[ Madison Square Garden ] New York, New York


TAPED: Sep. 19, 2006
AIRED: Dec. 09, 2006
PPV: BattleBRAWL 2

(CUTTO: Ringside.  Tom Gheorghe, Nick Jive and Dean Julius are watching as the ring crew furiously cleans up the ringside area.)

GHEORGHE: "That was absolutely vicious."

JULIUS:  "It’s exactly the type of match we needed tonight.  Not only was that brutal .. but with the BattleBRAWL rumble coming up .. and then the main event … we’ve got a long way to go before the night is over."

JIVE: "This is for the chance to walk away with a championship shot .. you know that everyone is going to be bringing their A game tonight."

GHEORGHE: "Last BattleBRAWL MWG walked in last, and walked out with the first ever BattleBRAWL Cup .. and the Television championship.  This year we don’t know who will be the final competitor in the ring .. but we do know who will be entering number one."

JIVE: "Poor Shawn Hart.  He lost to Daymon in two straight falls .. and then lost to Cameron Cruise to get stuck in, by far, the worst position in the rumble."

JULIUS:  "Hey now .. last year Cameron Cruise came in at number two and almost won the damn thing.  But, wouldn’t it be poetic to see Cameron Cruise walk out as number two once again this time around?"

GHEORGHE: "I doubt Cameron Cruise would be too happy about it.  It is one thing to make it through the BattleBRAWL one time .. but to have to do it two straight rumbles?  I don’t think it could be done, Dean."

JIVE: "Finally these guys are finished cleaning up from the P©X match."

GHEORGHE: "This is it, ladies and gentlemen.. the BattleBRAWL rumble.. twenty men .. one championship shot .. let’s head up to Carl Jacobs for the ring introductions .. we already know who number one is .. but in just a few moments we’ll find out who drew unlucky number two!"

(CUTTO: Carl Jacobs is standing in the ring. The BattleBRAWL 2 Rumble graphic pops up.)

Winner Receives World Heavyweight Championship Shot
BattleBRAWL Rumble

JACOBS: "Ladies and gentlemen … the following match is the BATTLEBRAWL RUMBLE .. there are twenty men … two men will start out .. and every 2 minutes a new man will enter the ring.  The winner will receive the BattleBRAWL Cup … and a championship shot at a show of his choosing against the World Heavyweight Champion.  Introducing the man who will enter number one…"

(CUEUP:  ‘Nobody Does It Better’ by Carly Simon.  Shawn Hart enters through the curtain looking jubilant.  He walks down the rampway slowly, soaking in the attention that the first competitor gets.)

JACOBS: "Hailing from Orlando, Florida… ‘the PHENOM’ SHAWN HART!!"

(Hart enters the ring and waits in the corner.)

JIVE: "Look at how determined he looks.  I bet he was up all night watching tapes of each guy in the rumble tonight."

JULIUS:  "He’s got the rope already halfway around his neck, he’s just waiting for competitors number 2 through 10 to help finish the job."

JACOBS: "And introducing next … the man who drew NUMBER 2!!"

(CUEUP:  ‘Won’t Back Down’ by Tom Petty.)

GHEORGHE: "Steve Johnson draws number 2!"

(Steve Johnson comes out from behind the curtain to a good pop.)

JACOBS: "Hailing from Columbus, Ohio… STEVE JOHNSON!"

(SFX: Bell rings.)

GHEORGHE: "Shawn Hart and Steve Johnson will be starting off this rumble .. and both men are slowly sizing each other up!"

JIVE: "Looks like Cameron Cruise won’t be entering number two this year."

JULIUS: "Shame, too.  I thought it would have been funny."

GHEORGHE: "Johnson and Hart coming into the center of the ring .. they lock up .. and Hart pushes Johnson back into the ropes.  Steve Johnson uses the momentum to come back .. AND LEVELS SHAWN HART WITH A CLOTHESLINE!  Hart quickly back to his feet, and he ducks a thrown punch by Johnson.  Hart with a pick up .. and an atomic drop sends Johnson hopping around the apron."

