHEWS: "Stalker's in after him, and FINALLY, this match returns to the squared circle! The raging hardcore icon, coming in fast with that CHAIR -- but Daymon GOES LOW, leading that left shoulder right into the abdomen, and THERE'S THE FIREMAN'S CARRY!!"
THOMAS: "Good move there! Rocko's looking for the side headlock to keep the match on the ground, but Stalker is QUICK to slip away! Stalker, wielding that CHAIR again... NO!! Daymon KICKS the chair out of Stalker's hand! He's doing anything he can to defend himself without agitating that arm of his!"
NEELY: "Yeah, but you can tell that he's running thin on ideas right now..."
THOMAS: "Stalker stepping up with a BIG RIGHT HAND -- NO!! Daymon's RIGHT HAND just SHOT UP and CAUGHT STALKER'S FIST!!"
MATTHEWS: "What RESILIENCY!! Daymon, SHAKING HIS HEAD and FIGHTING OFF THE PAIN... and Stalker can only stand in STUNNED DISBELIEF!! All that work on the arm, and Daymon can STILL take whatever he throws at him!"
NEELY: "Apparently, all of Rocko's appendages are "UNDYING" as well! "
THOMAS: "Rocko THROWS Stalker's hand aside... there's the BOOT TO THE GUT... and he FOLLOWS THROUGH WITH THE GUTWRENCH SUPLEX!!"
MATTHEWS: "The Undying Rocko Daymon is coming back into this match BIG... he POPS back to his feet as Stalker rises in a spinning STAGGER... and BLASTS that maniac with a KNIFE-EDGE CHOP!!"
THOMAS: "Stalker, KNOCKED into the ropes, bounces back into a SHARP JAB by Daymon... a SECOND... FOLLOWS IT WITH A DISCUS PUNCH!!"
THOMAS: "JESUS HERMIONE CHRIST, he just BURIED THOSE KNUCKLES into Stalker's FACE!! That damn near knocked him out of his SHOES!!"
THOMAS: "Stalker's eyes are fluttering... he's COMING TO, but he was OUT COLD for a moment there!"
MATTHEWS: "Meanwhile, Rocko Daymon wisely uses this time to rub some feeling back into that right arm. He doesn't want to overwork it too soon in this brawl..."
NEELY: "At this point, he should just consider himself LUCKY that he still HAS that arm!"
THOMAS: "Stalker is finally making an effort to get to his feet... meanwhile, looks like Rocko has FOUND THE STEEL CHAIR!!"
NEELY: "Oh boy, looks like it's PAYBACK time!"
THOMAS: "Stalker's almost up now... Daymon looks at his opponent... looks to the chair... and he just THROWS IT TO THE OUTSIDE!!"
NEELY: "WHAT?! Why in the HELL would he do that!?"
MATTHEWS: "It's just mano e mano, now! Rocko Daymon wants nothing more than his own BARE HANDS to BREAK his nemesis in the ring!"
NEELY: "Stupid move if you ask me..."
THOMAS: "Stalker is BACK TO HIS FEET... but Daymon meets him with a KNEE right to the midsection, right before whipping him to the ropes!"
MATTHEWS: "Stalker in motion... comes back with Daymon waiting for the lariat -- BUT HE DUCKED IT!! Stalker keeps moving, and he goes off the ropes again... STIFF SHOULDER BLOCK puts Daymon to the mat!"
THOMAS: "Back into the ropes goes Stalker... HOPS over the grounded Rocko Daymon as he's in the motion to rise... Stalker off the other set of ropes... here comes Rocko with that RIGHT HAND -- no wait, Stalker REVERSES with an ARM DRAG!!"
MATTHEWS: "And he transitions right into an armbar, again working that sensitive right arm! It's surprising to see some actual WRESTLING ability in Stalker for once, as opposed to just random chairshots and DDTs all over the place!"
NEELY: "Right, Dean, like an ARMDRAG is really going to do the job in a LAST MAN STANDING match!"
