[ Molson Centre ] Montreal, Quebec

TAPED: Jun. 20, 2005
AIRED: Sep. 05, 2005
PPV: International Intrigue
(CUTTO: Backstage. RAPTURE announcer and backstage interviewer Jason Tripp stands next to a Coca Cola machine.)
TRIPP: "Hello everyone, Jason Tripp here. I am standing only a few feet away from New ERA President Marcus LaRoque’s dressing room as I’ve received word that he and Vice President Juliet Marceau will be coming out of the room for the first time all night!"
(The door in the background opens and two security guards step out followed by LaRoque.)
No Questions Please
TRIPP: "Marcus! Can I have a moment of your time?!"
(A security guard steps in the way.)
GUARD: "I don’t think now is a very good time, Jason."
TRIPP: "But honestly, I won’t take but a minute…"
(LaRoque steps in front of the security guard and puts his arm around Jason Tripp as the two begin to walk.)
LaROQUE: "Jason, I know you’ve got a job to do. Hell, I hired you for this job. You’ve got to understand why I cannot take the time to answer any questions right now .. we’re doing a pay per view .. I’ve got a mad man running around somewhere … as well as … other things to take care of."
TRIPP: "But what about the #1 contender match between Insurgent and Cruise? Insurgent has said he’s going to go down there and get himself disqualified…"
LaROQUE: "I know, I know .. I heard him. If he knows what is good for him, and if Cruise knows what is good for HIM, then that match will go forward with both men trying their best…"
TRIPP: "But what happens if that doesn’t happen?"
(Tripp raises an eyebrow)
TRIPP: "And what is this other stuff you are talking about??"
(The security guard separates Tripp from LaRoque as Marcus continues walking.)
GUARD: "There’s no time for this.."
(The three men walk away as Jason Tripp is left standing there. He turns to the camera and shrugs his shoulders. CUTTO: Ringside.)
GHEORGHE: "Marcus LaRoque on a mission tonight.. we just don’t know what that mission is!"
JIVE: "He kicked Jason Tripp to the curb … but who cares what he’s doing .. we’re about to find out what Cameron Cruise and Insurgent are going to do!"
GHEORGHE: "These two will be wrestling for the right to be the #1 contender for the Television championship .. but Insurgent has come out and said that he’s going to get himself disqualified because he doesn’t want the championship shot … and backstage rumors have suggested that Cameron Cruise paid no attention to this match because he doesn’t want the championship shot either!"
JIVE: "I think Cruise was just scared. The Insurgent has struck fear into the lives of all New ERA’s roster .. and he has gotten so infuriated by having to face Cameron Cruise again that he’s just going to level him and walk out of here a much more well-adjusted man."
GHEORGHE: "We’ll see about that … let’s go to Carl Jacobs."
(CUTTO: Jacobs standing in the ring. The lineup for the match comes on screen … but a quick "chairshot" knocks it off.)
#1 Contender's Match for the:
Television Championship
The Insurgent vs. Cameron Cruise
JIVE: "Ha, ha.. someone backstage has a sense of humor!"
JACOBS: "Ladies and gentlemen.. the following match has a thirty minute time limit …. and the winner will be named the new #1 contender to the Television championship!!"
(SFX: Fans pop.)
JACOBS: "Introducing first…"
(CUEUP: ‘Headstrong’ by Trapt. The fans pop as Cameron Cruise and Mercedes Devon come from behind the curtain.)
JACOBS: "Standing six foot four and weighing 248 pounds … led to the ring by his beautiful wife Mercedes Devon …. He hails from Jacksonville, North Carolina….. ‘the Crippler’ CAMERON CRUISE!!!"
JIVE: "Cruise is just moments away from being crowned the new #1 contender.."
GHEORGHE: "As Marcus said, Nick, I hope these two re-think their position and put on a hell of a match for the fans who have paid to see a great match between these two. They had a fantastic match at RAUCOUS … so we know they have it in them!"
(CUEUP: ‘Don’t Tread on Me’ by Metallica. The fans pop HUGE when they see the Insurgent walk from behind the curtain holding a chair in his hand.)
JACOBS: "And his opponent… standing six foot two, weighing 220 pounds and hailing from everywhere and anywhere ….. the INSURGENT!!!"
(SFX: Bell rings.)
GHEORGHE: "The referee is pleading with Insurgent to drop the chair …"
(SFX: Fans pop HUGE as President Marcus LaRoque and his two bodyguards step from behind the curtain and stand at the top of the rampway. Insurgent and Cruise turn to look at LaRoque who raises a finger and waives it at them.)
JIVE: "LaRoque is telling them not to try anything!"
GHEORGHE: "The Insurgent raises the chair in the air .. NO DON’T DO IT!"
JIVE: "Cameron Cruise is egging him on!"
GHEORGHE: "The referee is trying to grab the chair away from the Insurgent as Cameron Cruise is yelling at Insurgent to hit him …. AND FINALLY INSURGENT IS LISTENING TO REASON!"
JIVE: "Insurgent drops the chair …"
(SFX: Bell rings. Fans begin to jeer, though some cheer!)