JIVE: "I never really understood why the first two guys always fought each other."

JULIUS: "You want to get that person out so you can focus on the next person."

JIVE: "Yea .. but they should work together to eliminate as many people as possible instead of wearing themselves down."

GHEORGHE: "Hart with a kick to the gut .. swinging neckbreaker drops Johnson to the mat.  Shawn Hart is back on his feet .. and he grabs the legs of Steve Johnson …. AND CATAPULTS HIM INTO THE CORNER!"

JIVE: "Johnson nailed his head on the top turnbuckle pad, but luckily fell back to the mat and not over the top rope."

GHEORGHE: "Shawn Hart keeping right on top of him as he grabs the head of Johnson.  He brings him to his feet and locks on the front facelock.  A peculiar move I would think."

JULIUS: "I have to agree.  At this point you want to get Johnson out of there as fast as you can.  Wearing him down would be good if this were a regular match .. but right now I think he’s already wobbly from the onset so you don’t need to let him try to come up with some sort of gameplan while locked in the facelock."

GHEORGHE: "Johnson trying to pry his head of it .. but he’s not having any luck.  He grabs the side of Hart … AND LEVELS A FIST RIGHT INTO IT!  Hart might have had the wind knocked out of him as he lets go of the facelock.  Johnson in the corner to get some oxygen.. and here comes Hart.. But Johnson spins around and connects with a boot to the gut!  Johnson grabs Hart … AND HE’s TRYING TO DUMP HIM OVER THE TOP!"

JIVE: "Hart’s holding on .. but how long can he hold on for?"

JULIUS: "I think it’s too early in the match for Hart to go out like this .. both men obviously still have a lot of strength left."

CROWD: "10 .. 9 .. 8 .. 7 … 6 …"

JIVE: "We’re getting ready for number three!"

CROWD:  "4 .. 3 … 2 ….. 1…."



JULIUS: "If there was a guy who could easily storm through the other men in this match, it’d be Solian.  But at number three?  This should definitely be interesting!"

GHEORGHE: "Solian slides into the ring and IMMEDIATELY goes after both men … Johnson smartly releases Hart and comes at Solian .. BUT SOLIAN WITH A BIG BOOT TO THE FACE!  Hart takes a look at Solian .. and he drops to the mat!  Solian over to Hart … and he’s putting the boots to the chest of ‘the Phenom!’.."

JIVE: "Shawn Hart was smart.  He knew not to be on his feet near the ropes with Solian coming after you!"

GHEORGHE: "Steve Johnson back on his feet and he charges at Solian from behind … BUT SOLIAN TURNS ….. AND GRABS HIM BY THE THROAT!"

JIVE: "Not so fast.."


JULIUS: "Yes .. that’s it … why not hop on the guys back so he can dump you over the top."

GHEORGHE: "Steven Johnson now breaks free from Solian’s grip .. and JOHNSON WITH A LEG SWEEP SENDS SHAWN HART FLYING INTO THE CANVAS!"

JULIUS: "Hart might have broken Solian’s fall right there … he definitely took the brunt of that."

JIVE: "Johnson won’t let him up though."

GHEORGHE: "Steve Johnson grabs the head of Ulysis Solian and is pounding away … he brings him up to his feet and sends him into the ropes.. BAD MOVE BY JOHNSON!  Johnson ducked his head .. and Solian caught him .. DDT to the mat and Johnson is flat on his back."

JULIUS:  "You can’t make a mistake like that in this match.  He’s lucky that Solian only DDT’ed him and didn’t decide to take him by the hair and steamroll him out of the ring."

GHEORGHE: "Solian now up to his feet again … as is Shawn Hart.  Shawn Hart throws a left hook.. but Solian blocks!  Hart with another attempt … and Solian blocks this one, too!  Solian hooks both arms … DOUBLE ARM BELLY TO BELLY SUPLEX!  Hart just went flying into the corner and Solian has definitely exerted himself in this match!"

JIVE: "Better watch out .. Ulysis Solian could easily come into New ERA … win this thing .. win the World championship .. and then you would have New ERA being led by a guy whose not even on our roster!"