THOMAS: "Let's remember, there are no rope breaks or disqualifications in the Last Man Standing match-up... and while Stalker may not be able to win by tap out, he's left Rocko no choice but to escape that hold on his OWN POWER, which may prove difficult and costly! And with that questionable shoulder of his... there's no telling WHAT damage can be done in this situation!"
MATTHEWS: "Stalker's wrenching away at the wrist of Rocko Daymon, but he doesn't quite have that shoulder cinched in with his legs. Hardcore icon, but hardly a technical aficionado, I suppose! Daymon is able to get to his side... now trying to get some footing, working quickly to escape the hold! Every second Stalker twists away, he does more damage, slowly grinding away at that shoulder socket!"
NEELY: "Man, this crap is boring! When are they going to start hitting each other with chairs non-stop for five minutes straight?!"
THOMAS: "Daymon's BACK on his feet, and now Stalker tries transitioning to a standing position... no, Daymon REVERSES with an arm wringer, flipping him over onto his back! Rocko follows through with the ELBOW into the sternum!"
MATTHEWS: "Stalker's clutching his chest in PAIN... and now Rocko's going to the TURNBUCKLE! High-risk maneuver coming up, with Daymon going to the second rope... COMING OFF... AND HE NAILS THE KNEE DROP ACROSS THE FACE OF STALKER!!"
THOMAS: "The Undying Rocko Daymon is PUTTING IT TO his arch-nemesis here tonight in Sin City! Stalker looks to be OUT, and the referee is beginning the ten count once again!"
MATTHEWS: "Daymon paces around on his side of the ring like a caged animal... just watching, and WAITING!"
THOMAS: "...Stalker is showing SIGNS OF LIFE now! He rolls over onto his hands and knees... probably trying to remember where he is..."
NEELY: "I have a feeling he has that problem a lot in life."
MATTHEWS: "This is getting SERIOUS now!"
THOMAS: "Stalker hears the count, and he's forcing himself to MOVE!"
THOMAS: "He's UP!!"
NEELY: "Oh, but I bet he'll wish he WASN'T here in a moment!"
MATTHEWS: "Rocko Daymon advances... but Stalker SLIPS OUT OF THE RING!"
THOMAS: "Daymon has Stalker ON THE RUN!!"
MATTHEWS: "These fans may disapprove, but Stalker knows where his strengths are! He's going to bring this fight back into HIS territory, and Rocko Daymon has no choice but to follow!"
NEELY: "The classic tragic idiot hero... walking blindly right into his downfall."
MATTHEWS: "Daymon is in quick pursuit to the outside! He isn't going to give Stalker even a SECOND of rest! Here comes Stalker around the corner to get away, but Daymon is GIVING CHASE!! I get the feeling Stalker's LEADING HIM somewhere!"
THOMAS: "Stalker SKIDDING to a stop at the barricade... spins around... AND HE CATCHES THE CHARGING ROCKO DAYMON with a BACK BODY DROP OVER THE BARRICADE and INTO THE CROWD!! Oh boy, things can get REALLY dangerous here!"
NEELY: "Time for security to earn that paycheck!"
MATTHEWS: "Daymon pulls himself off of that unforgiving concrete floor as the security officials try to hold the fans back at a safe distance... here's Stalker, perching himself on the GUARDRAIL now -- AND COMES OFF WITH A DIVING LARIAT that catches Rocko right in the throat and sends him back to the floor!"
THOMAS: "The brawl has now spread into the ringside seats, and there's no telling WHAT might happen among all of those bodies! But what should concern Rocko Daymon the MOST right now is the overwhelming abundance of CHAIRS in Stalker's vicinity!"
MATTHEWS: "Stalker picking up a chair NOW as Rocko Daymon rises to his feet, but Rocko's got his BACK TO HIM!! LOOK OUT, ROCKO!!"
(SFX: *CRACK!!*)
MATTHEWS: "...and ROCKO JUST SHRUGS IT OFF!! Daymon turns to Stalker, who's already looking to STRIKE AGAIN!!!"
(SFX: *CRACK!!*)
NEELY: "Jeez, is he the MAN OF STEEL now or something?!"