JACOBS: "The winner of this match via DISQUALIFICATION ……….. ‘the CRIPPLER’ CAMERON CRUISE!!"
GHEORGHE: "Insurgent has done what he said he’d do! He’s thrown this match away!"
(LaRoque and his security guards begin to walk down the rampway. LaRoque has fire in his eyes.)
JIVE: "Doesn’t look like LaRoque enjoyed this at all!"
(LaRoque walks over to Carl Jacobs and talks to him before he enters the ring..)
JACOBS: "Ladies and gentlemen! I have just been informed by President Marcus LaRoque …. That the official result of this match …. IS A DRAW! Since it is a draw … NEITHER MAN BECOMES THE NEW #1 CONTENDER TO THE TELEVISION TITLE!"
(SFX: Crowd jeers!)
GHEORGHE: "What?! Marcus LaRoque has stripped Cameron Cruise of the victory!!"
JIVE: "Well, LaRoque has the microphone now .. and he and his bodyguards are standing in the ring with Insurgent … Mercedes Devon is also in the ring as she tries to help Cameron back to his feet."
(LaRoque waits for Cruise to get back to his feet before he begins to speak.)
LaROQUE: "I must say, Insurgent. I didn’t think you’d actually go through with it. But then again, why shouldn’t I have? But you chose the wrong time .. the wrong place … and the wrong match to do this."
GHEORGHE: "Uh-oh…"
LaROQUE: "Both of you should be ashamed of yourselves. A pay per view match .. for a championship shot … and you two treat it as if it is something to just … TOSS AWAY!?"
JIVE: "Yes … that’s what they did! But I’m sure it was Cruise’s fault! He’s been acting strange lately!"
LaROQUE: "I don’t think so. When you are scheduled for a match … you’re expected to show up. You’re expected to PERFORM. I don’t care if it’s for a championship shot … or if it’s a hog pen match! If I say that you’re in a match … YOU PERFORM!"
GHEORGHE: "LaRoque is not a happy camper, folks … I’m sorry you all have to witness this."
JIVE: "LaRoque wanted this .. he could have obviously have done this in his office. It’s a strategic move on his part to verbally lash out at Cruise and Insurgent."
LaROQUE: "You both should be on your knees begging me not to put you in matches with no-names for the rest of your careers! But instead of doing that .. I am stripping Cruise of the #1 contender championship … and giving it to a man who truly deserves it. Who has shown in his matches here in New ERA that he’s been up to the test… so … YOUR NEW #1 CONTENDER TO THE TELEVISION TITLE ……….. MR. ENTERTAINMENT!"
(SFX: Fans jeer!)
JIVE: "Mr. Entertainment gets the championship shot!"
GHEORGHE: "Mr. Entertainment won his match earlier tonight against the Phantom Republican and Mark Matix …. And after Cruise and Insurgent’s display here tonight, he’s foregone the referee’s decision and given the championship to Entertainment!"
(SFX: Crowd quiets as Cameron Cruise shakes his head at LaRoque in disgust. Devon tries to comfort him. Insurgent stands in the opposite corner with his eyes locked on LaRoque .. not making any movement.)
LaROQUE: "But don’t you two think that you’re getting off with a draw and a tongue lashing … oh no… because of your lack of enthusiasm for a New ERA pay per view match … YOU BOTH ARE SUSPENDED FOR ONE SHOW!"
(SFX: Fans jeer!)
JIVE: "What!"
GHEORGHE: "Wow! President LaRoque is DEFINITELY not taking this match lightly!"
LaROQUE: "You two need to realize that *I* call the shots in New ERA. If I say you will wrestle a paper bag … you will wrestle a paper bag and be DAMN HAPPY ABOUT IT!"
(LaRoque walks to the ropes and turns his back on Insurgent and Cruise. He rests his arms over the top rope.)
LaROQUE: "That suspension takes place IMMEDIATELY … and to ensure that you two at least adhere to that … well, you’ll have a little help in finding the door."
(As LaRoque says that a large group of police officers run through the curtain and come down the rampway. They circle the ring and slide in. Cruise and Insurgent take a fighting stance as they don’t know really what to do.)
(LaRoque turns around and looks in between his two bodyguards at Insurgent and Cruise.)
LaROQUE: "Next time … use your heads."
(LaRoque throws the microphone down and walks out of the ring and up the rampway. His bodyguards have to keep some food from hitting him.)
GHEORGHE: "NOW THE POLICE OFFICERS ARE TAKING CRUISE AND INSURGENT OUT OF THE RING! I can’t believe this! Not only are they suspended for a show .. but they are being kicked out of the arena!"
(The police officers pat the two wrestlers down to make sure there’s nothing hidden in their tights.)
CRUISE: "HEY! Watch where you’re putting those hands!"
JIVE: "Cameron Cruise a little jumpy .. probably having a nightmare right now about his ex, who I’ve heard has a police uniform fetish…"
GHEORGHE: "Ladies and gentlemen… Cameron Cruise and Insurgent are being taken from the ring now … and they’re being led up the rampway …"
JIVE: "Well … at least Mr. Entertainment is the #1 contender to the Television championship!"
( continued... )