JULIUS:  "It’d be better than some of the losers we’ve had as champions in the past."

GHEORGHE: "Hey now… Solian brings Johnson back to his feet … and he is bringing him over to the ropes… and he’s trying to dump him over the top!"

CROWD: "10!  9!  8!"

JULIUS: "Is it that time already?!"

JIVE: "They come quickly it seems."

CROWD: "5! 4! 3! 2! 1!"


JULIUS: "Oh my lord.."


GHEORGHE: "Quite the difference from last BattleBRAWL when he drew the last number…"

JIVE: "And MWG is taking his time coming down as he looks Ulysis Solian with an inquisitive eye."

GHEORGHE: "Solian drops Johnson … and now he’s pointing at MWG … and MWG is .. smiling?"

JIVE: "Solian better get his focus back on the match … because Steve Johnson is circling in for the kill!"

GHEORGHE: "MWG has made it to ringside .. and Solian …. WAIT! HERE COMES STEVE JOHNSON!  JOHNSON CHARGES…… OH MY GOD!"


JIVE: "Solian side stepped Johnson at the last minute and threw him over the top rope .. right onto MWG!"

GHEORGHE: "Ulysis Solian getting the first elimination of the night as he gets rid of Steve Johnson … and now MWG slides in … and goes straight after Solian!  MWG scraping those nails across the chest of Solian … and here comes Shawn Hart … Shawn Hart now holding Solian …. AND MWG CONNECTS WITH AN ELBOW TO THE FACE!  MWG WITH ANOTHER!"

JULIUS: "Smart.  Solian has been on a tear since he came in .. and MWG and Hart working together to stop his momentum is the best thing they can do right now."

GHEORGHE: "Hart releases Solian .. and now MWG and Hart double teaming him .. they hook the head … and suplex him to the mat!  MWG holds Solian down .. AND SHAWN HART IS GOING TO THE CORNER!  Shawn Hart climbing the turnbuckle…. AND FLIES OFF CONNECTING WITH A BIG ELBOW DROP!"

JULIUS: "This is exactly how it should work."

JIVE: "MWG now on top of Solian and starts nailing him with fists … and Shawn Hart goes to the corner and relaxes."

GHEORGHE: "Solian tossed Steve Johnson on top of MWG to welcome him to the rumble .. and now MWG is getting his revenge.  MWG slides off Soli… oh my.  He slid his lower torso right over the face of Solian… Solian pushes MWG off as fast as he can.  MWG back to Solian .. but Ulysis Solian with a closed fist to the gut … and he uppercuts MWG in the jaw.  MWG rocks back …. AND SOLIAN SPRINGS UP WITH A CLOTHESLINE!  Shawn Hart now coming out of the corner … he hooks Solian from behind."

JIVE: "Solian with a back elbow!"

GHEORGHE: "But Hart ducks and lets Solian’s momentum turn him around … BELLY TO BELLY SUPLEX!  Shawn Hart back up … AND MWG CLOBBERS HIM FROM BEHIND WITH A FLYING FOREARM!"

JULIUS: "Well, that teamwork lasted as long as it could."

GHEORGHE: "MWG grabs Shawn Hart … and shoves him into Solian!  Solian goes into the ropes … AND GETS CAUGHT!"

CROWD: "10! 9! 8! 7!"

JULIUS: "Here we go .. number 5 soon to enter!"

CROWD: "4! 3! 2! 1!"

(SFX: Buzz!)

GHEORGHE: "The Wolf!"

JIVE: "Chris McMillan runs down the isle and slides into the ring … AND IMMEDIATELY GOES AFTER MWG!"

GHEORGHE: "McMillan has been wanting to get his hands on MWG for causing Jason Payne’s apparent meltdown .. and if there’s one other person who wanted to get revenge as much as Payne, it is the Wolf!"

JULIUS: "McMillan shouldn’t let his anger get the best of him .. it will only hurt him in a match like this."