MATTHEWS: "Stalker standing in disbelief, and Daymon is RAGING... Stalker with ANOTHER chairshot -- !!"
(SFX: *CRACK!!*)
(SFX: *CRACK!!!*)
THOMAS: "RIGHT ACROSS THE BACK OF THE HEAD!! GOOD GOD!!! How much can Rocko Daymon TAKE of this?! Daymon on his hands and knees... STILL trying to rise!!"
MATTHEWS: "And Stalker just UNLOADS ON HIM!!! Man, it's like he's trying to POUND HIM completely into that concrete using that chair!"
NEELY: "If Rocko's got any brain cells left, he might as well STAY down at this point!"
THOMAS: "I'm at a complete loss of words right now! NO human being should go through this kind of punishment... I don't care WHAT he's done!"
MATTHEWS: "Daymon is OUT!!"
MATTHEWS: "It was smart thinking on the part of Stalker to take this match back to the outside, in his natural territory! He's got all those potential weapons at his expense, and he's perfectly willing and able to pick up anything that isn't nailed down if it can make a nice, sickening THUD against Rocko Daymon's head!"
THOMAS: "Stalker's still got that chair in hand, looming over the fallen body of Rocko Daymon... and meanwhile, the referee continues to COUNT! Is Daymon GONE?!"
THOMAS: "He's showing SIGNS OF LIFE! God, how can ANYBODY come back from that!?"
MATTHEWS: "I don't know, but Stalker's got that chair held ready and poised for another strike the moment he gets to his feet!"
NEELY: "Oh man... BATTER UP!"
THOMAS: "Daymon is UP --."
(SFX: *CRACK!!!*)
THOMAS: "-- and RIGHT DOWN AGAIN as Stalker PASTES HIM with that steel chair in his hands! Daymon FLAT ON HIS BACK... and the ref starts the count AGAIN!"
THOMAS: "Looks like Daymon is trying to get to his feet AGAIN... but Stalker hasn't even MOVED from where he's standing!"
MATTHEWS: "At this point, every time Rocko gets up, Stalker is going to TAKE HIS HEAD OFF with that chair!"
THOMAS: "Daymon is UP NOW --."
(SFX: *CRACK!!*)
THOMAS: "I'm sure Stalker is perfectly willing to stand there ALL NIGHT and crack Rocko Daymon over the head with that chair until he finally CAN'T get to his feet anymore!"
NEELY: "Man, with a name like "The Undying"... that could take ALL NIGHT!"
MATTHEWS: "Still nothing out of Daymon... but with the way Stalker's been wailing away at his cranium with that steel chair, I’m hardly SURPRISED!"
THOMAS: "Stalker CROWS with triumph as he holds up the chair... and the ringside fans are letting him HEAR IT!!"
THOMAS: "Rocko is coming to... but Stalker's got his attention turned AWAY from him right now, instead jawing with some of those ringside fans just a few feet away from the action!"
MATTHEWS: "I think somebody called him "GARBAGE WRESTLER", and he took a bit of offense to that! But hey, when over HALF of your offense is swinging a chair into the other guy... can you really argue with him?!"
NEELY: "Somebody get that drunk asshat out of the arena and back into the casino where he can gleefully throw away his hard-earned money..."
MATTHEWS: "Rocko on his hands and knees now... he's gotta HURRY though!"
THOMAS: "OH MAN!! That rowdy fan just THREW HIS DRINK into Stalker's face! Stalker LUNGES FOR HIM, but there's a WALL of security and other fans blocking the way!"
NEELY: "Oh buddy, shouldn't have done that! Now YOU'RE getting a chair to the face!"
THOMAS: "Fans and security are working together to keep Stalker from ripping that fan's HEAD off! Meanwhile... Rocko Daymon has MADE IT TO HIS FEET, and Stalker DOESN'T SEE HIM!!"