GHEORGHE: "MWG drops to the mat .. and trips McMillan as he charged.. MWG floats over the top of him and locks on a side headlock.  But McMillan quickly slips out from underneath and locks the arm behind the back of MWG."

JULIUS: "Some actual wrestling moves coming from the Wolf.  I figured he’d go in there guns blazing, fists flying."

GHEORGHE: "McMillan has that arm locked in tight .. and now he’s slapping the back of MWG’s head.  Solian is still caught in the ropes .. and here comes Shawn Hart to help him out .. over the top, that is."

JIVE: "Solian trying to keep Hart at bay by kicking at him … BUT HART CATCHES ONE LEG!"

JULIUS: "He couldn’t catch the other, though, as Solian connects in the face."

GHEORGHE: "Solian manages to wriggle out of the ropes . and he may have hurt his shoulders.  Meanwhile McMillan brought MWG down to the mat .. and is driving knees into the arm .. Solian grabs Shawn Hart and whips him across the ring … Hart comes back … FLYING CROSS BOD… SOLIAN CATCHES HIM!  Ulysis Solian brings ‘the Phenom’ to the corner and tries to dump him over … but Hart holds on to the ropes!"

JULIUS: "MWG just flipped over onto his back and crotched Chris McMillan as he tried to drive another knee down.  Both of those men are on the mat."

GHEORGHE: "Shawn Hart has both hands wrapped around the top rope .. and Solian is trying his hardest to get him over …. BUT MWG FROM BEHIND CLIPS THE LEG!  Solian goes down to the mat and Shawn Hart is saved from elimination."

JIVE: "And what a way to repay MWG …a kick to the nuts."



JULIUS: "It looks as if MWG won’t be repeating!"

JIVE: "AND CHRIS McMILLAN IS IRATE!  McMillan now attacking Shawn Hart … and he connects with rapid European uppercuts!  McMillan sends Hart into the corner … AND SLAMS SHOULDER FIRST INTO HART’s midsection!"

GHEORGHE: "Chris McMillan grabs the head of Hart .. AND RUNS OUT OF THE CORNER WITH A BULLDOG!  Solian is back up … and he takes the wind of out of McMillan with a vicious knee to the gut!  Solian hooks the arm between the legs.. and drives ‘the Wolf’ to the mat with a pumphandle slam!"

JULIUS: "We’ve already seen Steve Johnson and MWG get eliminated … and we still have fourteen more entrants to go …"

CROWD: "10! 9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1!"

(SFX: Buzz!)

JIVE: "Make that thirteen more.."

JULIUS: "This rumble … is about to become a lot more ENTERTAINING."

GHEORGHE: "New ERA Television Champion Mr. Entertainment draws number six!"

JIVE: "Look at that championship shine in the lights of Madison Square Garden.  Stunning."

GHEORGHE: "You have to wonder if Mr. Entertainment isn’t at least a little bit happy that MWG was eliminated before he came out .. as Mr. Entertainment won the Television championship from MWG."

JULIUS: "All I know is that Mr. Entertainment is heading into the ring .. and he’s going to outshine everyone else in there … just like that championship is shining right now."

GHEORGHE: "Mr. Entertainment slides in .. and he is greeted by Shawn Hart.   Shawn Hart with a rake of the eyes … AND A STANDING DROPKICK SEND MR. ENTERTAINMENT THROUGH THE ROPES TO THE ARENA FLOOR!"

JIVE: "But he went through the ropes!"



JIVE: "Let’s just hope that the ring attendants took away all the weapons from the P©X match earlier!"

GHEORGHE: "Solian turns around .. and he thinks that Hart and Mr. Entertainment have eliminated one another!  Solian goes back to work on McMillan … He grabs McMillan .. AND HOISTS HIM OVER HIS HEAD!  AND SOLIAN DROPS HIM DOWN ON THE KNEE!"

JIVE: "Hart and Entertainment are still in this thing, so Solian better keep an eye on them."

JULIUS: "Solian is focused on McMillan right now .. he brings McMillan to the ropes … AND HE TRIES TO DUMP HIM OVER!  McMillan has a grip on the bottom rope … and is trying his best to keep it there."