MATTHEWS: "He got TOO COCKY!! Stalker, finally turning back to his opponent... SWINGS A WILD CHAIR, but hits nothing but the AIR as Rocko Daymon DUCKS the shot! Stalker spins around again, holding that CHAIR HIGH -- AND HE RUNS STRAIGHT INTO A POWERSLAM -- !!!"
(SFX: *CRASH!!*)
NEELY: "You know, people pay GOOD MONEY for those seats, and these guys are RUINING their experience!"
MATTHEWS: "Daymon still looks like he's shaking the effects of those repeated CHAIR SHOTS to his head... but something is forcing his body to keep moving, as he now strips the beaten Stalker off the pile of mangled steel chair!"
THOMAS: "Stalker is in too much agony to defend himself... Daymon with a standing leg head-scissor... LIFTS STALKER UP OVER HIS SHOULDER!! OH MAN, HE'S GOT HIM IN THE CRUCIFIX HOLD!!"
MATTHEWS: "What does Rocko Daymon have planned HERE?! Stalker finally realizes what's happening, and he's trying to SQUIRM FREE... but he's TOO LATE!! Rocko Daymon with a CRUCIFIX POWERBOMB -- !!"
(SFX: *BANG!!*)
NEELY: "Forget keeping him down for TEN SECONDS... Rocko Daymon is trying to CRIPPLE that maniac!"
MATTHEWS: "Daymon is FROTHING with anger as the referee begins the ten count..."
THOMAS: "And DAYMON breaks the count by moving in and bringing Stalker back to his feet on his own! He's TIRED OF WAITING! Rocko tells the security and the brimming crowd of ringside onlookers to move aside... and just RUNS STALKER STRAIGHT INTO A GARBAGE CAN!!"
MATTHEWS: "Put a big ol' DENT in the side of that trash barrel! Rocko Daymon is really showing he can scrap with the best of Stalker!"
NEELY: "Am I the ONLY one that sees the irony in these two guys wrestling around a TRASH CAN?!"
THOMAS: "Daymon running in for a KICK... but Stalker QUICKLY grabs the garbage can and uses it as a SHIELD!! Daymon is KNOCKED OFF BALANCE, and that gives Stalker the opportunity to scramble to his feet!"
MATTHEWS: "The ever-resourceful Stalker slips out of another jam... but Rocko quickly moves in to intercept him! NO!! Stalker with a LOW running shoulder block... and he just KNOCKED ROCKO BACK INTO A BUNCH OF FANS and SECURITY GUARDS!!"
THOMAS: "Daymon is tangled up in a mess of bodies, and meanwhile, Stalker tries to make an escape to the upper levels, climbing the guardrail to reach the stairs -- no, HE'S PERCHING HIMSELF ON THE RAIL!!"
MATTHEWS: "DID I JUST SEE THAT?! WAS THAT STALKER THAT JUST PULLED THAT OFF!? Christ on a stick, the ringside seating area has turned into a GODDAMN WARZONE!!"
NEELY: "And we are going to have lawsuits out the ASS!! But if we're lucky, we can pin a few on New ERA as well..."
THOMAS: "Both men are laid out, and what's LEFT of the security detail are plucking the fans off the floor to make sure none of them are seriously hurt! That freaking RECKLESS MANIAC!!"
MATTHEWS: "Stalker clearly doesn't give a damn WHO gets hurt! Any man on a decade-long revenge trip clearly can't be THAT rational!"
THOMAS: "God, what a mess there in the ringside seats... meanwhile, both competitors appear to be OUT!! Could THIS BE IT?!"
MATTHEWS: "Looks like STALKER is going to make it... slowly plucking himself off his back and biting back the PAIN coursing through every inch of his body!"
THOMAS: "Daymon, meanwhile... STILL unresponsive!"
THOMAS: "And now DAYMON rolling over... hearing the count, and pushing himself to STAND!!"
MATTHEWS: "Having a little trouble, it seems! He put his weight on that right arm and just about COLLAPSED! I think whatever Stalker just did only moments ago may have been the tip of the iceberg for that right arm!"
THOMAS: "Daymon, using his LEFT arm... groping for the GUARDRAIL now! HURRY UP, Rocko!!"