GHEORGHE: "Hart is ripping up the padding on the arena floor and exposing the concrete …. HE IS GOING TO PILEDRIVE MR. ENTERTAINMENT RIGHT ONTO THE CONCRETE!  Hart hooks the waist …. BUT ENTERTAINMENT BLOCKS!  Hart tries again … and again the Television champion blocks … AND HE BACKBODY DROPS HART RIGHT ONTO THE CONCRETE!!"

JIVE: "Hart has already been in the rumble the longest .. and now with his back smacking against the concrete .. well he might not be in the rumble that much longer!"

JULIUS: "McMillan on the other hand is almost out … his grip seems to be slipping."



GHEORGHE: "Wow!  I thought for sure that one .. hell, both of them, would have been gone!" 

JULIUS: "That’s not the case as both men show some incredible athleticism."

CROWD: "10! 9! 8! 7!"

JIVE: "What is this? Seven? Eight?"

JULIUS: "Seven, I believe."

CROWD: "3! 2! 1!"

(SFX: Buzz!)


JIVE: "And the crowd is going crazy!"


JULIUS: "WOW!  Just like that Solian is knocked cold!"

GHEORGHE: "Copycat doesn’t get a chance to capitalize as Mr. Entertainment attacks him from behind … but Copycat … Copycat just turns around and LAUGHS!  Mr. Entertainment with a chop across the chest … AND COPYCAT WITH ONE OF HIS OWN THAT SENDS MR. ENTERTAINMENT TO THE MAT!  Mr. Entertainment backs up into the corner …. AND HERE COMES SHAWN HART AFTER COPYCAT!"

JIVE: "Shawn Hart is a former WFW Heavyweight Champion himself …"

GHEORGHE: "Shawn Hart with a clothesline .. but Copycat just shakes his head at him … Shawn Hart against the ropes again … but this time he slides underneath Copycat’s legs … Copycat turns AND HART WITH A LOW BLOW!  Copycat’s smile turns downwards … AND HART WITH AN IMPLANT DDT!"

JIVE: "Mr. Entertainment wisely backed off and decided to go to work on Chris McMillan … Ulysis Solian is starting to come to after that Kit Kat Kick … but he looks very groggy still as he sits up."

JULIUS: "Copycat loves rumbles … and if there was one guy who has the experience needed to walk out on top … Copycat has got it."

GHEORGHE: "Well right now Shawn Hart is giving it to him."

JIVE: "Mr. Entertainment has Chris McMillan over in the corner … AND HE IS SETTING HIM UP TOP!"

JULIUS: "Mr. Entertainment is the smartest man in wrestling … he knows what he is doing."

GHEORGHE: "Entertainment goes up top with him …… SUPERPLEX BY THE TELEVISION CHAMPION!"

JIVE: "Chris McMillan is knocked out in the center of the ring.  Stick a fork in him, he’s done!"

JULIUS: "I hate to say it, but I agree with you, Jive.  McMillan’s time in the rumble seems to be fleeting quickly."

GHEORGHE: "Solian is back up … and he just shoved Shawn Hart to the side … AND IS LAYING INTO COPYCAT!  Copycat trying to get back to his feet .. but Solian keeping up the pressure.  Solian with a roundhouse right!  And now he jams the foot into the jaw of Copycat.  Shawn Hart is back over .. and now he and Solian are double teaming the former WFW Heavyweight Champion."

JULIUS: "Mr. Entertainment is getting in on the action now … and all three men are taking turns.  But Copycat comes roaring back!  Copycat with a headbutt to Mr. Entertainment sending him to the mat.  Copycat with a headbutt to Shawn Hart sending him to the mat.  Copycat with a cloth… NO! Solian with a kick to the gut!  Solian grabs the arms .. DOUBLE ARM DDT!"

CROWD: "10! 9! 8!"

JIVE: "We are about to have a sixth man in the ring right now .. this rumble is really starting to heat up!"

CROWD: "2! 1!"

(SFX: Buzz!)

( continued... )